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DAN conference opened my eyes!

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We have been GF/CF for about 1 year now, recently

we have had some infringements and have been getting

sloppy about being 100% GF/CF. After hearing all that

I heard at the DAN conference last weekend, I now feel

that being on the GF/CF diet is more important than ever.

I now know that being on the diet has allowed my 2 children's

gut to heal and to have normal digestion again.

I am also going to look into the chelation. Dr.Amy Holmes

was a remarkable speaker, and her explanation of the whole

mercury thing was truly fascinating. She said preliminary results

of chelation look very promising ( kids immune systems getting better

leaky guts healing, and some kids being able to hopefully not need

the diet anymore).

I would recommend that anyone that is interested, purchase some

of the audio tapes ( they are $10 each). The ones I plan on purchasing

are the following.

1. Woody Mcginnis


3. Amy Holmes

4. Shattock

Shattock was also a great speaker. He talked a lot

about the peptide theory. He also had some interesting results on

peptide results from family members of autistic individuals. About

50% of parents and siblings of autistic individuals had elevated levels

of peptides in their urine and 20-25% of the general population. I guess

this would support the theory that you shouldn't do the diet just based

solely on your peptide results, but on the actual results that you see in


children. Maybe a lot of us need to be on the diet. I know I feel much

better when

I don't eat Gluten or Casein. He also talked about elevated IAG in


breakdown of tryptophan). He said that they are now thinking that IAG might

play some

role in causing the leaky gut, and that this abnormal breakdown of

tryptophan might

be due to environmental pesticides.

What a great conference!!

The most disturbing thing that I heard was that

the incidence of autism is now considered to be about 1 in 100 children

and 1 in 40 boys.


--- Todd Snover

--- tsnover@...

--- EarthLink: It's your Internet.

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