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Thanks Alison and Sheila. I really had the feeling I was getting an

opinion from the nurse, and not actual medical information.

We're going to start trying in September, which will put me at 11

months from surgery. I feel good about that decision. Have had a

good recovery from surgery and am feeling great.

> will having a baby now stretch out the stomach pouch

like " lgbelong " was told?

> -------------------------------------------------------------------



> Moderator note: I had GBS 4.5 years ago and still cant eat more

than 1/2 of a quarter pounder or about 3, maybe 4 bites of a Big

Mac. Nothing has changed sizewise in my stomach since about 6-8

months post-op, even after pregnancy and gaining 18#.

> :)

> Sheila

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You were actually getting the opinion of the formerly fat person who

could eat a Big Mac, large fry, large coke and then a fried apple pie

for dessert! I just happen to be a nurse. lol

11 months out sounds reasonable, just keep your vitamins, protein,

iron and nutrition in check!

>>>>>I really had the feeling I was getting an opinion from the nurse,

and not actual medical information. We're going to start trying in

September, which will put me at 11 months from surgery. I feel good

about that decision. Have had a good recovery from surgery and am

feeling great.

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Thanks Sheila - I hear ya on the Big Mac dinner :)

I'm faithful about vitamins, protein, etc. Gotta get this body

ready as best I can -

> ,

> You were actually getting the opinion of the formerly fat person


> could eat a Big Mac, large fry, large coke and then a fried apple


> for dessert! I just happen to be a nurse. lol

> 11 months out sounds reasonable, just keep your vitamins, protein,

> iron and nutrition in check!



> >>>>>I really had the feeling I was getting an opinion from the


> and not actual medical information. We're going to start trying in

> September, which will put me at 11 months from surgery. I feel


> about that decision. Have had a good recovery from surgery and am

> feeling great.



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  • 3 weeks later...
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I know colace is a great stool softener and i take it after pegnancy but I

don't know if you can take it while pregnant. I think you can but I would check

with the doc first.

God Bless, Robin

Wife to Pup for 15 years

Mommy to-


(twin boys, 8 years) and

Daughter Madison- age 5 1/2

and new Mommy to-

Emerson Roger born

July 28, 2004 at 4:11 am

8lbs 7 oz, 20 1/2 inches long.

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Hi Robin,

I had a heck of a time with the big C during my first trimester...It

was pretty nasty, resulting in an emergent situation in which I

needed drastic intervention.

Do the usual with fiber and fluids and also talk to your Dr. I was

able to take Lactulose (other name chronulac) liquid. For awhile, I

needed it regularily. The constipation got alot better in the second

trimester, which from what I read is common...but am getting into a

few problems again with it, so will be keeping an eye on it to

prevent painful and potentially urgent situations....

Apparently, constipation can get worse in the third trimester due to

bigger baby, etc sitting on the bowels...

Best of luck,

I feel for you!


EDC Nov 10/04 - almost 26 weeks, yippee!!!!

> Does anyone have any good recommendations for what to do about

> constipation? It's already getting the better of me.... Does

this go

> on forever during the pregnancy? I'm only just about 7 weeks. I

go to

> see the doctor on Tuesday, but wanted to know if anyone has any

> suggestions now.


> Thanks,


> Robin Irwin

> VBG 9/17/03

> Starting wt: 293

> Current wt: 229

> Goal wt: 165

> EDD: 3/22/05




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My doctor told me to use Colace for a stool softener (up to 3 a day )

and for the really stubborn constipation when the colace is not

effective to use Milk of Magnesia. The Milk of Magnesia works best

for me. Iwas extreemly constipated in the first trimester then it

eased up now in the 3rd trimester it is comming back but not nearly

as bad. i am now 34 weeks. - Diane

> Does anyone have any good recommendations for what to do about

> constipation? It's already getting the better of me.... Does

this go

> on forever during the pregnancy? I'm only just about 7 weeks. I

go to

> see the doctor on Tuesday, but wanted to know if anyone has any

> suggestions now.


> Thanks,


> Robin Irwin

> VBG 9/17/03

> Starting wt: 293

> Current wt: 229

> Goal wt: 165

> EDD: 3/22/05




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That's a good thought. I haven't read every one else's reply to you yet. But

I am wondering how common IUGR is. In other words, are there so many

potential causes of it that it would be impossible.

Case in point, in my pregnancy to Adam I NEVER heard he was small or there

was any issue with his growth. Years later when my GP retired I went and got

all my medical records from her and found an ultrasound in the 2nd trimester

that said the " fetus was smaller than dates " . A clue but I was never shared

this information.

As many people already know, however bad I may feel about it now I can't do

anything, but I smoked during both my pregnancies (those of you who saw

Colette, my tall tall blond daughter, will know it didn't affect HER in

anyway) but when Adam was born at 5 lbs 3 oz they just labeled him " small

for dates " (not even IUGR.....although that is the tech. term, I wasn't told

it) and sent home.

He was 2 before anyone started to notice a problem.

That's what makes me wonder if it's not a larger problem. Most kids with

IUGR.....I do know this........for some reason (placenta malfunction,

mother's diet, smoking) causes the baby not to grow as it should but once

out of the less than ideal environment (ie. uterus) they catch up quickly.

Making a prediction of RSS or other problems difficult to investigate.

Just thinking outloud and will be interested to see what others think.



> Hi all,


> I am newer to the board, went to the convention and have a question.

> My daughter was diagnosed SGA by Dr. Harbison. It appears to me

> that the one big preindicator for both RSS and SGA is IUGR (or am I

> wrong here). Wouldn't one think then that there would be some

> coordination between obgyn/ultrasound and the pediatrician,

> especially if they are in the same practice or procedure that if the

> child is IUGR then they be screened for RSS or watched for SGA?? I

> know our pediatricians for our kids cannot know everything but has

> MAGIC to anyone's knowledge made overtures to pediatrics, or do each

> of you individually try to educate?


> I would love to get MAGIC's flyers on RSS and SGA and distribute

> them. Wouldn't prescreening if a baby is IUGR save a lot of time to

> diagnosis? I don't think IUGR is that common so it is not like a ton

> of people would have to have their kids screened.


> I have to note here that due to many issues during my pregnancy I was

> having a lot of ultrasounds and the Level 2 dr. told me when I was 20

> weeks pregnant that my daughter would likely be " a little person "

> (meaning dwarf...).


> My pediatrician did do a kidney ultrasound b/c of IUGR with my

> daughter but then just said she was growing but never told me she was

> that far under the chart! Two other doctors from the practice saw my

> daughter in the hospital and they all felt she was symmetrical so the

> dwarf issue was out. What if every hospital had a copy of the

> RSS/SGA brochures to review for IUGR babies? Has this been done

> before?


> Just thoughts!


> , mom to MIchael 4.5 (non RSS), Emerence 17.5 mo 17 lb 7 oz

> 28.5 " (SGA)







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  • 2 weeks later...

a hernia is a tear in the muscle/abdomen wall, usually caused from surgery. I

get mine from lifting too soon after surgery. Once you have a tear in the

muscle, other things try to bulge thru the tear and that is why it can get

painful and need repair. I had one that hurt like hell following my gallbladder

surgery and then I had one at the top of my incision scar following gastric


surgery and that one did not hurt.

God Bless, Robin

Wife to Pup for 15 years

Mommy to-


(twin boys, 8 years) and

Daughter Madison- age 5 1/2

and new Mommy to-

Emerson Roger born

July 28, 2004 at 4:11 am

8lbs 7 oz, 20 1/2 inches long.

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  • 3 years later...
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have any of you had the sarc attack your joints? I just woke up one morning and my ankel is huge and the bone inside hurts soo bad. just the inside of my left foot I cant stand to walk on it.


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