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Re: RSS/SGA pregnancy survey last call...

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Please send me a copy of the survey


> Hi,


> We have a survey if anyone is interested about pregnancy and


> that several of us thought would be interesting since some

> pregnancies seemed so similar. Anyway, only a few responses so I'll

> give this as a last call before I post results...Please email me

> directly!

> thanks!



> mbdonnell@ hotmail.com ( no space)

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I don't know if I would be of much help since during my pregnancy with

I had 2 ultrasounds, the first at 10 weeks because I spotted

and the second which I believe was around 20 weeks and they didn't say

a word about anything to me, other than that the baby was curled up

and hard to get some good pictures. I have the report and it also

says that all chambers of the heart are good. Mind you know,

had open heart surgery last year because of a large hole in her heart

that she was born with . . . so go figure. Wonderful doctors. They

completely ignored my calls and concerns of feelings I was having. I

kept telling them that " I feel like I am about to get my period. Not

cramps, but that it is starting right now to flow. " I was told

repeatedly that it was braxton hicks and to drink water. Finally a

labor and delivery nurse told me to tell my doctor at the next visit

(which was a day later) and I did again. Again nothing. Two days

after that visit I also had a discomfort in my low back and was told

to go to the hospital that the doctor was there. Well 6 weeks before

my due date I was told that I was 80% effaced and 2cm dialated.

Finally someone (the doctor) listened to me. was born 2 weeks


So again, the doctor and the radiologist in my opinion didn't do such

a good job. Again the radiologist report says that due to the

position of the baby it was difficult to obtain some pictures. Did

anyone recommned a follow up ultrasound? NO!! I would have had I known

what the report said. In fact all during my pregnancy my ob was

telling me and every other pregnant woman that I know that went to him

that " You're making a perfect baby. " Believe me to me she is perfect

but open heart surgery and RSS later what would you say?

Thanks for listening - more of grumble huh?


4 3/4 RSS and Kelli 2 NON RSS

> I'm interested..


> laura

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I will share my pregnancy story, although Quetzie may not actually be RSS(Dr.

Harbison does not believe so, my pediatrician still believes so(me too), but

whatever, I do know my pregnancy was similar to other of you.

The pregnancy started out otherwise uneventful until the triple maternal serum

screen, the results flagged this pregnancy with high risk for Trisomy 18, with

amnioscentesis, Trisomy 18 was ruled out, and we were told we have a healthy

baby girl! So, again the pregnancy went rather uneventful until about 30 weeks

when I mentioned I wasn't nearly as large as I was with my first pregnancy.

Closer measurement of fundal height caused concern and a referral for Level 2

ultrasounds which showed fluid around the baby's heart. Another ultrasound 2

weeks later showed adequate growth for this ,albeit, small baby; enough to allow

the baby to continue growing inside the womb, rather than taking her out- and

the fluid around the heart had gone away.

The pegnancy went on with biweekly non stress tests and weekly ultrasounds that

predicted the baby would be 5 pounds by birth.

Finally, in the 37th week, during a NST, Quetzie's heart rate became

untraceable, she was an immediate c-section birth, recuccitated, and later

pronounced a healthy 2lb 14 oz baby, 14 inches long and perfectly well

developed(lungs, heart, renal system) etc!

The Dr said " why don't we hold on to her, you'd look pretty silly carrying

around a 2 pound baby " , so there she stayed for 5.5 weeks until she was 4 lbs

when we finally brought her home:)

So, there it is...

I too am anxious for the results...and by the way, sorry I don't post more

often, school has been tough!

- Mom to Quetzie 3yrs 19 lbs(RSS or SGA), and Zoe 5 yrs

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