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A question about NPO

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Sorry if you have already recieved this, I don't know if the other one went

through or not. Anyway, here's the question...

My son who is almost nine months old, is supposed to have a meckel scan done on

Wednesday, they want him to go NPO for four hours prior to the procedure, then

they want to take pictures for 45 minutes with him being still. I don't think

he will be still for that long, so he probably won't be allowed to eat for

atleast 5 hours. So, does he need to be put on an IV prior to the procedure? He

is getting admitted into the hospital on Thursday for an IV prior to surgery on

Friday. I hate to put him through this twice in one week, but I want to do

whatever is best for him. His doctor isn't worried about it since it is less

than six hours. What should I do? If he does need it, any suggestions on how to

get it? I would really appreciate any help. Thanks a bunch

le (mom to Datreon 9 months, 11lb 10oz, probable RSS)

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Has your son had problems with hypoglycemia prior to this? If not,

then the 5 hours should be okay. I would make sure you feed him

right up to the last minute, though, to ensure that he has enough to

get him through.

If, however, he has had problems, then I would push to have it all

done when he is admitted on Thursday for surgery on Friday. They

can put in the IV, run the scan on Thursday and then have the IV in

for Friday's surgery, too. If the scan MUST be run on Wednesday,

then really, to be honest, it is not a big deal to put in the IV and

he can be hydrated for the scan. I know he is 9 months and you hate

to have him stuck a couple of times, but he will do all right - I


Jodi Z.

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The only reson your son may need an IV is if he ithe MRI needs to be doen

with Contrast. I agree with Jodi. You should see if they can just add him

on the MRI schedule for Thursday when he is admitted....However, you are

only allowed to give him clear liquids 4 hours prior to procedure (Breast

milk, apple juice, water, pedialyte...etc) no solid food products at all for

6 hours prior to the MRI. (this includes real Orange Juice as well as

formulas) When he does wake up, he will be allowed to drink clear liquids

again as tolerated as long as he doesn't have any other procedures going on

immediately after the MRI.

My son Mathieu just went thru this, so I am very familiar with the routine

as well as I worked in a surgery recovery unit in Pediatric Children's

hospital. If you have any questions feel free to emal off the list serv


If, however, he has had problems, then I would push to have it all

done when he is admitted on Thursday for surgery on Friday. They

can put in the IV, run the scan on Thursday and then have the IV in

for Friday's surgery, too. If the scan MUST be run on Wednesday,

then really, to be honest, it is not a big deal to put in the IV and

he can be hydrated for the scan. I know he is 9 months and you hate

to have him stuck a couple of times, but he will do all right - I


Jodi Z.

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le - as long as he is on an IV with glucose, preferably D10

or D15, he should be fine (experts state that this is a strongly

recommended, almost mandatory, process for any underweight RSS/SGA

child who must be NPO for more than 4 hours).

So, the surgery is taken care of. But the meckel scan -- that is a

tough one. 4 hours NPO, and then you have to worry about whether or

not the scan even starts on time (labs always tend to start late),

then you have another hour -- I know IVs can be tough, but you may

want to consider a running IV during this test. Has he spilled

ketones before?

Another thing -- is the meckle scan in the morning -- because if so,

meaning he would go all night and then all morning with no food,

ABSOLUTELY an IV. If the scan is in the afternoon, you could

consider giving him some carbohydrates (yikes, he is only 9 months

old), and then formula mixed with some polycose in the 5 minutes

before the scan. But now that I see he is 9 months old, I

hesitate. I know Dr. Harbison would probably say right now, IV.

Do you have a copy of the blue RSS pamphlet or the new SGA pamphlet

from MAGIC. If not, go to their website and print out the info, and

give that to the doctors.

Good luck. Will you keep us posted?

> Hi everyone,

> It's me again, I'm not too sure about what to do, my son(almost 9

months) is supposed to get a meckel scan done on Wednesday, however,

they want him to go NPO for four hours prior to the procedure, then

it will be another hour, or longer before he can eat. They want to

do pictures with him being still for 45 minutes, but I know he's not

going to do that. Will five hours be too long? He is also getting

admitted into the hospital for an IV on Thursday, because of surgery

on Friday. I hate to put him through having IV's that close together

but I'm not sure what to do. The doctor's really don't look at the

NPO thing as a big deal if it is less than 6 hours? So I don't even

know how to get him an IV if he needs it. Do you guys think he needs

it? If so, any suggestions on how to get it. Hope someone cen help

me, I'm pretty lsot in this whole thing.

> le (mom to Datreon 8 1/2 months, 11lb 10oz, probable RSS)

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