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pregnant,breast milk & baby

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I went CF only during the last 2 months of my pregnancy. That was when I

had learned about the diet and had gotten my sons diagnosis. Once I got rid

of the casein, I felt so great! I didn't go GF/CF until after my daughter was

born and I nursed her. I did the diet for 8 months and only cheated once or

twice. My daughter seems so perfect and is already saying 14 words (she's 11

mos. today), sat up at 5 1/2 months, crawled before 6 months, and walked at 9

mos. During the last 2 months of my pregnancy I supplemented with calcium

powder, cod liver oil, extra vitamin c, and my prenatal vitamin. I totally

cut out MSG and all preservatives. I did feel great while on the diet and had

a lot of energy which helped when she was up all night in the beginning. I

wish I had the will power to stay on it always but I love junk food too much!

Jo (South Carolina)

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Hi all,

I'm sort of new to this egroup. I need some advice. I'm pregnant with our 3rd

child. Now being pregnant I'm off gluten,preservatives/additives and as much

msg as I can.

When the baby is born, should I breast feed keeping to the diet I already

implement. I say this thinking the baby will need immunity, as autism is linked

with the immune system. Breast milk is good for this. If so when should I stop

breast feeding and go caesin free? Or should I go caesin free from the start?

Should I be off caesin now? My intake is very very low, eg. milk in decaf


Hope someone has some great advice. I'm sure these questions would have been

covered before this





InterNet Australis


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IMHO, you should go casein free now. Good luck > F

pregnant,breast milk & baby

> Hi all,

> I'm sort of new to this egroup. I need some advice. I'm pregnant with

our 3rd child. Now being pregnant I'm off gluten,preservatives/additives

and as much msg as I can.

> When the baby is born, should I breast feed keeping to the diet I already

implement. I say this thinking the baby will need immunity, as autism is

linked with the immune system. Breast milk is good for this. If so when

should I stop breast feeding and go caesin free? Or should I go caesin free

from the start? Should I be off caesin now? My intake is very very low,

eg. milk in decaf coffee.

> Hope someone has some great advice. I'm sure these questions would have

been covered before this

> regards

> Carmel

> Australia








> ------------------------------------------------------

> InterNet Australis

> http://www.australis.com.au/





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Breast milk is best. I think going casein free now would be a good idea,

just eat plenty of green leafy veggies. I wouldn't quit breast feeding till

you come to the point you can't stand it. Hopefully you can get a year in,

but the longer you breast feed the longer your baby is getting the perfect

food, which would be best on the digestive system, and our kids have

problems in that area.

I'm no expert, but that's my thinking.


>Hi all,

>I'm sort of new to this egroup. I need some advice. I'm pregnant with

>our 3rd child. Now being pregnant I'm off gluten,preservatives/additives

>and as much msg as I can.

>When the baby is born, should I breast feed keeping to the diet I already

>implement. I say this thinking the baby will need immunity, as autism is

>linked with the immune system. Breast milk is good for this. If so when

>should I stop breast feeding and go caesin free? Or should I go caesin

>free from the start? Should I be off caesin now? My intake is very very

>low, eg. milk in decaf coffee.

>Hope someone has some great advice. I'm sure these questions would have

>been covered before this





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