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Thanks a and another question

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a, I cannot describe what I'm feeling right now. I have tried

other groups that focused on children with the Autistic Spectrum, PDD,

or Aspergers but I always felt like something was missing. I am so

very thankful I have found this group - I feel like I can really

connect and that you all understand exactly where I'm coming from.

I will start working on my husband right now and hopefully he will

agree when school starts in Aug. Another problem with the school is

it's a 1/2 day program and because of the distance one of us will have

to take about 1 1/2 hr. to take him then 1 1/2 to pick him up and take

him back to daycare. They provide bus service but because Jaedon does

not communicate well I'm afraid to put him on the bus. Did you have

to deal with any of this?

Thank you,



> > Well husband

> > is totally against preschool program but he continues to get



> That is too bad, because my son was dx'd exactly as yours, and I

found that

> the preschool program taught him far more than a couple of speech


> A child who is delayed needs both, and if there is any chance your

son is on

> the spectrum, he needs the interaction of other children to help him




> >I cannot say I was thrilled with the dx from PDD to DD because my


> > still has some strange behaviors (e.g. high pitch screaming, some

> > behaviors look compulsive to me, outburst of rage towards 1 yr old

> > brother). I am at my wits end and that's what lead me to the

> > positive discipline group.


> Other than the outbursts towards other children, my son was exactly


> this at the same age. He is now 5, and through " floortime " ,


> diet, speech, ot and pt, he has made incredible strides. I tried to


> focus on the label, but rather I on where my son needed improvement.


> him, it was behavior, first, social skills second and speech third.

He is

> now only 6 months behind his peers, and I'm more than pleased.


> >My first concern is what is my child going to

> > eat? But secondly, I've been wondering if some of this strange

> > behavior could be connected to his severe allergies? He has a


> > up appt. next week but I thought the more info I have the better.


> Well, its tricky but you will have to become accustom to making more


> from scratch and relying on only a handful of mixes or packaged

foods. I

> found it was harder to go corn free. As far as the behavior

improving on

> diet, yes! That was the area where we saw the most improvement. It


> hard to believe, but we've proven it over and over. Any infraction


> casein or gluten causes my son to become difficult. His voice gets


> and he screams answers at your face, rather than use a pleasant

voice. He

> gets whiny, and becomes an overall crab! I also found that the diet


> his runny nose stop! It was worth it just for that.


> a - Madison WI mom to Alec 6.10, 5 (ASD), 3.3

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> a, I cannot describe what I'm feeling right now. I have tried

> other groups that focused on children with the Autistic Spectrum, PDD,

> or Aspergers but I always felt like something was missing. I am so

> very thankful I have found this group - I feel like I can really

> connect and that you all understand exactly where I'm coming from.


> I will start working on my husband right now and hopefully he will

> agree when school starts in Aug. Another problem with the school is

> it's a 1/2 day program and because of the distance one of us will have

> to take about 1 1/2 hr. to take him then 1 1/2 to pick him up and take

> him back to daycare. They provide bus service but because Jaedon does

> not communicate well I'm afraid to put him on the bus. Did you have

> to deal with any of this?

I didn't because my son has pretty much always spoken, it just came in very

slowly. However, one of my closest friends has an 8 year old, non verbal

son and he rode the bus to and from daycare to school. She met with the bus

driver ahead of time and got to know him first. He was very receptive, and

caring towards all the kids needs on the bus. Her son was not the only non

verbal child on the bus. Perhaps others can share their experiences with

the bus situation.

a - Madison WI

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> Thanks for responding a. I guess my fear is that when Jaedon is

> in a new/unfamiliar situation he starts yelling 'I gotta go pee

> pee' and high pitch screaming. But I guess I have to let him start

> developing some independence, right?

> Joyce

Joyce, you can't believe how much my son screamed when he was younger. By

the age of 2, we rarely took him anywhere. I was so afraid of what people

would think or what would happen. I knew in my heart that it wasn't good

for him or the family to isolate us from the outside, but he was always

melting down and having episodes that were not the norm. When he turned

2.6, I had enough. I wanted to be able to go places and do things like

other people. Even more, I wanted him to learn to fit in and learn to

accept things. It has taken us 3 years to get to that point. We still have

days that are bumpy, like when he's screaming at the checkout in the grocery

store, " I want little M & M's! " It's funny, because he walks through the

whole store pointing out foods and saying, " I can't have that it will make

me sick! " , but when he gets to that checkout, he loses it! However, because

he's so verbal, and small for his age, he looks like a toddler demanding his


Hang in there!


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