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Re: [SPAM]

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Hello there

My name is Jackie and I am from Wisconsin. I am sorry you are feeling alone but you picked the right place to look for someone to talk to. Like many others I would be glad to talk on the telephone to you. I could call but only after 7 pm my time. I am, like many others, on a limited income and the calls are free after that. I could also give you my number if you need to talk.

I do have to admit I am not as well informed as some of the others but I too have the sarc monster. I was finally told they decided what it was in March of 2005. After spending a month in the University Hospital in Madison and having a multitude of test they chose NS as the culprit. I then spent about 5 months in a Nursing Home trying to get well enough to go home. And with the help of my fiancé and my children and grandchildren I have come back a long way. Still a long way to go but I am home.

I think the depression was probably the worst. I am on effexor and before that Prozac. I still get in a little deep sometimes but I can manage to shake it off.

Then the side effects from the prednisone wow weight gain about 30 lbs. Add Methotrex and lose hair. I am almost off the prednisone and way down on the Methotrex but the other meds (too many to mention) are there for the symptoms I got from the sarc. It can be so confusing but I am sure you know this.

Any way, we all have good and bad times. Times when we think we can't or don't want to go on any longer. But we have these great friends who know what we are dealing with and they help. Yes from afar but never the less it helps.

In that I want you to know that I am here for you. Talk to me about anything and unless you say go ahead and share I will keep all in confidence. I know some of the downfalls that come with this being ill. I have a sister who won't come to see me because she is afraid she will get NS. LOL even the dr. have told her she won't but she doesn't want to take the chance. Another time.

So if you wish to talk or email or even IM I am here for you. Just ask and I will give you my phone numbers and my email address.

In the meantime please use the resources of the group. As said we are a family. If you want to see who you are talking to I have pictures in the photo section.

But now you take care of you and lets hear from you again. I am glad you reached out.

Jackie from Wisconsin. Big hugs for you and wishing you a pain free week.


Hi,I sometmes have the urge to write and try to explain what is going on with me, because there is no one i can speak with here. The last time I took steriods was about 3 years ago, and i had most of the symptons that went along with them, especially depression. Since I stopped taking them, I sometimes go into a state of near "depression", I can cry at movies or some stupid tv show. I feel tired and want to sleep. Has anyone experienced this? Is it left over residue from taking steriods at a high dosage for so long? The next thing is I'm getting a lot of headaches, I suffered from Ns and I feel the hot weathrr has gotten to me this year. Can it be from the heat? Overall tiredness! I wanted to go away today and when I was ready, I felt I had to lie down and couldn't get myself to gether, just general tiredness. I was dx with lung sarc 17 years ago and it left scar tissue. last week, iwas on a walk with a group and the pace was speed up a bit. I tried to keep up, but I felt my lungs were on fire and it was hjust hard to breath. When I got back home, my lungs hurt so much, I just took it easy for a couple of days and am afaraid to take deep breathes. I don't smoke, but I have developed a a small cough 10 dyass ago and it won't leave me. I thought it could be from the air conditioner, but now I am thinking it might be related to the lungs. I really need your advise and help. Thanks!!!@

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