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Re: Any normal results from the Great Plains Lab?

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Hi ,

I just received my son's Petide & Organic Acid test results back from

Great Plains Lab & his wheat level was normal, but the dairy level was

high if that's any help to you. You know your child better than anyone

else, so you should do what you think is best for your child. I went

through the same thing you're going through, but I didn't care what

other people thought about me or what I was doing, I just wanted to help

my son. I always tell everyone, until you've done the research, the

reading & everything else involved, then keep your mouth shut & you're

opinions to your self & the same goes for my home, because it's not as

neat & clean as it used to be, so I tell people, if you don't like it,

then don't come over & don't run your mouth about it either until you've

lived my life for 1 week, then let's see how you feel & that has helped

me out 100%. My life is consumed by my little 3.4 yr. old with autism &

I will read, research, go to conferences, anything it takes to try &

bring my little guy back & maybe nothing will work, but at least I know

I tried, I owe him that much. Hang in there & do what your heart

& your gut tells ya.


Sampson wrote:


> I am having a terrible time convincing my family that

> this diet is the right thing for our younger son. My

> mother is the one who pushed us to have the peptides

> testing done, as her friend works for Dr. Shaw and

> they offered to do it complimentary to get my

> pediatrician interested and send more labs their way.

> Now she thinks that they are skewing the results just

> to prove their theories, and that doesn't

> have any problems. Nevermind the fact that he goes

> insane whenever he eats any wheat. I have a bruised

> cheekbone from where he headbutted me yesterday. She

> never seems to be around when he's having a reaction,

> of course. So here's my question: has anyone had the

> peptide testing done there and had results within

> normal limits?



> =====

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> __________________________________________________


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> has anyone had the peptide testing done there and had results within normal



My daughter's GPL gluten number was within normal range. Her casein number was

slightly above normal. She's been GFCF for 4 years. The casein number is

probably slightly high due to lactose in her meds.

This may sound cruel, but I finally decided to focus on helping my child rather

than convincing relatives that I was doing the right thing. Leave them behind

if necessary. Eventually they will come to see your wisdom. I think that

seeing their grandchild suffer is hard on them, too, and they also have the

challenge of deciding how they respond to this (by being proactive, denial,

blaming, etc.).

Good luck, K.

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My child's gluten score was high normal, but his IgG scores for

gluten grains were extremely high. His casomorphin score was high

(but not extreme), but IgG was mid-range positive. His yeast tests

were low positive. Some other test results were within normal

ranges. Only when one looked at the whole set of results (run in

three different labs due to different types of tests)did a clear

picture appear of his dietary restrictions.

Many of us struggle with relatives, school officials, doctors, etc.,

who think we're nuts, but the more my child improves, the more I

laugh it off. And now some teachers who are taking the official

stand that the diet is " an experimental and unproven treatment " are

secretly buying 's book & giving it to other parents of ASD kids.

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I have had my 3 sons tested.

Son #1 - Is now 12. Has always been perfectly fine, although he did

experience a few ear infections as an infant and a little asthma which we

used the nebulizer for and also steroids. His levels were: Casein - 23.5

and Wheat - 88.8. Nothing outrageous here, but if he eats those foods, he

gets a bit stuffy and he gets a flaming rash around his nostrils (which I got

at the same age for a couple of years!) When he sticks to the gfcf diet, his

nose looks great!

Son#2 - is now 9. He is the autistic one. I would say that his level of

autism was moderate at age 2. We did not test the casein and wheat levels

until he had been gfcf for about a year, unfortunately. However, his levels

were: casein 17.9 and wheat 11.5. So the wheat was normal and the casein

wasn't very high at all. Needless to say, when we did go gfcf, we did see

improvement within a few weeks!

Son #3 - is now 7. He is a bit hyper and has had difficulty learning to

read. His levels were Casein - 89.6 and wheat - 14.8. So the wheat was

normal. I have reduced his wheat consumption, just to be on the safe side.

So Great Plains does produce lab results with normal ranges for these opiods.

Even my son #1, who just finished his school year with a 4.0 cum, still

shouldn't be eating these foods! We are what we eat and the foods do not all

work in our bodies the same way.

A great book to read is Eat Right for Your Type, by Dr. D'Adamo.


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