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San Diego Autism Meeting-June 24

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Early Interventions for Autism Meeting

(A San Diego Parents Group in Search of a Catchy Name)

First Meeting:

Sunday, June 24

2:30pm to 4:30pm

At the Mira Mesa Catholic Charities

Employment Case Management Office

Kearny Villa Road at Miramar Rd. (Look for sign)

Many of us on the autismsocal Yahoo.group* have shared our

potty-training horror stories, our baking disasters, and our IEP

frustrations over the Internet--but we have never met in person.

We invite you to join us as we put faces to names!

Meet other San Diego parents with younger kids on the autistic spectrum

who are trying the GFCF diet, trying to potty-train, trying to figure

out what services

they need, rushing from speech to OT to floortime to ABA, and trying to

keep their sanity

and sense of humor intact.

Listen to speakers who have information you can use: How to make the

GFCF diet less time consuming and cut costs, how floortime can help your

child connect

with you, how much and what kind of supplements work, what you should

know about RC

services, how to write objectives for IEPs….you name it. We want to

foster a sense of

hope, advocacy, empowerment and active intervention for our young kids.

This first meeting will be a " get acquainted " meeting--no speaker. If

you are trying the GFCF diet, please bring a GFCF item and its recipe to

the meeting to


Future meetings will on the fourth Sunday of the month. Speakers will be

announced via the autismsocal and GFCFKids Internet listserve groups on


You may bring your kids, but please call first as space is extremely

limited to the number of kids a few caring volunteer teens can handle.

*What is autismsocal? Once upon a time, there was the Internet. And

people found that they could form Internet groups to exchange messages

based on a common interest. Some parents found that their autistic kids

improved when wheat (gluten) and dairy (casein) products were eliminated

from their diet. So they started a Yahoo.group on the Internet called

GFCFKids (gluten-free, casein-free) to share this information. Over the

next few months, a bunch of people on the GFCFKids group discovered they

all happened to live in Southern California. So another group,

autismsocal (autism southern California) was created by Rose to

address the GFCF diet and local issues. Another -- Ackerman--was

having GFCF meetings in her Orange County home and invited the

autismsocal group. After Ackerman's meeting, a bunch of people

asked to have a similar meeting in San Diego County. This is that

meeting. Why the explanation? Because there is power in numbers. By

joining forces, we can attract better speakers and benefit from a wider

range of experiences.

Questions? Directions? Call Fry at or email:



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