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Re: [SPAM] How long did you disease take to show itself?

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I was working as a CNA when I got sick. I kept getting dizzy at work and the DON thought I was just trying to get a day off. I went to the ER and they sent me home. That night the right side of my face went like a stroke. They said it was Bells Palsy. I kept getting worse and my whole right side became affected. I was taken to the University Hospital in Madison Wisconsin. I was given so many tests including a brain biopsy, arm and leg biopsy, countless MRIs and spinal taps and others. I was in the Hospital there for a full Month when they finally said NS. It happened so fast I wasn't supposed to live. I was then transferred to a nursing home where I used to work to expire. I fooled them That was in 2005--March. The girls I worked with wouldn't let me give up and I was released August 1 that same year. I am on a multitude of meds including prednisone, Methotrexate, plaquinil, and vitamins. I am mostly in a wheel chair but am able to walk more and more. I think I must be one of the Lucky ones (if you can call NS lucky) I have had one big flare-up in my right eye and within 3 days my vision returned. IVs of Prednisone and metho.

I believe I can only get better. Nerves take a long time to heal and I am working at keeping the signal going. I had therapy for a year and now I to water aerobics, and am mobile as possible.

So you see I believe there is good waiting for me if I just work work work.

There is a higher power watching over me along with my special someone.

Good luck to you and Prayers for you.

Jackie from WI

I sign that way because there is a Jackie from England.

[sPAM] How long did you disease take to show itself?

For those of you that have been diagnosed, what was the progression of your disease? Did it come on slow, or hit you all of a sudden? How long before you knew some out of the ordinary was wrong?

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Well it took many years for my NS to progress to need treatment, Mine started soon as I gave birth to my son in 89. with the severe headaches, than by the time he was 8 months old I was having breathing problems that the dr dxd as asthma. than the hbp started and hbs. than by 95 I ended in the hospital with tachacardia 178bpm. that's sleeping.

they found tumor in my head, l-adrenal gland, I had liver biopsy, lungfunction test. 3 spinal taps and angi-gram of the brian.

2001 I got my dx of NS but it seemed that from 95-2001 everything was going wrong, and the NS got so bad I was in the hospital more than at home, and its hard for me to remember that chunk of my life because I was on very high doses of narcodics daily to just numb the pain. then the short term memory loss started, to the point that I get neuropysic testing and therapy.

I hope this helps

Many Blessings and pain free daylove to "ALL" Vote for your city's best dining and nightlife. City's Best 2008.

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