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Our story seems quite similar to everyone else's. Olivia showed

slow growth after 16 weeks gestation and stopped growing around 27

weeks. The BIO ultrasound showed a problem with the umbilical cord

and slow blood flow. The Dr's took her via c-section at 30 weeks

weighing 1 lb 11oz, 13.5 " long, she had a 2 vessel cord but the

placenta was perfect. The Dr's thought that once she was out of the

unhealthy utero environment she would gain quickly and catch up by

the time her due date came around. With normal preemies this is

usually the case but not with us, by her due date she weighed 3lb

6oz but we were lucky that we could take her home at this weight.

There sure are a lot of 2 vessel cord kids here, I'd never heard

of another baby with it before.

Leah mom to 9yrs and Olivia 4.75yrs, 18lbs, 33 " , RSS, OI,

lots of meds

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Interesting..my situation was very similar except that they threw the

cord & placenta away. The protocol at Medical City in Dallas changed

after that since my ob/gyn threw a major fit (this was in 1991). I did

not have all the testing done on the cord or the placenta but did have 5

sonograms after which they gave the same Trisomy 18 diagnosis.


mom to Colby 13 years, 73 pounds, 58 inches


I have been reading the latest postings on the whole IUGR thing. I

just wanted to add in my two cents, whether it will help or not, I

don't know. But, we found out at 20 weeks that was small for

gestation. His head was measuring pretty close to his gestational

age, but the rest of his body lagged considerably. When I discussed

this with my OB right afterwards, I asked if he would be a dwarf, she

thought not since his limbs where proportionalte to his body, it was

just his head was larger in proportion. I was sent to a specialist

and they thought he would have Trisomy 18 based on what they where

seeing in the ultrasounds. But, I did want you all to know, that

they did extensive testing on me and . First of all, during

some of the NUMEROUS ultrasounds I had while I was pregnant, they

would look closely at the cord, and note the blood flow through it.

I had a THREE vein cord, and he was getting what he needed through

that based on the u/s. Also, immediately after I had , they

took the cord and the placenta and sent it directly to a lab. They

shipped it to somewhere that specializes in testing these things.

They determined that indeed the cord was conducive to a healthy

pregnancy, and the placenta was more than substantial for a healthy

baby. So, I have yet to know what did go on, but to me that just

points to genetics, and not the pregnancy environment. He had plenty

of nutrition available to him, but there was just something else that

hindered his growth. Anyone else have a similar situation? Anyone

else have the testing on the cord and placenta after birth? I wish

we could know for sure what the cause is. Maybe someday!

Jodi R.

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I was full-term...12 days overdue, actually. I was due March 2,

1966 and wasn't born until March 14th.


Just an RSS kid who grew up

> I should have read through all the emails before my last reply. Is

> anyone from Magic working with ob/gyn's to let them know that RSS


> don't do any better outside the womb? Has anyone on this listserve

> carried their RSS baby to full-term or past? It seems like the

norm is

> to take the baby out early, like they did to me, but then the


> may not be better. Is Magic studying this?


> Regards,

> mom to Colby 13 years, 73 pounds, 58 inches






> Our story seems quite similar to everyone else's. Olivia showed

> slow growth after 16 weeks gestation and stopped growing around 27

> weeks. The BIO ultrasound showed a problem with the umbilical


> and slow blood flow. The Dr's took her via c-section at 30 weeks

> weighing 1 lb 11oz, 13.5 " long, she had a 2 vessel cord but the

> placenta was perfect. The Dr's thought that once she was out of


> unhealthy utero environment she would gain quickly and catch up by

> the time her due date came around. With normal preemies this is

> usually the case but not with us, by her due date she weighed 3lb

> 6oz but we were lucky that we could take her home at this weight.

> There sure are a lot of 2 vessel cord kids here, I'd never heard

> of another baby with it before.


> Leah mom to 9yrs and Olivia 4.75yrs, 18lbs, 33 " , RSS, OI,

> lots of meds








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> My baby was full term (39 weeks)





> Our story seems quite similar to everyone else's. Olivia showed

> slow growth after 16 weeks gestation and stopped growing around 27

> weeks. The BIO ultrasound showed a problem with the umbilical cord

> and slow blood flow. The Dr's took her via c-section at 30 weeks

> weighing 1 lb 11oz, 13.5 " long, she had a 2 vessel cord but the

> placenta was perfect. The Dr's thought that once she was out of


> unhealthy utero environment she would gain quickly and catch up by

> the time her due date came around. With normal preemies this is

> usually the case but not with us, by her due date she weighed 3lb

> 6oz but we were lucky that we could take her home at this weight.

> There sure are a lot of 2 vessel cord kids here, I'd never heard

> of another baby with it before.


> Leah mom to 9yrs and Olivia 4.75yrs, 18lbs, 33 " , RSS, OI,

> lots of meds








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was born at 39 weeks gestation. His Dr didn't realize that anything

was wrong until he was delivered, even though his mother had 6 u/s done. At

the time of birth, he was without amniotic fluid, and had the cord wrapped

around his neck 5 times. The cord was pencil thin, and a sickly yellow

color, but as far as I know, no testing was done on either the placenta or

the cord.

Pat (g-ma to , RSS, 31 months, G-Tube)

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Well, I wish someone would tell them to quit taking the babies out early

then and maybe reduce some of the c-sections that women have. Did your

mom deliver you vaginally or c-section? I had to have an amniocentesis

to ensure the lungs were developed. I had refused one prior to the

doctor wanting Colby to come out early so he would " have a better chance

of survival " (even though they thought Trisomy 18)...which also meant a

c-section. My belly hasn't been the same since.

Earlier someone mention hormone as well. I know that once I got morning

sickness, it didn't go away until they took Colby out of my body. I was

upchucking with every meal all day long but once he was born, I couldn't

shovel it in quick enough..and it stayed down. I always wondered if I

was allergic to his male hormones.





> Our story seems quite similar to everyone else's. Olivia showed

> slow growth after 16 weeks gestation and stopped growing around 27

> weeks. The BIO ultrasound showed a problem with the umbilical


> and slow blood flow. The Dr's took her via c-section at 30 weeks

> weighing 1 lb 11oz, 13.5 " long, she had a 2 vessel cord but the

> placenta was perfect. The Dr's thought that once she was out of


> unhealthy utero environment she would gain quickly and catch up by

> the time her due date came around. With normal preemies this is

> usually the case but not with us, by her due date she weighed 3lb

> 6oz but we were lucky that we could take her home at this weight.

> There sure are a lot of 2 vessel cord kids here, I'd never heard

> of another baby with it before.


> Leah mom to 9yrs and Olivia 4.75yrs, 18lbs, 33 " , RSS, OI,

> lots of meds








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Hi everyone,

I had Jordan at 40 weeks via c-section. He was 5 lbs 1 oz at birth. I

thought for sure he was bigger than that. I gained 50 lbs during my pregnancy.

Looking back I remember when I had my sono the tech mentioned that his abdomen

was small but no one made a connection that something could be wrong. Also I

remember not having much fetal movement. I had NST's done and each time they

were fine. I remember a few people mentioned that they didn't have much fetal

movement during their pregnancy either.

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> Well, I wish someone would tell them to quit taking the babies out


> then and maybe reduce some of the c-sections that women have. Did


> mom deliver you vaginally or c-section?

Emergency C-section. They tried to go vaginally but the ubilical

cord was wrapped around my neck twice.

Keep in mind that I was born over 38 years ago so it was an entirely

different ballgame. Comparatively speaking, the medical world didn't

have a clue back then <wink>. You just happened to ask if anyone

was delivered on time or not and I was, so I just piped in....<G>.


Jus an RSS kid who grew up

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Adam was a term baby and born once my water broke. All was " normal " on that

front. As I mentioned before, Adam was just over 2 years old before anyone

EVER said there was a thing wrong with him.





> Our story seems quite similar to everyone else's. Olivia showed

> slow growth after 16 weeks gestation and stopped growing around 27

> weeks. The BIO ultrasound showed a problem with the umbilical cord

> and slow blood flow. The Dr's took her via c-section at 30 weeks

> weighing 1 lb 11oz, 13.5 " long, she had a 2 vessel cord but the

> placenta was perfect. The Dr's thought that once she was out of the

> unhealthy utero environment she would gain quickly and catch up by

> the time her due date came around. With normal preemies this is

> usually the case but not with us, by her due date she weighed 3lb

> 6oz but we were lucky that we could take her home at this weight.

> There sure are a lot of 2 vessel cord kids here, I'd never heard

> of another baby with it before.


> Leah mom to 9yrs and Olivia 4.75yrs, 18lbs, 33 " , RSS, OI,

> lots of meds








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hi brenda!!

i am not sure if magic or anyone is working on this or not. i just

wanted to let you know i did carry christopher to full term (had a

planned c-section at 38wk because i had a c-section with my first)

with christopher though they never knew anything was different until

after he was born. they had told me they expected him to be 8lbs

8oz that is why i went for the repeat c-section. in the end he was

5lbs 10oz and 18 1/2 " .

jodie c.

(nicholas-6 nonrss, christopher-3 1/2 rss 25lbs 1oz 34 3/4 "

periactin, ght genotropin(on hold for 3m), ADHD(possible), assmentry

(left side 1cm), johnathon-1yr nonrss)

> I should have read through all the emails before my last reply. Is

> anyone from Magic working with ob/gyn's to let them know that RSS


> don't do any better outside the womb? Has anyone on this listserve

> carried their RSS baby to full-term or past? It seems like the

norm is

> to take the baby out early, like they did to me, but then the


> may not be better. Is Magic studying this?


> Regards,

> mom to Colby 13 years, 73 pounds, 58 inches






> Our story seems quite similar to everyone else's. Olivia showed

> slow growth after 16 weeks gestation and stopped growing around 27

> weeks. The BIO ultrasound showed a problem with the umbilical


> and slow blood flow. The Dr's took her via c-section at 30 weeks

> weighing 1 lb 11oz, 13.5 " long, she had a 2 vessel cord but the

> placenta was perfect. The Dr's thought that once she was out of


> unhealthy utero environment she would gain quickly and catch up by

> the time her due date came around. With normal preemies this is

> usually the case but not with us, by her due date she weighed 3lb

> 6oz but we were lucky that we could take her home at this weight.

> There sure are a lot of 2 vessel cord kids here, I'd never heard

> of another baby with it before.


> Leah mom to 9yrs and Olivia 4.75yrs, 18lbs, 33 " , RSS, OI,

> lots of meds








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I've been following this IUGR/RSS carrier thread and wondered if

anyone else had gained an " abnormal " amount of weight during

pregnancy with their RSS child.

Finlay was my first pregnancy, born @ 38weeks - 3lbs 5oz - placenta

was " grainy " and " pathetic " (!!!) and I had a 2 vessel cord instead

of 3 vessels - but nothing conclusive from that.

Anyway I gained heaps of weight when I was carrying Finlay - I think

about 20 - 22kgs. It took me a long time to get back to my

prepregnancy weight - in fact I think i carried an extra couple of

kilos until I had Logan (second child) 2.5 yrs later. With Logan I

only put on 15kgs - although I was HUGE with pregnancy - and the

extra weight just melted away within weeks of him being born - and I

went back to my pre Finlay weight very quickly....

Anyway just wondered if thier was a trend here???

Best Wishes

In New Zealand

Finlay 4yrs 6mths, RSS, g-tube, Genotropin, 13kgs

Logan 2yrs 4mths - very very healthy!!!

and #3 due Feb 7th 2005

> Hi everyone,


> I had Jordan at 40 weeks via c-section. He was 5 lbs 1 oz at

birth. I

> thought for sure he was bigger than that. I gained 50 lbs during

my pregnancy.

> Looking back I remember when I had my sono the tech mentioned that

his abdomen

> was small but no one made a connection that something could be

wrong. Also I

> remember not having much fetal movement. I had NST's done and each

time they

> were fine. I remember a few people mentioned that they didn't have

much fetal

> movement during their pregnancy either.



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My OB GYN nurse who did NSTs didnt' believe that I didn't feel any

movement = practically none at all! THANK YOU! I know that I am now

not alone in that, or the 2 vessel cord or the IUGR....I think they

thought I was nuts!

> My daughter Naomi was right on target at 20 weeks ultrasound, and


> grew fine till 28 weeks per the fundal measurement of the belly

> (which in centimeters is supposed to be the same as weeks in

> pregnacy). Then at 32 weeks visit she had grown only 1 cm instead


> the 4 cm expected. The OB did not get worried enough to repeat

> ultrasound at this point. Then when at 35 weeks there wasnt much

> growth he did US that showed long bones 27 weeks, chest at 32 etc

> etc. I went for a specialist (level 3) US next week, who said the

> baby had skeletal dysplasia (I didnt know what it meant then, so


> she said the baby will be a dwarf) because the long bones are so

> small. She was born the same evening via c-section as my blood

> pressure was too high (it was fine all through pregnancy), but the


> section was because she was breech. She was born 3-15 lb and 15.5

> inches at 36 weeks, she did fine and ate fine. A geneticist saw her

> the next day and said she was proportionate IUGR (the head was


> gestational age, but rest of the body was proportionately small)


> did not have skeletal dysplasia (based on xray and measurements).

> We have seen 3 more geneticists since then incluing one of the top

> dwarfism specialist in US ( at AI Dupont in Delaware)

> and she remains undiagnosed.


> ps I also had very little fetal movement, and being my 2nd


> I knew very well her movement was way below what I experienced with

> my first daughter, one day when I told the OB doctor baby didnt


> much they gave me orange juice and monitored her for an hour and


> baby was fine.

> Sabina mother of Naomi 21 months today 14.2 lbs 24.5 inches,


> GH next week.

> Sabina

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I also wanted to mention one ironic thing about my pregnancy. I got

broderline high blood sugar at about 6 months then my OB put me on a

strict diet so the baby doesnt get too big. I followed the diet

religiously, and although I know my diet did not cause the IUGR, its

still ironic I was eating this low carb low cal diet so my baby

doesnt get too big!!


In RSS-Support , " mbdonnell " <mbdonnell@h...> wrote:

> My OB GYN nurse who did NSTs didnt' believe that I didn't feel any

> movement = practically none at all! THANK YOU! I know that I am


> not alone in that, or the 2 vessel cord or the IUGR....I think they

> thought I was nuts!



> > My daughter Naomi was right on target at 20 weeks ultrasound, and

> she

> > grew fine till 28 weeks per the fundal measurement of the belly

> > (which in centimeters is supposed to be the same as weeks in

> > pregnacy). Then at 32 weeks visit she had grown only 1 cm instead

> of

> > the 4 cm expected. The OB did not get worried enough to repeat

> > ultrasound at this point. Then when at 35 weeks there wasnt much

> > growth he did US that showed long bones 27 weeks, chest at 32 etc

> > etc. I went for a specialist (level 3) US next week, who said


> > baby had skeletal dysplasia (I didnt know what it meant then, so

> then

> > she said the baby will be a dwarf) because the long bones are so

> > small. She was born the same evening via c-section as my blood

> > pressure was too high (it was fine all through pregnancy), but


> c-

> > section was because she was breech. She was born 3-15 lb and


> > inches at 36 weeks, she did fine and ate fine. A geneticist saw


> > the next day and said she was proportionate IUGR (the head was

> right

> > gestational age, but rest of the body was proportionately small)

> and

> > did not have skeletal dysplasia (based on xray and measurements).

> > We have seen 3 more geneticists since then incluing one of the


> > dwarfism specialist in US ( at AI Dupont in


> > and she remains undiagnosed.

> >

> > ps I also had very little fetal movement, and being my 2nd

> pregnancy

> > I knew very well her movement was way below what I experienced


> > my first daughter, one day when I told the OB doctor baby didnt

> move

> > much they gave me orange juice and monitored her for an hour and

> said

> > baby was fine.

> > Sabina mother of Naomi 21 months today 14.2 lbs 24.5 inches,

> starting

> > GH next week.

> > Sabina

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I think you have all made some great points. I too have thought of

the same things. I am very short and was somewhat small at birth at

just 6 lbs and curved pinkies. I also have many concerns with my

oldest daughters' height.

I have another set of twins here on the boards that are girl/boy with

only the boy affected.

My very first ultrasound at 9 wks showed a size difference but it was

not significant. Then at 19 wks they knew something was wrong. They

thought it was Twin To Twin Transfusion Syndrome for the next 9 wks.

I was having ultrasounds done 3 times a week. I complained all the

time that Coby did not move as much as Carlee. However, Coby was

stuffed down in my pelvic area. I had gained 55 lbs with both of my

other pregnancies, but only gained 15 lbs with the twins and I

believe the only reason I gained that is because I was drinking 3

ensure a day for the protein. They monitored the blood flow through

Coby's cord. It was slow. I think that my specialist was thinking

the worse the whole time, but he wouldn't say, because I would not

accept it. In my mind as long as I could keep them inside of me they

were safe and would be fine at birth. I thought that once I

delivered Coby everything would be ok. I didn't think that it would

be anything we would affect Coby's life. At 36 wks gestation Coby

and Carlee were taken via C-section (I wanted a C-section). Carlee

weighed 5.7 lbs and Coby only 2.4 lbs and was 14 " long. The NICU

nurses were amazed by him. He ate from a bottle for his very first

feeding. He also had low blood sugar at birth. He came home from

the hosp at 4 wks old weighing only 3.12 lbs. Thank God, Coby is an


I do think that some day they will find that there is a different

connection to RSS in twins then singleton pregnancies. However,

whether it is intro-utero or genetic I do not believe that it was

anything that any of us did to cause it. I really believe that God

gives us these children for a reason, so I must believe that no

matter what we could of done differently we were meant to have our


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I was lucky, I only gained 2lbs with Alyssa. Probably because I lost nearly

15 the first trimester from all the vomiting!! This time I am now 31 weeks

and have gained about 12-15lbs so far.



> Hi

> I've been following this IUGR/RSS carrier thread and wondered if

> anyone else had gained an " abnormal " amount of weight during

> pregnancy with their RSS child.

> Finlay was my first pregnancy, born @ 38weeks - 3lbs 5oz - placenta

> was " grainy " and " pathetic " (!!!) and I had a 2 vessel cord instead

> of 3 vessels - but nothing conclusive from that.

> Anyway I gained heaps of weight when I was carrying Finlay - I think

> about 20 - 22kgs. It took me a long time to get back to my

> prepregnancy weight - in fact I think i carried an extra couple of

> kilos until I had Logan (second child) 2.5 yrs later. With Logan I

> only put on 15kgs - although I was HUGE with pregnancy - and the

> extra weight just melted away within weeks of him being born - and I

> went back to my pre Finlay weight very quickly....

> Anyway just wondered if thier was a trend here???


> Best Wishes


> In New Zealand

> Finlay 4yrs 6mths, RSS, g-tube, Genotropin, 13kgs

> Logan 2yrs 4mths - very very healthy!!!

> and #3 due Feb 7th 2005




> > Hi everyone,

> >

> > I had Jordan at 40 weeks via c-section. He was 5 lbs 1 oz at

> birth. I

> > thought for sure he was bigger than that. I gained 50 lbs during

> my pregnancy.

> > Looking back I remember when I had my sono the tech mentioned that

> his abdomen

> > was small but no one made a connection that something could be

> wrong. Also I

> > remember not having much fetal movement. I had NST's done and each

> time they

> > were fine. I remember a few people mentioned that they didn't have

> much fetal

> > movement during their pregnancy either.

> >

> >







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I gained 50 lbs..my OB kept telling me to stop eating so much or my

baby would end up being 12 lbs!! At the end of my pregnancy I had

very bad back pain and they told me it was because my baby was

sitting on my siatic nerve and was too big to move..he just ran out

of room...go figure??


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