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Potty training for g-tube fed boys

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Colin is 3.5 and we've been potty training for about a week. I don't

know if the difficulties we are having are RSS related or if it is

just because he is a boy, but I thought I'd run it past you.

He is peeing every 15-20 minutes usually, sometimes every 30 min.

and we have to initiate him going. He still isn't sensing that he

needs to go and telling us. So he is having lots of accidents.

Hayden on the other hand can hold it for 4-5 hours. Do boys just go

more frequently or could there be a problem? Is it just because he

is learning and can't control his bladder as well? Could it be

because he is tube fed? (he receives 3 daytime boluses not a

continuous drip)

After 8 days of this and many, many accidents, I wonder if he is not

ready yet? But at the same time, I don't want to go back to diapers

since he is so interested for the first time. We've come this far

and I hate to turn back now!

And then there is the poop issue. He has only pooped in the potty

once (last Saturday). Yesterday and the day before he pooped in his

undies (a very small amount) and could care less. I am getting

worried about constipation since he is already on miralax for that

issue. He usually has a huge poop each day and this is not happening.

What do you think? Potty training Hayden was a piece of cake in

comparison to this! I have a call into his Ped to run it by her as

well. Thanks in advance for any advice.

Colin (RSS, g-tube) & Hayden - 3.5

Grant - 5.5 mo

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I don't know if this is much help, but here's what happened with us.

When n was 3 he seemed a little interested in potty training,

but it would just run down his leg and he didn't even know what was

happening. That scared me because I thought maybe he was going to

have a problem with incontinence since he's had 3 urological

surgeries. So, we quit trying because I didn't want to know the

answer to that!

I also wondered if it was because he has low muscle tone and he

couldn't control his bladder. I hardly brought up the subject for a

whole year.

Well, he'll be 4 next month. Just last week he said he didn't want

to be in a crib anymore, so I told him if he goes potty, we'll get

him a big boy bed. He was accident free within two days. So easy! He

just needed a motivator.

Good luck!


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I HAVE to chime in here. Matt was horrible to potty train. He was

small, hard to get on a toilet, etc. He hated it. I tried at 2, gave

up, tried at 2 1/2, 3...get the picture? Finally at 3 1/2 he was

peeing fairly regular during the day, but would ask for his " Mickey

Mouse Pants " - pullups - for a poop. I worked him into pooping into

the pullups within 10 minutes. One day, he wanted friends to come

over, so I told him he had to poop in the potty instead of the Mickey

Mouse pants, and he did. He is 7 1/2 and still wet at night. Just

can't wake up enough ( I am following the sleep stuff with interest

since Matt is HEAVY sleeper) to pee. So he is in a pull up.

His almost 3 year old sister, was a BREEZE to potty train! I just

can't believe the difference and she is already dry at night. They

both wear pullups, but hers is always dry.

I think a lot of it is boy vs. girls. I think, Jodi Z correct me,

but boys mature slower in some ways. But, I also have a 4 year old,

strong willed niece who is still wet at night and is very difficult

to potty train....so you never know.

Sorry you won't be at convention this year. How is the new baby?


Mom to Matt

> Hi,


> Colin is 3.5 and we've been potty training for about a week. I


> know if the difficulties we are having are RSS related or if it is

> just because he is a boy, but I thought I'd run it past you.


> He is peeing every 15-20 minutes usually, sometimes every 30 min.

> and we have to initiate him going. He still isn't sensing that he

> needs to go and telling us. So he is having lots of accidents.

> Hayden on the other hand can hold it for 4-5 hours. Do boys just go

> more frequently or could there be a problem? Is it just because he

> is learning and can't control his bladder as well? Could it be

> because he is tube fed? (he receives 3 daytime boluses not a

> continuous drip)


> After 8 days of this and many, many accidents, I wonder if he is


> ready yet? But at the same time, I don't want to go back to diapers

> since he is so interested for the first time. We've come this far

> and I hate to turn back now!


> And then there is the poop issue. He has only pooped in the potty

> once (last Saturday). Yesterday and the day before he pooped in his

> undies (a very small amount) and could care less. I am getting

> worried about constipation since he is already on miralax for that

> issue. He usually has a huge poop each day and this is not



> What do you think? Potty training Hayden was a piece of cake in

> comparison to this! I have a call into his Ped to run it by her as

> well. Thanks in advance for any advice.



> Colin (RSS, g-tube) & Hayden - 3.5

> Grant - 5.5 mo

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Thanks, Beth. We are going to the convention this year. Will you be

there? Have you moved yet? We will have all 3 kids so it will be

crazy. Grant is doing well, but he is not a great sleeper so we're

still up a few times a night at 6 mo.

> > Hi,

> >

> > Colin is 3.5 and we've been potty training for about a week. I

> don't

> > know if the difficulties we are having are RSS related or if it


> > just because he is a boy, but I thought I'd run it past you.

> >

> > He is peeing every 15-20 minutes usually, sometimes every 30


> > and we have to initiate him going. He still isn't sensing that


> > needs to go and telling us. So he is having lots of accidents.

> > Hayden on the other hand can hold it for 4-5 hours. Do boys just


> > more frequently or could there be a problem? Is it just because


> > is learning and can't control his bladder as well? Could it be

> > because he is tube fed? (he receives 3 daytime boluses not a

> > continuous drip)

> >

> > After 8 days of this and many, many accidents, I wonder if he is

> not

> > ready yet? But at the same time, I don't want to go back to


> > since he is so interested for the first time. We've come this


> > and I hate to turn back now!

> >

> > And then there is the poop issue. He has only pooped in the


> > once (last Saturday). Yesterday and the day before he pooped in


> > undies (a very small amount) and could care less. I am getting

> > worried about constipation since he is already on miralax for


> > issue. He usually has a huge poop each day and this is not

> happening.

> >

> > What do you think? Potty training Hayden was a piece of cake in

> > comparison to this! I have a call into his Ped to run it by her


> > well. Thanks in advance for any advice.

> >

> >

> > Colin (RSS, g-tube) & Hayden - 3.5

> > Grant - 5.5 mo

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--Hi I can't believe they are so old now and the new baby I

remember seeing them at the pool playing with , Well a little

cool news about pottytraining, B does not have a tube but while we

were at the convention Dr. H told straight like it was... she

said " you are 4 years old and just because you might be small, you

are smart and I don't want to see you in pullups no more " Mrs.Pattie

Warren the wonderful woman she is went out and bought him underwear

and we tried it and it worked, he just needed that extra push I guess

he was pottytrained that day!!! I don't know how she did it, we had

alot of trouble and he was slow at it due to having 2 hypospadias

surgeries and I think that might of been what he was afraid of , well

good luck with it I know it is stressful but he will get the hang of

it, if you want to make it fun you can put cherrios in the potty and

he can pretend that is his target!1 (or they make special pee things

at Target) was recently peeing every five minutes and I was

worried but found out it was his meds he was on Prednisone, also it

might be a little difficult on the Miralax because it does make them

go.. well hope this helps if I can think of anything else I will try

to write! Thanks and hugs......... ,(mom to

s) I wish I could go to the conv to see the kids and

the new baby:) Maybe next year and hopefully by then he might of

grown by being on the GH :)


- In RSS-

Support , " colinandhaydensmom " <jebarker@e...> wrote:

> Hi,


> Colin is 3.5 and we've been potty training for about a week. I


> know if the difficulties we are having are RSS related or if it is

> just because he is a boy, but I thought I'd run it past you.


> He is peeing every 15-20 minutes usually, sometimes every 30 min.

> and we have to initiate him going. He still isn't sensing that he

> needs to go and telling us. So he is having lots of accidents.

> Hayden on the other hand can hold it for 4-5 hours. Do boys just go

> more frequently or could there be a problem? Is it just because he

> is learning and can't control his bladder as well? Could it be

> because he is tube fed? (he receives 3 daytime boluses not a

> continuous drip)


> After 8 days of this and many, many accidents, I wonder if he is


> ready yet? But at the same time, I don't want to go back to diapers

> since he is so interested for the first time. We've come this far

> and I hate to turn back now!


> And then there is the poop issue. He has only pooped in the potty

> once (last Saturday). Yesterday and the day before he pooped in his

> undies (a very small amount) and could care less. I am getting

> worried about constipation since he is already on miralax for that

> issue. He usually has a huge poop each day and this is not



> What do you think? Potty training Hayden was a piece of cake in

> comparison to this! I have a call into his Ped to run it by her as

> well. Thanks in advance for any advice.



> Colin (RSS, g-tube) & Hayden - 3.5

> Grant - 5.5 mo

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To add my two cents, my twins are now 4 (2/4/00). trained

at 3 1/2, is still not trained. He will use the potty when he

wants to, but most of the time he just doesn't care. Right now, I

am not stressing as he still has another year in a special pre-

school. I am hoping to get him trained by the end of 2004.

Judith, Steve, (RSS) and (non RSS) 4 year old twins

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