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If your blood work shows Free T3 and Free T4 in the normal range, then you

should start decreasing your PTU. Perhaps you could benefit from a beta

blocker on occasion when your heart is bothering you. I don't think you can

truly be hyper one minute and hypO the next. Heart sensations can happen

with hypO. TSH often comes up very, very slowly -- sometimes months or

years, depending on what is happening with the antibodies (esp. the TSI).

You should NOT be dosed according to your TSH!! If you are, you will be WAY

hypO soon. I think you really should be reducing already, perhaps to 100

mg, split 3x/day, and then re-test in 3-4 weeks, and earlier if you

continue to feel hypO (maybe do 125 mg for 2-3 days before going to 100).

You may be at that " coming in for a landing " point, at which dose decreases

are smooth but more rapid.

Please keep in mind that remission is usually achieved after being on a

maintenance dose for about a year. It depends on the person, and the

results of their antibody tests.

Of course, these are only suggestions, as I am not a medical professional.

At 03:14 PM 9/2/2003, you wrote:

>hello, I am still on PTU 50mg 3x a day. My last blood work showed

>TSH 0.011 it is comeing up slowly. T4 & T3 was in normal range. I

>still have treamors and heart fluttering. i have put on a lot of

>weight. that alone makes me feel bad, but my mental state is

>better. I can tell a big difference. I still have proublems

>sleeping & being hyper one minute & hypo the next. It is getting

>better. I am praying I reach remission by Thaksgiving. I just

>wanted to say even if I don't post a message I often stop in to

>read how every one is doing.

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  • 1 year later...

wow, Hi Mel. I have been lurking here for a couple of weeks.

I hope you received my card, I have been thinking about you.



> Hi everyone...

> It's been a while since I've read or posted anything. I was having

> such a hard time dealing with the miscarriage that I decided to

> go " no mail " for a while. Please let me know if I've missed


> exciting.


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  • 3 years later...
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Hi all. I'm sorry I haven't responded to any posts...new or old members... cuz i haven't been feeling well. NO energy and feeling depressed. I can't seem to think straight. The other day my son was talking about when Bush ran against Kerry and I had NO recollection of that ever happening. He had to show me on the computer. Where did that year go...?! On bad days i have no memory and am even afraid of responding to people....like I could really screw up what i say or p*ss someone off. Today the roof of the building I live in(three floors) started to be reroofed. Constant ongoing noise...pounding, etc. all day. By the time they left for the day I just wanted to cry from the

overstimulation. I ended up pouring myself a glass of wine...and then got a headache. It would be funny if it wasn't so sh*tty. They'll be working on it again tomorrow and I was supposed to go out for dinner for my bday tomorrow. We'll have to see how the day goes. Marriage problems continue...if not worse. If I had to deal with fires or flooding , on top of all this cr*ap, they'd have to put me in a psych ward....no kidding. My good thoughts/prayers go out to those dealing with those problems. My doc is delirious that I've lost 70 lbs. and i guess it's cool...but I still feel like sh*t. So maybe now he'll believe me that it wasn't the weight causing the problems. I got a cat and he's been giving me lots of cat hugs and he came just at the right time cuz i sure wasn't getting any attention from 'you know who'. He's just my little shadow....lol. Well, I got all that out of me

and I don't feel better for it and I probably brought you down if you've read this far. ...but maybe you can relate to something in it. Maybe I should get some of Debbie's smoking materials or does she make brownies?... If I didn't have a landlord living right downstairs I would SO try that right about now. ...gotta go lay down again. see ya! S.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi ,

I am so sorry that things are feeling so crappy for you right now. I could relate to exactly what you said as to why you haven't been posting because you havent been feeling good number one, and then because you might screw up what you say or piss somebody off. I am in the same boat. I hope you are feeling a little better with your depression. I have been in a deep funk myself for a while, and i know what you must be feeling. I still say congrats to the weight loss, and I'm sorry you still feel s*itty after all that hard work. I can't think straight if my life depended on it either, . It's so frustrating, I just cry at times. My daughter had called to say hello on the phone a couple of weeks ago, in the evening time (thats when mines always the worst), and the next day, I didn't even remember talking to her. My husband had to tell me that I had even talked to her. I don't have any clue what we talked about. I get overstimulated very easily

these days. I have a 11 year son that has ADHD and a 17 year old step son that also has adhd, and when the two of them get going before their medication kicks in in the mornings or when their meds wear off in the evening, I can't even handle it. Alot of noises do it to me, too. I hope you had a great birthday. Enjoy your new cat!! It will always love you. Take care. You are in my prayers.


Subject: checking inTo: neurosarcoidosis Date: Wednesday, July 9, 2008, 11:53 PM

Hi all. I'm sorry I haven't responded to any posts...new or old members... cuz i haven't been feeling well. NO energy and feeling depressed. I can't seem to think straight. The other day my son was talking about when Bush ran against Kerry and I had NO recollection of that ever happening. He had to show me on the computer. Where did that year go...?! On bad days i have no memory and am even afraid of responding to people....like I could really screw up what i say or p*ss someone off. Today the roof of the building I live in(three floors) started to be reroofed. Constant ongoing noise...pounding, etc. all day. By the time they left for the day I just wanted to cry from the overstimulation. I ended up pouring myself a glass of wine...and then got a headache. It would

be funny if it wasn't so sh*tty. They'll be working on it again tomorrow and I was supposed to go out for dinner for my bday tomorrow. We'll have to see how the day goes. Marriage problems continue...if not worse. If I had to deal with fires or flooding , on top of all this cr*ap, they'd have to put me in a psych ward....no kidding. My good thoughts/prayers go out to those dealing with those problems. My doc is delirious that I've lost 70 lbs. and i guess it's cool...but I still feel like sh*t. So maybe now he'll believe me that it wasn't the weight causing the problems. I got a cat and he's been giving me lots of cat hugs and he came just at the right time cuz i sure wasn't getting any attention from 'you know who'. He's just my little shadow....lol. Well, I got all that out of me and I don't feel better for it and I probably brought you down if you've read this far. ...but maybe

you can relate to something in it. Maybe I should get some of Debbie's smoking materials or does she make brownies?... If I didn't have a landlord living right downstairs I would SO try that right about now. ...gotta go lay down again. see ya! S.

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