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Re: SSDI- a different view

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I still amazes me that even with all of us facing disability with an INVISIBLE DISABILITY that our own members still have a total misunderstanding of this whole issue.

Yes, when you see your neighbor cutting down trees or working in his rose garden and he's collecting SSDI-- you may question his dis-able-ness. There are a few that do milk the system. But it's this thinking that has ALL OF US--YOU!! feeling like you have to hire an attorney to represent you to SSDI.

Guys, if anyone looked at me on a good day, no oxygen tank hanging on my shoulder, me- sitting at a beading class learning to make jewelry, or standing in front of a group of friends that all suffer from chronic pain, giving a talk about guided meditation and doing the exercise with and for them- you'd not think I was disabled. No one sees that I come home and crash for 2 or 3 days afterward.

My own husband and son figure if I can do a class or a group study, that I should have the energy to have dinner on the table when they get home.

Sure, I can stay home, do nothing, be depressed, lonely, bored, and eating all the wrong stuff-- and there are days when I do just that-- but no one sees those days. I'm inside my home-- hiding from the world I can't handle for the day(s). No one can tell that the reason I stop every few feet in the grocery store is because the spasms in my back and the neuropathy in my legs that has become a turniquet at mid thigh-- total numbness within the first few feet of walking making that leg feel like a tree trunk being dragged along-- and the pain is becoming excrutiating-- but they don't have a friggin electric cart charged or available-- so I do what I have to do-- make my stop, get my groceries- invariably forgetting the one main thing I actually went in for-- they can't see that. I don't complain to friends-- they think I'm super human handling all that I handle with such a positive attitude. They don't see the tears I'll shed on

the drive home. You see, my disability isn't showing up as a cast, or a bandaged hand, or a crutch or wheelchair--at least not today.

They don't know that at 3am in the morning, the battle in my mind that has had me obsessing over some dumb shit stuff like these issues, (what difference does it make to me if the rest of world has their heads up their uncompassionate asses) and that I am now obsessing in ways I never did before. The old "water running off the ducks back" adage isn't working and my husband is going to tell me that "I've changed" and he's right. He's going to remind me that I'm way overweight, and that I need to control what is going on so that I don't make another health issue -- he means well-- I hear --Tracie, you're fat.

For all of you who think your neighbor or friend or that person that pulled into the parking spot for the disabled-- and YOU think they don't qualify-- look in the mirror. Someone is thinking and saying the same bs about you-- and you know they've not got a clue.

And you're all right-- it feels good to vent!!

Please-- go to www.invisibledisablitiesadvocate and get their booklet. Go to www.butyoudon'tlooksick and read the story about the spoons and having the energy to get up and get out-- and open your hearts-- we are those people you're talking about!



NS Co-owner/moderator

[sPAM]Re: [sPAM]Re: [sPAM]Re: [sPAM] Social Security Disability

I hope that you get it. From what I hear everyone in this group should not have a problem getting it. I have a neighbor who has SSDI and she has asthma and emphysema and she continues to smoke and not work. She goes running around ALL the time, having people over, chasing and dating everyone. To me, she would be able to do a desk job etc.

Sorry that is just my opinion as it appears that this is abuse. I just had to vent as everyone hear has so many issues and pain to deal with and others abuse the system.


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