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leg pain

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My son[he has neurosarcoidosis] has not found any medication to alleviate the pain and tightness in his legs. He has tried Baclofen,Flexoril,Neurotin ,etc. He has had 3 Remicade infusion therapies without relief. He wants to try MSM 1500, but is unsure of how much to take. Can anyone help us who have had success? Any other suggestions for relief would be appreciated. Shirley Palmer

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Shirley, I am so sorry first and foremost that your son is going through this. I know from my own personal experiences, I deal with the tight, crampiness everyday myself. It almost feels like a bone pain it hurts so bad at times. I am on flexaril and 800 mg ibuprofrn and vicoden. That seems to work the best, but only really takes the edge off, doesn't ever go completely away. I'm sorry I wasn't much help. If I find out that they are going to do more with me, I will pass the info on to you. You are in my prayers.


Subject: leg painTo: neurosarcoidosis Date: Monday, June 9, 2008, 4:30 PM

My son[he has neurosarcoidosis] has not found any medication to alleviate the pain and tightness in his legs. He has tried Baclofen,Flexoril, Neurotin ,etc. He has had 3 Remicade infusion therapies without relief. He wants to try MSM 1500, but is unsure of how much to take. Can anyone help us who have had success? Any other suggestions for relief would be appreciated. Shirley Palmer

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When my NS started I had severe pain in both lens, prednisone made it go away but as the dosages became smaller the pain started coming back. It comes and goes, usually with humidity. I'm presently on Lyrica and Cymbalta for pain management but on bad days I'm living on Percocet, which is really the only way I lessen my pain. I find that dry weather and walking helps. Recently I had a flair up and had to go on prednisone again for three days, which helped.

I hope he does better with time.



Subject: leg painTo: neurosarcoidosis Date: Monday, June 9, 2008, 5:30 PM

My son[he has neurosarcoidosis] has not found any medication to alleviate the pain and tightness in his legs. He has tried Baclofen,Flexoril, Neurotin ,etc. He has had 3 Remicade infusion therapies without relief. He wants to try MSM 1500, but is unsure of how much to take. Can anyone help us who have had success? Any other suggestions for relief would be appreciated. Shirley Palmer

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