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anyone with similar symptoms?

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I can't talk much with family about the symptoms I have been having

(or ones my younger son experiences who is not diagnosed with mito)

because they obviously think I am reading too much into things. Only

here will others understand why my concerns may be justified. I

would like to know if other adults experience any of these symptoms

or have a similar family history.

My son is Craig, and he is 8 with unspecified mito by way of muscle

biopsy. No evidence of problems with the complexes. He was never

tested for maternal DNA deletions. I am not sure why at this point,

but he saw Dr. Cohen who must not have felt it was warranted. (This

is a question for his appt. with neurologist next week.)

My 6 year old, Dalton, has had some abnormal test results, but not

enough to diagnose anything. He had extreme fatigue that has been

virtually elimated by Carnitor. We give him CoQ10 also. He has

become progressively more hyperactive in the past year or so. (a

major symptom for Craig). He has a lot of trouble overheating and

has had some brief, seizure-type episodes before starting Carnitor.

(Craig has seizures). Also, pain in hands, legs, wrists, etc. before

Carnitor too. He seems to have memory problems. He doesn't

remember things we just said or did. (Craig has significant

problems with some kinds of memory- ie. " Where are we going again

Mom? " over and over, etc.)

I will soon be 40 years old. I have been having a problem with very

stiff legs at times. It makes it difficult to walk normally. I have

also had trouble with my muscles tightening while laying in bed at

night, and it's difficult to get them to " let go. " I have had

trouble walking straight in the middle of the night a few times .

One time I tried my darndest to get to the door to go out of the

room, but could not do it without falling over. I finally gave up

and went back to bed. All these things come and go.

Lately, my back quite often has pins and needles across the mid to

upper section. (Perhaps this could be a chiropractic problem?) I get

pins and needles in my hands and feet/legs quite a bit as well.

The things that bothers me most, though, is that my thinking is

clearly not normal lately. ( Between me and the boys it's beginning

to feel like a nut house around here!) I can't remember something I

just did or recently said. Past events can be difficult as well. I

just introduced myself to another mother at school today who claims

to have met me and talked with me several times in the past! These

kinds of things are happening quite frequently. I also CANNOT stay

focused on what I am doing. I switch tasks constantly and forget

that I was doing something else until I find something cooking on

the stove or the dryer open waiting for clothes from the washer,etc.

Our family has been under an extreme amount of stress for so long

(family tragedies, Craig's progressive problems, rebellious

teenager, on and on!) that I try to assume that is the problem. My

memory does get better when things are going better.

One more minor symptom I have is the need to urinate quite

frequently without any evidence of infection. This also gets better

when not under as much stress.

Sorry to be so long and detailed, but I wanted to be specific enough

to get some input if possible.

If I should see a doctor I have no idea who to see, and I wonder if

things are really bad enough to go yet. We live in Michigan.


Donna H.

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Where in Michigan do you live? I'm in Grand

Rapids. I certainly can understand about not being

able to talk to family members, my husband thinks I'm

" trying " to make my son have mito. I have a son

who is 11 he has been diagnoosed with

non-specified mito. He takes carnitor and it has

helped alot, he also seems to be more hyper, but I

account it to feeling better. The only place he is

overly active is at home. I'm thrilled because this

is the first year that he has even shown interest in

sports. Neither me or my two daughters have had

testing done. My oldest(16)seems to be ok except for

writing ability and her eyes are not real good. My

youngest (9) has learning problems. Josh has muscle

fatigue sometimes and for the longest time (before

carnitor) he was always having side aches I was not

sure if they were real or " phantom " pains. I am also

40 and right now the only problem that I have is ins

and needles in my hands and feet my finger tips feel

numb most of the time, and I can only write for 2-3

minutes before my hands start falling asleep. I will

ocasionally forget thins sometome but not enough for

worry. What neurologist is your son seeing? Mine

sees Dr. Odonell at Devos childrens hosp. Sorry so

long hope this helped.


--- craigsstory wrote:


> I can't talk much with family about the symptoms I

> have been having

> (or ones my younger son experiences who is not

> diagnosed with mito)

> because they obviously think I am reading too much

> into things. Only

> here will others understand why my concerns may be

> justified. I

> would like to know if other adults experience any of

> these symptoms

> or have a similar family history.


> My son is Craig, and he is 8 with unspecified mito

> by way of muscle

> biopsy. No evidence of problems with the complexes.

> He was never

> tested for maternal DNA deletions. I am not sure

> why at this point,

> but he saw Dr. Cohen who must not have felt it was

> warranted. (This

> is a question for his appt. with neurologist next

> week.)


> My 6 year old, Dalton, has had some abnormal test

> results, but not

> enough to diagnose anything. He had extreme fatigue

> that has been

> virtually elimated by Carnitor. We give him CoQ10

> also. He has

> become progressively more hyperactive in the past

> year or so. (a

> major symptom for Craig). He has a lot of trouble

> overheating and

> has had some brief, seizure-type episodes before

> starting Carnitor.

> (Craig has seizures). Also, pain in hands, legs,

> wrists, etc. before

> Carnitor too. He seems to have memory problems. He

> doesn't

> remember things we just said or did. (Craig has

> significant

> problems with some kinds of memory- ie. " Where are

> we going again

> Mom? " over and over, etc.)


> I will soon be 40 years old. I have been having a

> problem with very

> stiff legs at times. It makes it difficult to walk

> normally. I have

> also had trouble with my muscles tightening while

> laying in bed at

> night, and it's difficult to get them to " let go. "

> I have had

> trouble walking straight in the middle of the night

> a few times .

> One time I tried my darndest to get to the door to

> go out of the

> room, but could not do it without falling over. I

> finally gave up

> and went back to bed. All these things come and go.


> Lately, my back quite often has pins and needles

> across the mid to

> upper section. (Perhaps this could be a chiropractic

> problem?) I get

> pins and needles in my hands and feet/legs quite a

> bit as well.


> The things that bothers me most, though, is that my

> thinking is

> clearly not normal lately. ( Between me and the boys

> it's beginning

> to feel like a nut house around here!) I can't

> remember something I

> just did or recently said. Past events can be

> difficult as well. I

> just introduced myself to another mother at school

> today who claims

> to have met me and talked with me several times in

> the past! These

> kinds of things are happening quite frequently. I

> also CANNOT stay

> focused on what I am doing. I switch tasks

> constantly and forget

> that I was doing something else until I find

> something cooking on

> the stove or the dryer open waiting for clothes from

> the washer,etc.

> Our family has been under an extreme amount of

> stress for so long

> (family tragedies, Craig's progressive problems,

> rebellious

> teenager, on and on!) that I try to assume that is

> the problem. My

> memory does get better when things are going better.


> One more minor symptom I have is the need to urinate

> quite

> frequently without any evidence of infection. This

> also gets better

> when not under as much stress.


> Sorry to be so long and detailed, but I wanted to be

> specific enough

> to get some input if possible.


> If I should see a doctor I have no idea who to see,

> and I wonder if

> things are really bad enough to go yet. We live in

> Michigan.




> Donna H.






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I certainly don't have the answers for this but I did want to say that

I think it's definitely possible that the pins and needles you

experience in your fingers and hands and feet (I think) could be the

signs of peripheral neuropathy which is common in mito. In fact, our

mito doc asked me whether Asher had these symptoms. He doesn't but it's

common enough that he would ask me. In addition, the muscles tightening

up remind me of muscle cramps which definitely can happen with mito.

That's another thing our mito expert asked me about and Asher wasn't

having at the time, but now, 6 months later, he is having them. I can't

remember if you said you were on the " cocktail " but it might be a good

thing to try anyway.

The confusion thing I don't know enough about. Some others will

probably have ideas. I know my husband has short-term memory problems

and they are directly related to not enough sleep and way too much

stress. But, I'm sure they can happen for other reasons as well.

Anne R (mom to Asher - complex III defect and partial Complex I defect)

Re: anyone with similar symptoms?


Where in Michigan do you live? I'm in Grand

Rapids. I certainly can understand about not being

able to talk to family members, my husband thinks I'm

" trying " to make my son have mito. I have a son

who is 11 he has been diagnoosed with

non-specified mito. He takes carnitor and it has

helped alot, he also seems to be more hyper, but I

account it to feeling better. The only place he is

overly active is at home. I'm thrilled because this

is the first year that he has even shown interest in

sports. Neither me or my two daughters have had

testing done. My oldest(16)seems to be ok except for

writing ability and her eyes are not real good. My

youngest (9) has learning problems. Josh has muscle

fatigue sometimes and for the longest time (before

carnitor) he was always having side aches I was not

sure if they were real or " phantom " pains. I am also

40 and right now the only problem that I have is ins

and needles in my hands and feet my finger tips feel

numb most of the time, and I can only write for 2-3

minutes before my hands start falling asleep. I will

ocasionally forget thins sometome but not enough for

worry. What neurologist is your son seeing? Mine

sees Dr. Odonell at Devos childrens hosp. Sorry so

long hope this helped.


--- craigsstory wrote:


> I can't talk much with family about the symptoms I

> have been having

> (or ones my younger son experiences who is not

> diagnosed with mito)

> because they obviously think I am reading too much

> into things. Only

> here will others understand why my concerns may be

> justified. I

> would like to know if other adults experience any of

> these symptoms

> or have a similar family history.


> My son is Craig, and he is 8 with unspecified mito

> by way of muscle

> biopsy. No evidence of problems with the complexes.

> He was never

> tested for maternal DNA deletions. I am not sure

> why at this point,

> but he saw Dr. Cohen who must not have felt it was

> warranted. (This

> is a question for his appt. with neurologist next

> week.)


> My 6 year old, Dalton, has had some abnormal test

> results, but not

> enough to diagnose anything. He had extreme fatigue

> that has been

> virtually elimated by Carnitor. We give him CoQ10

> also. He has

> become progressively more hyperactive in the past

> year or so. (a

> major symptom for Craig). He has a lot of trouble

> overheating and

> has had some brief, seizure-type episodes before

> starting Carnitor.

> (Craig has seizures). Also, pain in hands, legs,

> wrists, etc. before

> Carnitor too. He seems to have memory problems. He

> doesn't

> remember things we just said or did. (Craig has

> significant

> problems with some kinds of memory- ie. " Where are

> we going again

> Mom? " over and over, etc.)


> I will soon be 40 years old. I have been having a

> problem with very

> stiff legs at times. It makes it difficult to walk

> normally. I have

> also had trouble with my muscles tightening while

> laying in bed at

> night, and it's difficult to get them to " let go. "

> I have had

> trouble walking straight in the middle of the night

> a few times .

> One time I tried my darndest to get to the door to

> go out of the

> room, but could not do it without falling over. I

> finally gave up

> and went back to bed. All these things come and go.


> Lately, my back quite often has pins and needles

> across the mid to

> upper section. (Perhaps this could be a chiropractic

> problem?) I get

> pins and needles in my hands and feet/legs quite a

> bit as well.


> The things that bothers me most, though, is that my

> thinking is

> clearly not normal lately. ( Between me and the boys

> it's beginning

> to feel like a nut house around here!) I can't

> remember something I

> just did or recently said. Past events can be

> difficult as well. I

> just introduced myself to another mother at school

> today who claims

> to have met me and talked with me several times in

> the past! These

> kinds of things are happening quite frequently. I

> also CANNOT stay

> focused on what I am doing. I switch tasks

> constantly and forget

> that I was doing something else until I find

> something cooking on

> the stove or the dryer open waiting for clothes from

> the washer,etc.

> Our family has been under an extreme amount of

> stress for so long

> (family tragedies, Craig's progressive problems,

> rebellious

> teenager, on and on!) that I try to assume that is

> the problem. My

> memory does get better when things are going better.


> One more minor symptom I have is the need to urinate

> quite

> frequently without any evidence of infection. This

> also gets better

> when not under as much stress.


> Sorry to be so long and detailed, but I wanted to be

> specific enough

> to get some input if possible.


> If I should see a doctor I have no idea who to see,

> and I wonder if

> things are really bad enough to go yet. We live in

> Michigan.




> Donna H.






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Wow you sound alot like me!!! I had a discussion with Dr. Cohen about myself. I have alot of "weird" and unexplainable things. I also had a very sick childhood, also unexplained.

This is how he put it too me. Grace is believed to have inherited mito from both my hubby and I. Since we would both need a specific gene to pass it to Grace, we obviously both carry it in family history. There is new belief that one can get a "mild" form of a similar disease if two people carry similar, but not exact genes. This would explain why there are very small numbers of the "full blown" mito. He said it would be hard to believe that I had the same type of disease, or the same severity like Grace, because I'm overall healthy, and our family would have to have really bad luck. He does believe, given my past and present history that I probally do have a very mild form of mito. He did not reccomend me going through a biopsy or anything like that, quite frankly I probally would not have anyway. Also since I've made it almost 30 years already without supplements, I doubt they would be of any help now.

Best wishes

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I have dealt with several of the same symptoms myself so I don't think

you are overreacting. I have had problems walking in the dark for many

years and many times will try to aim for a certain place only to stumble

sideways and " bounce " off the walls as I go. Equilibrium problems I always

say or night blindness. I also have had many of the leg/arm pains and

prickles. I get them much more often when other things are also going on

and fatigue is quite bad. I will get leg cramps and terrible aching from

the muscles overworking even though I am doing only the bare necessity

things. At times holding a phone or just stirring muffins has been

impossible. These things can be very frustrating and thankfully most of the

severity of my symptoms have not been present over the past few years. I

too deal with recall problems and other memory issues. Dr. Whiteman himself

has mentioned he has noticed this problem with me. I have to laugh it off

cause otherwise I would go nuts. When trying to scold one of my kids it can

be quite annoying to forget a certain word in my sentence. You can

understand how the power of my statements just wouldn't be there once you

are found to be searching for the right word in the middle of the scolding!

At times I have had an issue with repeating the last word of a sentence many

times without the ability of stopping it. I have learned recently that it

probably is a oral motor sequencing problem caused by neurological issues.

Forgetfulness I can relay a funny (now) story about: when trying to change

my postal address at a Post Office one day I had written my new address on a

paper to relay to the Postal worker and when asked my present address (where

I had been living for quite some time) I blanked out totally. I had waited

in line for over 15-20 minutes and literally had to go back outside to the

car to ask my husband what our address was, write it down, and then wait

once more in line totally embarrassed and then give the info to the worker.

The stupidest things can happen when your memory/recall just isn't there!


Sorry to be so long. I just wanted to let you know I understand and

that you aren't alone!

See www.caringbridge.org/ia/mitomomof9 and www.heartbeatsformito.org (a

photo look into Mito)

Darla: mommy to

Asenath (5) Mito, CNS Vasculitis, strokes, migraines, seizures, G-tube,

hypotonicity, disautonomia, SID, global delays, cyclic vomiting, bladder

issues, some wheelchair use, eye issues, gastric emptying issues...

Zipporrah (17 months) Mito, strokes, neuro-motor planning, SID, GERD,

dysphasia, G-tube fed, speech delays, extreme fatigue, aberrant subclavian

artery, disautonomia, hypertonicity, migraines, possible seizures, dumping

syndrome, iron deficiency...

Luke (17)migraines, sensory issues, & some evidence of SLE's...

Leah (14), Rachael (13), Isaac (11), Tirzah (8), Kezia (4), Marquis (3)

Joey (15 months) with hydrocephalus, dysgenesis of the corpus callosum,

encephalomalacia & leukomalacia, G-tube, GERD, immobile, severe dev. delays,

left hemiplegia (arm)...

(15 months) SID, dev. delays, right hemiparesis issues...

anyone with similar symptoms?



> I can't talk much with family about the symptoms I have been having

> (or ones my younger son experiences who is not diagnosed with mito)

> because they obviously think I am reading too much into things. Only

> here will others understand why my concerns may be justified. I

> would like to know if other adults experience any of these symptoms

> or have a similar family history.


> My son is Craig, and he is 8 with unspecified mito by way of muscle

> biopsy. No evidence of problems with the complexes. He was never

> tested for maternal DNA deletions. I am not sure why at this point,

> but he saw Dr. Cohen who must not have felt it was warranted. (This

> is a question for his appt. with neurologist next week.)


> My 6 year old, Dalton, has had some abnormal test results, but not

> enough to diagnose anything. He had extreme fatigue that has been

> virtually elimated by Carnitor. We give him CoQ10 also. He has

> become progressively more hyperactive in the past year or so. (a

> major symptom for Craig). He has a lot of trouble overheating and

> has had some brief, seizure-type episodes before starting Carnitor.

> (Craig has seizures). Also, pain in hands, legs, wrists, etc. before

> Carnitor too. He seems to have memory problems. He doesn't

> remember things we just said or did. (Craig has significant

> problems with some kinds of memory- ie. " Where are we going again

> Mom? " over and over, etc.)


> I will soon be 40 years old. I have been having a problem with very

> stiff legs at times. It makes it difficult to walk normally. I have

> also had trouble with my muscles tightening while laying in bed at

> night, and it's difficult to get them to " let go. " I have had

> trouble walking straight in the middle of the night a few times .

> One time I tried my darndest to get to the door to go out of the

> room, but could not do it without falling over. I finally gave up

> and went back to bed. All these things come and go.


> Lately, my back quite often has pins and needles across the mid to

> upper section. (Perhaps this could be a chiropractic problem?) I get

> pins and needles in my hands and feet/legs quite a bit as well.


> The things that bothers me most, though, is that my thinking is

> clearly not normal lately. ( Between me and the boys it's beginning

> to feel like a nut house around here!) I can't remember something I

> just did or recently said. Past events can be difficult as well. I

> just introduced myself to another mother at school today who claims

> to have met me and talked with me several times in the past! These

> kinds of things are happening quite frequently. I also CANNOT stay

> focused on what I am doing. I switch tasks constantly and forget

> that I was doing something else until I find something cooking on

> the stove or the dryer open waiting for clothes from the washer,etc.

> Our family has been under an extreme amount of stress for so long

> (family tragedies, Craig's progressive problems, rebellious

> teenager, on and on!) that I try to assume that is the problem. My

> memory does get better when things are going better.


> One more minor symptom I have is the need to urinate quite

> frequently without any evidence of infection. This also gets better

> when not under as much stress.


> Sorry to be so long and detailed, but I wanted to be specific enough

> to get some input if possible.


> If I should see a doctor I have no idea who to see, and I wonder if

> things are really bad enough to go yet. We live in Michigan.




> Donna H.







> Please contact mito-owner with any problems or questions.


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" I know my husband has short-term memory problems

and they are directly related to not enough sleep and way too much

stress. "

Hey, I should have compared symptoms him when you guys were in town,

maybe there is a mito dad's syndrome!


> >

> > I can't talk much with family about the symptoms I

> > have been having

> > (or ones my younger son experiences who is not

> > diagnosed with mito)

> > because they obviously think I am reading too much

> > into things. Only

> > here will others understand why my concerns may be

> > justified. I

> > would like to know if other adults experience any of

> > these symptoms

> > or have a similar family history.

> >

> > My son is Craig, and he is 8 with unspecified mito

> > by way of muscle

> > biopsy. No evidence of problems with the complexes.

> > He was never

> > tested for maternal DNA deletions. I am not sure

> > why at this point,

> > but he saw Dr. Cohen who must not have felt it was

> > warranted. (This

> > is a question for his appt. with neurologist next

> > week.)

> >

> > My 6 year old, Dalton, has had some abnormal test

> > results, but not

> > enough to diagnose anything. He had extreme fatigue

> > that has been

> > virtually elimated by Carnitor. We give him CoQ10

> > also. He has

> > become progressively more hyperactive in the past

> > year or so. (a

> > major symptom for Craig). He has a lot of trouble

> > overheating and

> > has had some brief, seizure-type episodes before

> > starting Carnitor.

> > (Craig has seizures). Also, pain in hands, legs,

> > wrists, etc. before

> > Carnitor too. He seems to have memory problems. He

> > doesn't

> > remember things we just said or did. (Craig has

> > significant

> > problems with some kinds of memory- ie. " Where are

> > we going again

> > Mom? " over and over, etc.)

> >

> > I will soon be 40 years old. I have been having a

> > problem with very

> > stiff legs at times. It makes it difficult to walk

> > normally. I have

> > also had trouble with my muscles tightening while

> > laying in bed at

> > night, and it's difficult to get them to " let go. "

> > I have had

> > trouble walking straight in the middle of the night

> > a few times .

> > One time I tried my darndest to get to the door to

> > go out of the

> > room, but could not do it without falling over. I

> > finally gave up

> > and went back to bed. All these things come and go.

> >

> > Lately, my back quite often has pins and needles

> > across the mid to

> > upper section. (Perhaps this could be a chiropractic

> > problem?) I get

> > pins and needles in my hands and feet/legs quite a

> > bit as well.

> >

> > The things that bothers me most, though, is that my

> > thinking is

> > clearly not normal lately. ( Between me and the boys

> > it's beginning

> > to feel like a nut house around here!) I can't

> > remember something I

> > just did or recently said. Past events can be

> > difficult as well. I

> > just introduced myself to another mother at school

> > today who claims

> > to have met me and talked with me several times in

> > the past! These

> > kinds of things are happening quite frequently. I

> > also CANNOT stay

> > focused on what I am doing. I switch tasks

> > constantly and forget

> > that I was doing something else until I find

> > something cooking on

> > the stove or the dryer open waiting for clothes from

> > the washer,etc.

> > Our family has been under an extreme amount of

> > stress for so long

> > (family tragedies, Craig's progressive problems,

> > rebellious

> > teenager, on and on!) that I try to assume that is

> > the problem. My

> > memory does get better when things are going better.

> >

> > One more minor symptom I have is the need to urinate

> > quite

> > frequently without any evidence of infection. This

> > also gets better

> > when not under as much stress.

> >

> > Sorry to be so long and detailed, but I wanted to be

> > specific enough

> > to get some input if possible.

> >

> > If I should see a doctor I have no idea who to see,

> > and I wonder if

> > things are really bad enough to go yet. We live in

> > Michigan.

> >

> > THANKS!!

> >

> > Donna H.

> >

> >

> >

> >


> __________________________________________________


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I love it, Donna! Next time, we're in Boston we'll talk ...

Anne R

Re: anyone with similar symptoms?

" I know my husband has short-term memory problems

and they are directly related to not enough sleep and way too much

stress. "

Hey, I should have compared symptoms him when you guys were in town,

maybe there is a mito dad's syndrome!


> >

> > I can't talk much with family about the symptoms I

> > have been having

> > (or ones my younger son experiences who is not

> > diagnosed with mito)

> > because they obviously think I am reading too much

> > into things. Only

> > here will others understand why my concerns may be

> > justified. I

> > would like to know if other adults experience any of

> > these symptoms

> > or have a similar family history.

> >

> > My son is Craig, and he is 8 with unspecified mito

> > by way of muscle

> > biopsy. No evidence of problems with the complexes.

> > He was never

> > tested for maternal DNA deletions. I am not sure

> > why at this point,

> > but he saw Dr. Cohen who must not have felt it was

> > warranted. (This

> > is a question for his appt. with neurologist next

> > week.)

> >

> > My 6 year old, Dalton, has had some abnormal test

> > results, but not

> > enough to diagnose anything. He had extreme fatigue

> > that has been

> > virtually elimated by Carnitor. We give him CoQ10

> > also. He has

> > become progressively more hyperactive in the past

> > year or so. (a

> > major symptom for Craig). He has a lot of trouble

> > overheating and

> > has had some brief, seizure-type episodes before

> > starting Carnitor.

> > (Craig has seizures). Also, pain in hands, legs,

> > wrists, etc. before

> > Carnitor too. He seems to have memory problems. He

> > doesn't

> > remember things we just said or did. (Craig has

> > significant

> > problems with some kinds of memory- ie. " Where are

> > we going again

> > Mom? " over and over, etc.)

> >

> > I will soon be 40 years old. I have been having a

> > problem with very

> > stiff legs at times. It makes it difficult to walk

> > normally. I have

> > also had trouble with my muscles tightening while

> > laying in bed at

> > night, and it's difficult to get them to " let go. "

> > I have had

> > trouble walking straight in the middle of the night

> > a few times .

> > One time I tried my darndest to get to the door to

> > go out of the

> > room, but could not do it without falling over. I

> > finally gave up

> > and went back to bed. All these things come and go.

> >

> > Lately, my back quite often has pins and needles

> > across the mid to

> > upper section. (Perhaps this could be a chiropractic

> > problem?) I get

> > pins and needles in my hands and feet/legs quite a

> > bit as well.

> >

> > The things that bothers me most, though, is that my

> > thinking is

> > clearly not normal lately. ( Between me and the boys

> > it's beginning

> > to feel like a nut house around here!) I can't

> > remember something I

> > just did or recently said. Past events can be

> > difficult as well. I

> > just introduced myself to another mother at school

> > today who claims

> > to have met me and talked with me several times in

> > the past! These

> > kinds of things are happening quite frequently. I

> > also CANNOT stay

> > focused on what I am doing. I switch tasks

> > constantly and forget

> > that I was doing something else until I find

> > something cooking on

> > the stove or the dryer open waiting for clothes from

> > the washer,etc.

> > Our family has been under an extreme amount of

> > stress for so long

> > (family tragedies, Craig's progressive problems,

> > rebellious

> > teenager, on and on!) that I try to assume that is

> > the problem. My

> > memory does get better when things are going better.

> >

> > One more minor symptom I have is the need to urinate

> > quite

> > frequently without any evidence of infection. This

> > also gets better

> > when not under as much stress.

> >

> > Sorry to be so long and detailed, but I wanted to be

> > specific enough

> > to get some input if possible.

> >

> > If I should see a doctor I have no idea who to see,

> > and I wonder if

> > things are really bad enough to go yet. We live in

> > Michigan.

> >

> > THANKS!!

> >

> > Donna H.

> >

> >

> >

> >


> __________________________________________________


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