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trouble sleeping at night

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My son has always had trouble sleeping through the night and

before he was diagnosed with RSS we just thought he was just one of

those kids who didn't sleep well, even for his naps possible an hour

to an hour and a half at most. Is there any correlation between RSS

and sleep patterns? Any insight would be great.


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I cannot tell you HOW timely this is! Emerence has never been a

great sleeper or napper (even as a baby - 20 min max 2 or 3 times a

day!) and for FIVE WEEKS she has been up wanting to PLAY for about 3

hours in the dead of night. I am just about going crazy. Tonight

she was screaming and screaming because she didn't want to go to bed -

I took her out several times to calm her down because if not she

vomits...she finally got to that point and threw up everywhere. EVen

at night she won't wake up and play in her crib - she would yell and

scream for 3 hours if I didn't get her.

ANYONE have an idea on how to get her to SLEEP! (an me too?) :)

, mom to 4.5, Emerence 20 mo 18lb 11 oz 28.5 " , SGA

(small girl with attitude!) and poss RSS


> My son has always had trouble sleeping through the night and

> before he was diagnosed with RSS we just thought he was just one of

> those kids who didn't sleep well, even for his naps possible an


> to an hour and a half at most. Is there any correlation between


> and sleep patterns? Any insight would be great.


> Trish

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I think that this is just part of different kids' genetic makeups.

Things like reflux, or large adenoids/sleep apnea can definitely

make sleeping worse! But sleeping poorly in and of itself is not

a " characteristic " of RSS. was a terrible sleeper as an

infant. But has slept 11 hours a night since medication (she is 8

yrs old now and sleeps about 10-11 hours a night).


> My son has always had trouble sleeping through the night and

> before he was diagnosed with RSS we just thought he was just one


> those kids who didn't sleep well, even for his naps possible an


> to an hour and a half at most. Is there any correlation between


> and sleep patterns? Any insight would be great.


> Trish

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I haven't read anyone's reply yet but I will give you some wonderful

thoughts on sleepless infants/kids that my doctor gave me 15 years ago when

I was pulling my hair out.

My daughter (non RSS) never slept more than 15 minutes at a time from the

day I brought her home from the hospital. My only saving grace was the swing

(I had a crank one then, no battery operated, and I constantly had to re

crank it the minute she fell asleep!)

I was constantly complaining to our doctor at her well baby visits. And she

told me this:

A baby who is awake all the time, is learning. She will be very bright as

she is constantly taking in her surroundings, analyzing and observing.

Well 15 years later and this girl is in grade 10 now and is absolutely

brilliant. She aces every single subject and has tested out at an IQ in the

95th percentile. She doesn't even study for exams. Can you believe that? She

says she just " learns " it when the teacher says it and it stays in (way

above my capabilities LOL).

Now for some practical advice to get you through the nights.

Adam was one of those sleepers (he's my RSS son) that for about a year,

enjoyed waking up right in the middle of the night. Drove his dad and I to


So we have a living room situation where we could gate off the two door ways

and either Adam's dad or myself would lie on the living room floor (we got

good and kept blankets and pillows out there after a bit) and we would

immediately fall right back to sleep but Adam would crawl/roll around, watch

a bit of t.v. (infomercials even!), play and generally be happy as a clam.

He would eventually crash back to sleep at some point on the floor, and we

would eventually wake up, carry him back to bed and then crash back in our

own bed. That was the best way for us all to still get some sleep and keep

our sanity.

From the age of about 3 or 4 both of my kids became 12-14 hour sleepers. In

the summer time no one could understand how NO ONE in this house would get

up before 11 or 12 noon. They thought I was drugging the kids. But they have

always slept in late from that age on.

There is hope. But I don't think it's connected to RSS. Adam has a sleep

disorder. The closest the doctors can come is restless leg syndrome. He is

highly active in his sleep (he's 12 now......or will be on Sat.) he doesn't

get up or wake up but he travels all over the bed. This is not related to

RSS (we had 2 sleep studies done).

Good luck and hopefully this phase won't last long.


Re: trouble sleeping at night



> OMG!


> I cannot tell you HOW timely this is! Emerence has never been a

> great sleeper or napper (even as a baby - 20 min max 2 or 3 times a

> day!) and for FIVE WEEKS she has been up wanting to PLAY for about 3

> hours in the dead of night. I am just about going crazy. Tonight

> she was screaming and screaming because she didn't want to go to bed -

> I took her out several times to calm her down because if not she

> vomits...she finally got to that point and threw up everywhere. EVen

> at night she won't wake up and play in her crib - she would yell and

> scream for 3 hours if I didn't get her.


> ANYONE have an idea on how to get her to SLEEP! (an me too?) :)


> , mom to 4.5, Emerence 20 mo 18lb 11 oz 28.5 " , SGA

> (small girl with attitude!) and poss RSS




> >

> > My son has always had trouble sleeping through the night and

> > before he was diagnosed with RSS we just thought he was just one of

> > those kids who didn't sleep well, even for his naps possible an

> hour

> > to an hour and a half at most. Is there any correlation between


> > and sleep patterns? Any insight would be great.

> >

> > Trish









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