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There are so many questions in the early days about which products to

use. I found it helpful to go to www.gfcfdiet.com and scroll through

the acceptable list. I picked out a few staple items that I thought

would be easy to find and stuck with them initially. After getting

the diet down pat, I started adding other brands and foods and

reducing the load of artifical colors & flavors.

On the acceptable list, you will find several gfcf brands for the

items you listed. As I recall, most are readily available at a

supermarket. For insect repellent, we like Burt's Bees as we are

avoiding DEET these days.

> I just started my son on the Gluten free part.... >

> Please give me names of sunscreesn, bug repelliant, Shampoo and any

other personal care items that I can use. This would appreciated.


> Thank you for all the help and for the much anticpated advice.


> Kim

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Just an FYI, but our neuroligist told us the first symptom of too much

magnesium is loose stools, your loose stools could certainly be yeast, but

there is just one more question I have for you, what do they look like, I

only ask because I work in healthcare and a very sweet smelling, seedy

mustard colored stool is almost always a sign of a c-diff infection, easily

treated with flagyl{ perscription} dont know about gf/cf on that med though.



> I just started my son on the Gluten free part. He has been getting

diarhea every morning. It is sweet smelling. Could this be Yeast? I am

also giving him B6 and Magnuesium. Could the diarhea be from too much

vitamins? What should I do? Is this part of withdrawl? He is going nuts

trying to get me to get him suckers from the pantry?


> Please give me names of sunscreesn, bug repelliant, Shampoo and any other

personal care items that I can use. This would appreciated.


> Thank you for all the help and for the much anticpated advice.


> Kim




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Hi Kim,

I use Banana Boat sunscreen for kids or Kay sunscreen,

& Baby shampoo, any Arm & Hammer toothpaste or Toms of Maine

toothpaste or any Pepsodent toothpaste. Dial liquid antibacterial

hand soap (gold) is safe...I also use this for bubble bath. I don't

know about the bug repellant because I don't use it. These are the

brands I use, but there are several other acceptable brands listed

on the gfcfdiet website www.gfcfdiet.com

They have lots of valuable information including names of additives

that contain gluten. Gluten is the hardest to avoid because it is in almost


I hope I have been able to help you. I hope you see great results

on the diet, however, I beleive you will see even better results

when you remove the casein as well. Good luck!


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  • 1 month later...
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It is so hard when you first find out the diagnosis and you see your

kid changing right before your eyes. Nothing can happen fast enough.

Plus it sounds like your school may be out of compliance. I don't

know what state you are in and what would be best advise for you.

You might want to consider writing a certified letter to the school

district documenting the delay services. It would be good if you can

document dates and people you spoke with. I would send this letter

to the school itself, teacher and principal, and Superintendent of

the school district. In addition, if you really want to rock their

boat you can send it to your state district representative. It will

make them nervous. Be prepared for unhappy campers.

I am almost sure federal statues state the school must answer your

request for services like testing within 2 weeks (a defined time

amount not indefinitely). It doesn't mean they do it in 2 weeks but

they should start the process. Each state is different on how they

do that. It doesn't sound like they have started your process.

Also the State Mental Health Service or state agency usually have

services at a no charge basis. You may want to contact them to see if

ABA is available through there. At the very least some parent


Someone gave you a autism.com web site - there is a wealth of

information there and simple safe bio treatments you can start. Be

aware that you may not want to start too much too soon because then

you may not know what helps and what doesn't.

I have 3 children ( 2 NT and 1 on the ASD) and it is tough getting

out to places like support meetings. So I use the internet for

support, and books. Maurice's book is good ( Let me hear

your voice). I cried all through it. It focuses on ABA. Karyn

Serrousi book is wonderful too but focuses on diet, and bio

treatments. ' book is great too.

Dr. Dorris Rapp has a book - Is this your child. I found that


There is a book called The Dreams you will Dream. It is book written

by parents there are 30 or so different vignettes abut families

dealing w/ kids with special disabilities. There are several

families with Autism. They have learned to accept their different

family and found a type of peace. I found that book very helpful.

No one knows where your road with your son will lead. We are all

here and what we have found is that many of us can talk w/family and

friends and they just don't understand. We all walk this together

and I think most of us would agree our kids are better ( some have

even been de-classified)

Stay the course. Ask for what you need. Take one day at a time. We

are here.

God Bless

Jeneane, Houston

Nick 5 -nt

3 ( PDD-Nos)

Beth 2-NT

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Hi Kim,

I can't remember what treatment you're on or had, but if you're hypo as a

result of surgery or RAI, it's possible to become hyperthyroid again but not


Be sure to get copies of all your labs and be sure that your doctor is

ordering FT4, FT3 and TSH levels. You want to make sure that the meds you're

on provide you with normal FT4 and FT3 levels. The first year after ablative

therapy levels can jump around but with proper monitoring your doctor will

find a dose that works for you. Hypothyroidism can make eye symptoms worse.

In particular it can cause periorbital edema or swelling around the eyes and

eyelids. Take care, Elaine

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So Dr says yes you are hypo, but did he increase your med's a little? Have

you and him talked about adding T3 like cytomel with your synthroid? I

currently take .75 of synthroid and 5 cytomel 3 times day. My TSH is very

low, below 1, but I feel great. Cytomel really made a difference for me.

If your doctor thinks you have to stay where you are because you are better

there than being hyper, then you need to find a new doctor. You should and

will be able to feel almost as good as you use to feel before this disease

ever started for you. I do, but I have recognized that I am a little on the

fragile side sometimes and take longer to rebound from trips, and girls

nights out.

Jen M


> Hi everyone, I thought that I was getting better. I feel so sick and I'm

so tired I went to the Dr. today and he told me that I was hypo. I ALREADY

KNOW THIS! I wish that these dr's would understand that I want to know how I

can feel better.I asked him if I could take more of the synthroid and he

said that if I took to much it would make me hyper again and it wasn't good

for my heart but if I stayed hypo to long it isn't good for my health. I'm

so confused and upset. when I got to my car I laid my head down on the

steering wheel and cried. I'm so worried about this swelling in my eyes I

thought this med. would help me. I guess I have to give it time I have only

been taking it for one week today. Will this hypo ever be over and does this

mean that I'll be hyper again? please help I'm so confused. Thanks Kim H.



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Hi Kim-

The 1/2 life of Synthroid is 6 days (the time it takes for your body to use

up half of the drug) so that's probably why your doctor is reluctant to

increase your dose so soon. Sometimes it takes 2 weeks to even see an

improvement. You should see a little improvement on where you were a week

ago unless you're becoming hypo at a faster rate. When is your next appt.?

When I change my Synthroid dose it takes 2 to 3 months to see the full

effect but I'll feel better within 1 or 2 weeks. Hopefully, your

endocrinologist will be willing to see you sooner if you're still not

improving within the week.

Take care,

dx & RAI 1987 (at age 24)

> Hi everyone, I thought that I was getting better. I feel so sick and I'm

so tired I went to the Dr. today and he told me that I was hypo. I ALREADY

KNOW THIS! I wish that these dr's would understand that I want to know how I

can feel better.I asked him if I could take more of the synthroid and he

said that if I took to much it would make me hyper again and it wasn't good

for my heart but if I stayed hypo to long it isn't good for my health. I'm

so confused and upset. when I got to my car I laid my head down on the

steering wheel and cried. I'm so worried about this swelling in my eyes I

thought this med. would help me. I guess I have to give it time I have only

been taking it for one week today. Will this hypo ever be over and does this

mean that I'll be hyper again? please help I'm so confused. Thanks Kim H.

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  • 4 months later...

Hi and welcome,

You need to give us more info. To be able to help you, tell us what your

treatment, labs, and symptoms have. Nobody can tell you what to do--or help

you figure it out for yourself without information.



> Reply-To: graves_support

> Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 23:49:36 -0000

> To: graves_support

> Subject: HELP


> I have had graves for over a year and it has not gotten better. My

> options know are Radioactive Iodine or surgery. Has anyone had

> experiences with both? If you have can you please tell me about them

> because right know I'm not sure what I should do.




> -------------------------------------

> The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

> intended to replace expert medical care.

> Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.

> ----------------------------------------



> Advertisments placed on this yahoo groups list do not have the endorsement of

> the listowner. I have no input as to what ads are attached to emails.

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

> --------



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First off, you need to get copies of your labs. That is first on the agenda.

Then, how much and which type of meds were you on? Without this information,

impossible to know where you started out at, and where you are now. You need

to get copies of all your labs, and the ranges, from your Dr. Then when you

post them here, somebody can help you determine what is going on and if you were

being treated optimally.

If you have a Dr who is pushing RAI, then you need a new dr of tell this one no!

Not till you've had time to research it in full. Same with surgery.



I have had graves for over a year and it has not gotten better. My

options know are Radioactive Iodine or surgery. Has anyone had

experiences with both? If you have can you please tell me about them

because right know I'm not sure what I should do.

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  • 4 years later...
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I had the same problem until my husband told me to check my security

settings under Tools then Internet Options (I use Windows Internet

Explorer.) When I relaxed the restrictions, the links appeared at

the bottom of the page. Hope that helps.




> OK - why cannot I find the archives. I go to the bottom of the

page and

> never see archives anywhere. I know that it is probably there but


> someone draw me a map? [Map]

> <http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZS>


> Thanks.


> Terri G.






> <http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb068_ZS>


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  • 1 month later...
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I am in a pretty desperate situation right now. I don't have any family around me, I am originally from TX, and I am living in IA. Not only is being diagnosed with NS enough for somebody to go through, but I was told today that I probably have tongue cancer. I have to have a biopsy on July 2nd. I am soooo damn scared right now. And it hurts. I am 32 years old, this isn't supposed to be happening....I have a beautiful 11 year old son who I have to be here for.


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Christy, Think positive, I always say no need in worrying about what you don't know, I am thinking positive thoughts for you, and if you would like I would be happy to pray for you. Hang in there, positive thinking, blessings, Marla

I am in a pretty desperate situation right now. I don't have any family around me, I am originally from TX, and I am living in IA. Not only is being diagnosed with NS enough for somebody to go through, but I was told today that I probably have tongue cancer. I have to have a biopsy on July 2nd. I am soooo damn scared right now. And it hurts. I am 32 years old, this isn't supposed to be happening....I have a beautiful 11 year old son who I have to be here for.


-- Marla Bramer Independent Beauty Consultant Kaymbramer@... www.marykay.com

'I know the plans I have for you, declared the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you; Plans to give you a future and a hope

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Hang in there you and your son are in our most fervent prayers, Remember that more people with cancer survive just fine. I know this is a lot for you to handle. Know that we are there with you during this time of anguish. I've been in a similar situation so I know a little about your current plight.

You have a very loving family in this group, So rant, rave, cry use us all. If you would like someone to talk to I can call you anytume you would like.I do not have to pay for long distance calls. Please don't let this consume you. Each day I want you to get up and sVisualize for the day that everything has been taken care of and you are fine. If bad thoughts creep into your mind, throw them out and tell them not for today. Just keep reminding yourself that everything is finished and you are just fine.

Prayers and Hugs

Judy in PA


I am in a pretty desperate situation right now. I don't have any family around me, I am originally from TX, and I am living in IA. Not only is being diagnosed with NS enough for somebody to go through, but I was told today that I probably have tongue cancer. I have to have a biopsy on July 2nd. I am soooo damn scared right now. And it hurts. I am 32 years old, this isn't supposed to be happening... .I have a beautiful 11 year old son who I have to be here for.


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Hold on, it's not time to panic yet, wait until the tests are done and there is a definite answer. They told me in 2003 straight out that they thought I had non-hodgins lymphoma, I went though a bone marrow biopsy at Winston Cancer Institute at Emory Univ in Atlanta and they removed my sentinel lymph node. It was sarcoid, not cancer.

I don't blame you for being upset, anyone would be. I do understand how it feels when someone says things like that, my son was 12 yrs old at the time. All I am saying is to step back and don't run in that direction until you know for sure. I'll be praying, as I am sure so many other people in our group will be; that everything will be fine. Hopefully it will be nothing, or just some of our "nasty little friends" (sarc). I have a lumpy little granuloma under one of my front teeth that looks wierd - just a nasty little friend.

Take care.....Connie

Subject: HelpTo: "NS" <neurosarcoidosis >Date: Thursday, June 26, 2008, 5:37 PM

I am in a pretty desperate situation right now. I don't have any family around me, I am originally from TX, and I am living in IA. Not only is being diagnosed with NS enough for somebody to go through, but I was told today that I probably have tongue cancer. I have to have a biopsy on July 2nd. I am soooo damn scared right now. And it hurts. I am 32 years old, this isn't supposed to be happening... .I have a beautiful 11 year old son who I have to be here for.


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Connie, I am trying to take your advice but it is so hard not to think about it. The only reason why I am so worried about it, is because after they mentioned it to me I went home to look up pics on tongue cancer and that is exactly what my tongue looks like. I know, it could be something else...I am praying, but I spent so many hours online last night looking up viral infections, oral infections in general, thrush, shingles in the mouth...everything I could think of, and nothing looks or compares. And, once they tell you something like that, well then you can't stay out of the mirror looking at it...ugghhh. Then you freak yourself out more. I only slept 2 hours last night I am so worried. I haven't mentioned anything to my son. No need to, unless I get a definite result. But, I am going to TRY and take it easy today, I just have to stay off this damn

internet for a while, because I just keep looking up more info and pictures. But, thank you.


From: christina cates <paulsgirl75@ yahoo.com>Subject: HelpTo: "NS" <neurosarcoidosis@ yahoogroups. com>Date: Thursday, June 26, 2008, 5:37 PM

I am in a pretty desperate situation right now. I don't have any family around me, I am originally from TX, and I am living in IA. Not only is being diagnosed with NS enough for somebody to go through, but I was told today that I probably have tongue cancer. I have to have a biopsy on July 2nd. I am soooo damn scared right now. And it hurts. I am 32 years old, this isn't supposed to be happening... .I have a beautiful 11 year old son who I have to be here for.


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Judy, I would love to talk with you. I will let you know as soon as I get some "alone" time to talk away from my husband and boys. It is so hard not to let those thoughts and ideas creep into your head. I'm sorry but in my opinion the internet can be a good place for info and bad for others (like me that have bad anxiety to begin with. I take Xanax 3 times a day, that will obsess over the pics and stories online). I do wake up and pray every morning. I'm trying my best. When I got on this morning to check my emails and saw how many of you reached out to help me, I just cried. It means so much to me. My husband is sitting literally 40 feet away from me and won't even acknowledge what I am going through. I don't want to sound mean, but it's not because hes in denial, either. I am so blessed to have each and every one of you in my life.


Subject: Re: HelpTo: Neurosarcoidosis Date: Thursday, June 26, 2008, 11:58 PM


Hang in there you and your son are in our most fervent prayers, Remember that more people with cancer survive just fine. I know this is a lot for you to handle. Know that we are there with you during this time of anguish. I've been in a similar situation so I know a little about your current plight.

You have a very loving family in this group, So rant, rave, cry use us all. If you would like someone to talk to I can call you anytume you would like.I do not have to pay for long distance calls. Please don't let this consume you. Each day I want you to get up and sVisualize for the day that everything has been taken care of and you are fine. If bad thoughts creep into your mind, throw them out and tell them not for today. Just keep reminding yourself that everything is finished and you are just fine.

Prayers and Hugs

Judy in PA


I am in a pretty desperate situation right now. I don't have any family around me, I am originally from TX, and I am living in IA. Not only is being diagnosed with NS enough for somebody to go through, but I was told today that I probably have tongue cancer. I have to have a biopsy on July 2nd. I am soooo damn scared right now. And it hurts. I am 32 years old, this isn't supposed to be happening... .I have a beautiful 11 year old son who I have to be here for.


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Marla, Could I please ask you for your prayers? I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you, again,


I am in a pretty desperate situation right now. I don't have any family around me, I am originally from TX, and I am living in IA. Not only is being diagnosed with NS enough for somebody to go through, but I was told today that I probably have tongue cancer. I have to have a biopsy on July 2nd. I am soooo damn scared right now. And it hurts. I am 32 years old, this isn't supposed to be happening... .I have a beautiful 11 year old son who I have to be here for.

Christy-- Marla Bramer Independent Beauty Consultant Kaymbramer (AT) marykay (DOT) com www.marykay. com 'I know the plans I have for you, declared the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you; Plans to give you a future and a hope

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Where is your family located? Is there anyone that can come and help

you? What about a church or any other group you might be involved in.

It would be so helpful if you could find someone to be with you to give

you some moral support while you are going through everything.

You must be so scared. I wish I could think of something to cheer you

up but I can only tell you that I will pray for you and I hope you can

find someone to help you. Focus on just getting through each day and

don't try to look to far ahead.

Let us know how things go.

Terri G.


> I am in a pretty desperate situation right now. I don't have any

family around me, I am originally from TX, and I am living in IA. Not

only is being diagnosed with NS enough for somebody to go through, but I

was told today that I probably have tongue cancer. I have to have a

biopsy on July 2nd. I am soooo damn scared right now. And it hurts. I am

32 years old, this isn't supposed to be happening....I have a beautiful

11 year old son who I have to be here for.

> Christy


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I am so sorry you are going through all this, & please know I was not making light of the terror I know you must be feeling. I also know that no matter what anyone else has been through, it is not the same when it is yourself.

Even though it is almost impossible, please try to rest and take care of yourself, & yea maybe leave the internet alone; at least for a day so you can.

Hopefully you will get good news "very" soon. From my lips to God's ears......


From: christina cates <paulsgirl75@ yahoo.com>Subject: HelpTo: "NS" <neurosarcoidosis@ yahoogroups. com>Date: Thursday, June 26, 2008, 5:37 PM

I am in a pretty desperate situation right now. I don't have any family around me, I am originally from TX, and I am living in IA. Not only is being diagnosed with NS enough for somebody to go through, but I was told today that I probably have tongue cancer. I have to have a biopsy on July 2nd. I am soooo damn scared right now. And it hurts. I am 32 years old, this isn't supposed to be happening... .I have a beautiful 11 year old son who I have to be here for.


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Thank you so much for the kind words. It really does mean alot. I have been staying away from the internet sights. I have my biopsy tomorrow, so I will fill you all in tomorrow. Til then, thank you, again.


From: christina cates <paulsgirl75@ yahoo.com>Subject: HelpTo: "NS" <neurosarcoidosis@ yahoogroups. com>Date: Thursday, June 26, 2008, 5:37 PM

I am in a pretty desperate situation right now. I don't have any family around me, I am originally from TX, and I am living in IA. Not only is being diagnosed with NS enough for somebody to go through, but I was told today that I probably have tongue cancer. I have to have a biopsy on July 2nd. I am soooo damn scared right now. And it hurts. I am 32 years old, this isn't supposed to be happening... .I have a beautiful 11 year old son who I have to be here for.


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Terri G, My family is in Houston, TX. I am in Carroll, IA. I do belong to a church, we are praying, but my husband is going with me tomorrow tomorrow. I will fill you in when I get any results. Thank you guys for everything you do.


Subject: Re: HelpTo: Neurosarcoidosis Date: Sunday, June 29, 2008, 9:25 PM

Christy,Where is your family located? Is there anyone that can come and helpyou? What about a church or any other group you might be involved in. It would be so helpful if you could find someone to be with you to giveyou some moral support while you are going through everything.You must be so scared. I wish I could think of something to cheer youup but I can only tell you that I will pray for you and I hope you canfind someone to help you. Focus on just getting through each day anddon't try to look to far ahead.Let us know how things go.Terri G.>> I am in a pretty desperate situation right now. I don't have anyfamily around me, I am originally from TX, and I am living in IA. Notonly is being

diagnosed with NS enough for somebody to go through, but Iwas told today that I probably have tongue cancer. I have to have abiopsy on July 2nd. I am soooo damn scared right now. And it hurts. I am32 years old, this isn't supposed to be happening... .I have a beautiful11 year old son who I have to be here for.> Christy>

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