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Re: From in Pa, sorry so long

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Greetings ,

I am sorry you feel you have no one to talk to ... where are you located? well that does not make a difference, I am in Pa and I would love to talk to you if you need to talk to someone,, here is my cell phone number -. And if you want to give me your number I can always call you anytime.

We are all from different places, but I have found Judy who lives only 1hour away from me.. and we speak on the phone often to just touch base and feel that connection we have. I know its hard to feel online,but to be honest.. this is my family we have been through good times and bad, we laugh with each other and cry with each other also. we send pictures, cards ect... I really wish you would have signed your name so I know who I am writing too..

I have been sick with NS since I gave birth to my son in 89. but only got dxd in 2001. I went through the steriods also and I was on such high doses for so long that I got toxic my neuro said and he had to put me in the hospital and get me off them asap. after he did his spinal taps (3) him n the Rheumy agreed that it was NS. and he started me on Imuran and plaquneil right away. with in 3 months my WBC went frm 1600 -3.1 and the brain fog started to get better with the plaquinel. now the short term memory loss has not gotten better , just cognitive therapy has helped me learn to deal with it. and to help reteach my brain to store stuff in the long term memory. oh i could go on and on.maybe we could speak on the phone it would be much easier..lol

If not that's fine. i understand, just a thought.

please don't feel alone,, reach out to us.

Many Blessings and Hugs Abouhamama

Hi,I sometmes have the urge to write and try to explain what is going on with me, because there is no one i can speak with here. The last time I took steriods was about 3 years ago, and i had most of the symptons that went along with them, especially depression. Since I stopped taking them, I sometimes go into a state of near "depression", I can cry at movies or some stupid tv show. I feel tired and want to sleep. Has anyone experienced this? Is it left over residue from taking steriods at a high dosage for so long? The next thing is I'm getting a lot of headaches, I suffered from Ns and I feel the hot weathrr has gotten to me this year. Can it be from the heat? Overall tiredness! I wanted to go away today and when I was ready, I felt I had to lie down and couldn't get myself to gether, just general tiredness. I was dx with lung sarc 17 years ago and it left scar tissue. last week, iwas on a walk with a group and the pace was speed up a bit. I tried to keep up, but I felt my lungs were on fire and it was hjust hard to breath. When I got back home, my lungs hurt so much, I just took it easy for a couple of days and am afaraid to take deep breathes. I don't smoke, but I have developed a a small cough 10 dyass ago and it won't leave me. I thought it could be from the air conditioner, but now I am thinking it might be related to the lungs. I really need your advise and help. Thanks!!!@

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