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Re: For those of you who are dairy free....

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back at ya Janice :)

100. per session is a good price. Get the book- The Oxygen

Revolution - Harsch. I'm guessing this may be one of

those " freakish " topics to someone who's never heard of it. But,

take my word, it's at least worth a trip to the bookstore. Oxygen is

healing - our (ok, some) kids essentially have brain damage


The book shows brain scans of before and after - undeniable. Where

there was once lack of blood flow - after - renewed blood flow.

Also, the book showed a writing sample of a kid before and after a

session of 40 dives, Again, undeniable, healing at the root. I feel

this therapy will make the biomeds and if I choose to go back to

rehabilitative therapy more of a shot of taking hold.

brief - from Hartsoe - owner of Miracle Mountain (about 60.

per session - they offer cheap accomodations- virtually a non

profit). Oxygen under pressure (hard chamber)causes the fluids of

the body to become saturate with oxygen. This puts oxygen to the

damaged neurons and in turn, creates new capillary growth to those

neurons. The new growth is what also helps make chelation more

successful(natural or w/ an agent). Not only do the capillaries make

it possible for more oxygen to go to the neurons, these same

capillaries are the carriers to remove toxins from the neuron. New

growth will begin within the first few treatments and accelerate

after 30 or more sessions. It is important to do at least

another grouping of 40 sessions to keep the new capilary

growth progressing.

I have chosen to do 120 dives - we've done 40 and are going in April

for another 40. Yes, a committment but my boy is still in pre school.

Yes, everyone needs to pick and choose the many healing and

rehabilitative options based on their own childs' needs and budget.

Recovery is a marathon - but dog-on-it, feels like a race when you've

got little developing brains.

All in all it's a pretty facinating field - and of course mostly off

label in the mainstream. Although, I think there should be

hyperbaric oxygen on every corner and for certain in every senior

citizen home. When we went in Sept. there was an adult session with

2 men who had strokes and one woman dx MS. Our session, 3 boys with

CP and my son. ALL but us were on their 2nd or 3rd session (40 dives)


> ,


> You make me smile! :)


> Great post....


> Someday I would like very much to hear of your experiences with


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Sorry, I'm using NACD-speak. I do not mean brain damaged from birth

injury, accident, illness, etc. I meant it most simply as if

something isn't working the way it should be, it's injured, broken,

in some way, and needs to be fixed. That's what therapy does -- it

builds those missing connections. I don't usually use the word

immature in this context, because to me that implies that development

will happen eventually without intervention. Semantically speaking,

it's the difference between " delay " and " disorder " .

Does that make sense?

in NJ



> In a message dated 2/15/2008 5:16:52 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

> bigcheech91@... writes:


> and since neurological problems = brain injury, it

> theoretically should help any of these kids. That said, not all

> injuries are created equal. A cut is a simple boo boo, neural

> pathways not so simple.







> Correct me if I'm wrong, but all of what I've read about


> it's all said that there IS NO Brain injury or damage with these

kids, but

> rather that it's an immature neurological functioning (lack of

neural pathways

> as compared to damage done to those pathways or the brain)


> Am I wrong with this?



> Becky




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