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Once again.....

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Once again ANdrew has an ear infection. It was so frustrating this

time though. I took him to the sick child clininc at our

pediatrician's office. Unfortunaltely, you get who you get, so he

didn't get to see his regular doctor....who knows EVERYTHING there is

to know about . Anyway, this other doctor he saw was so wishy

washy about whether or not he had an infection. Said his ear

was " full " , but didn't want to put him on an antibiotic because he

had been on so many already, and would probably be a=on many more.

He also tolfd me 's liver was enlarged, and this could be due

to a viral infection. New one on me, very interesting and good to


So, I take home. Oh yeah, and let me tell you that he was fine

the whole time we were at the office. No crying,

complaining....nothing! So, we get home and guess what? It starts

again. He is miserable and crying and just tugging at his ear. I

call his pulmonary doctor and to make a long story short, I ended up

in Children's ER Friday night and was there for quite a while.

Anyway, by the time the doctors saw him, his ear drum was bulging and

full of puss. Most definitely an infection. They did say that the

ear can change rather quickly though, in a matter of hours. But, I

was still upset with the other doctor. He had done this once before

to us, too. Also, they did liver function tests just to make sure

his liver was functioning correctly. It was, so they are assuming it

is from the virus/infection. Needless to say, I am going to request

that ANdrew be seen by and ENT because I can't continue to let him

get these infections all the time. Not only to protect his hearing,

but to protect him from taking antibiotics so often! UGH!

I just wanetd to update you guys. I haven't been able to post much.

is sick also, and I have been tending to him, and doing all

of 's stuff too. So, there has been little time for the

computer. I hope all of you are doing well. But hey, I did get

breakfast in bed this morning! :o) How great is that. First time

for everything! LOL!

Jodi R.

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