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Bread Recipes

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This recipe was originally for a bread machine. I have modified it to meet

our needs. I have never been able to get GFCF to work in a bread machine.

I finally put my machine up and use a KitchenAid food processor to mix up

the dough and bake it in the oven. This recipe is a little complicated

(many ingredients). This is the recipe that I used to finally come up with

a loaf that we could eat after 11 failures!

Dry Ingredients:

1 ½ cups white rice flour

¾ cup brown rice flour

½ cup tapioca flour

¼ cup corn starch

2 tsp. Red Star Quick Rise Yeast

½ cup DariFree

3 tsp. xanthan gum

1 tbs. Sure-Jell

½ tsp. salt

2 tbs. Sucralose (or sugar)

1 tsp ascorbic acid (you can use vinegar and put this with the wet


2 tsp Kirkman’s Calcium Powder (optional if you want the extra calcium. It

does make the bread slightly gritty)

Wet Ingredients:

1 ½ cups warm water

1 tsp. gelatin

2 eggs, room temperature, beaten

¼ cup canola oil (use whatever you want here, GF margarine or another type

of oil)

In a mixing bowl or food processor mix all dry ingredients. Add gelatin to

warm water and let soak for 5 min. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients

and mix with a heavy duty mixer or food processor. Put dough in a non stick

loaf pan (or grease and flour a regular load pan, or use cooking spray).

Let rise in a warm place for 1 to 1 1/2 hours (I turn my oven on for about

30 seconds and then turn it back off and then let the bread rise in the

oven). The bread will not quite double in size. Bake at 350° 35 – 45 min.

Turn out of the pan and let cool on a wire rack.

This next recipe comes out of Karyn Seroussi's book " Unraveling the Mystery

of Autism and Pervasive Development Disorder " . It's on page 253. I will

give the original recipe and the modifications I made.

She calls it " Soft White Bread "

2 cups white rice flour (I use 1 cup white and 1 cup brown rice flour)

2 cups tapioca flour

2/3 cup DariFree

1/4 cup sugar (I use sucralose)

1 1/2 Tbl xanthan gum

1 1/2 tsp salt (I use sea salt)

4 tsp regular GF yeast (not the quick rise kind) 4 tsp = 2 packets

2 cups warm water

1/4 cup canola oil

2 tsp rice vinegar (I use Ener-g reconstituted GF powder vinegar)

2 eggs, beaten

Put the dry ingredients in a bowl or food processor and mix well (I prefer

to mix the dry stuff together first but I have read where that is not

necessary but I do it anyway). Mix the wet ingredients together and add to

the dry stuff. Mix well for 2 to 3 minutes. I use the food processor but

I'm told that a heavy duty mixer like a KitchenAid works well too. After

you have the dough mixed you can do many thing with it. It makes pretty

good bread, although I have found it to be a little " sticky " in the middle.

However, my son LOVES toast made from this bread. It makes excellent

hamburger rolls, hotdog rolls and pizza dough.

To make the bread you can split the dough into two pan for smaller loafs (I

have never tried this) or put it all in one big pan for a big loaf (My

preferred method). Let rise for 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Back at 400 for 50

minutes. Turn out of pan and let cool on a wire rack. Freeze what you

don't use on the dame day.

For rolls (hamburger or hotdog) form dough into rolls. This is a little

hard because the dough is so sticky. Just keep your hands coated lightly in

canola oil. Place on a baking sheet. Let rise 30 to 60 minutes. Bake at

400 for 20 minutes.

For pizza shells: Spread the dough out in the size and thickness you want.

Bake at 400 for 10 minutes. Freeze. These make great pizzas. Thaw them

out, put on your toppings and bake at 400 for 15 to 20 minutes.


Father to , 4 yo ASD

Toney, Alabama

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