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Re: [SPAM] Re: Joke

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Wow I am surprised to hear that PT sped up your inability to walk. That is what you are saying isn't it? I have a wheel chair and have arthritis in my knees and hands. I don't know if the prednisone was an affective factor or not. I do know that without PT I would not be where I am today. I am walking some 2 feet with a walker. Everyone involved with my case had not expected me to live let alone walk again. I am happy to say I proved them wrong.

Every case of NS is different and you won't know what works until you try. I live in a place where the Drs. have not had dealings with NS. I guess you could say I am a test monkey. I am glad I have the drs. I do. They are aggressive and in touch with me and my feelings.

I wish I had a magic drink that would take all this crap away from all of us, I don't so all I can say is don't give up. However if you need a chair by god get one. I have a manual but I also have a scooter for outside. This spring I am having my car fixed so I can drive again. I am not going lightly into that goodnight. I guess I should tell you that I had lost the use of the lower half of my body and the upper right side. My facial muscles were gone and I couldn't talk or smile. Now you can't get me to shut up. I still don't know where my feet are and my legs are letting me know they are there all the time with the feelings of needles sticking in them. My bladder and bowel functions are minimal but I am back this far.

And why me? Why not.

If this sounds like I am lecturing I am sorry, I just don't want anyone to give up on regaining strength of their body. My PCP told me nerves take a long time to mend so I will have to be patient. It is hard but I am trying.

Medicare does help with the cost of a chair. As a matter of fact depending on where you are the county will help too. Here in Wisconsin they have helped me a lot. Don't be afraid to ask for help from all kinds of organizations. Even the VFW. I wish you luck and pain free life. I pray for you and everyone else here at this site.

I guess I have spouted enough. Smiles and God bless all.


[sPAM] Re: Joke

Hi Marla,

It was a gradual progression in loosing my ability to walk. However, I believe if I was more aggressive with physical therapy and exercise I would have been able to put it off a little while longer.

I have a motorized chair. I have arthritis in my shoulders due to the prednisone, so I would not be able to push myself. Therefore, I needed a motorized chair.

Medicare paid for most of it. if you have Medicare and another form of insurance, that should be enough to get you a motorized chair with no out of pocket expenses.

I hope this helps and "I wish you well girl."


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