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Rich Murray: Cohen: Snow: milk & early menarch 6.27.1 rmforall

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Rich Murray: Cohen: Snow: milk & early menarch 6.27.1 rmforall


Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2001 12:38:32 -0400

Reply-To: notmilk-owner

To: notmilk

Cohen i4crob@... http://www.notmilk.com

Jane Snow jsnow@...

Here’s a recent column that appeared

in many of America’s newspapers,

including the front page of Chicago Tribune's

Sunday health section:



Author Jane Snow is the Food Editor of

Akron Ohio’s Beacon Journal.

On June 20th, I became the subject of her

column, and she wrote the following:

“Girls in the United States are developing

breasts as early as 8 years old. Cohen

said the reason is the growth hormones

that are given to many dairy cows to

boost milk production. The hormones

certainly have affected cows, who can

produce an average of 24 quarts of milk

daily now, up from eight quarts in 1960.

Cohen concedes that no scientific studies

have linked milk consumption to early

maturation. That's because the link probably

does not exist, other physicians and

researchers say. Hormones are short-lived,

so it is doubtful that they survive in milk until

the carton reaches the grocer's shelf.”


I have never conceded that there aren't any scientific

studies linking milk consumption with early sexual


In 1970, according to the United States Department

of Agriculture (USDA), the dairy industry produced

2.2 billion pounds of cheese. The population of the

United States was 203 million, which translates to

an average of 10.8 pounds of cheese per person.

By 1990, America's population had grown to 248

million, and Americans were eating more cheese,

6 billion pounds worth. That's an average of 24

pounds per person. In 1994, the average American

consumed 27.7 pounds of cheese.

As we pass from one millennium into another,

America's per-capita cheese consumption has

broken the 30-pound per person level. America's

rate of cheese consumption is skyrocketing. Since

ten pounds of milk are required to produce just

one pound of cheese, three hundred pounds of

milk are used to manufacture that thirty pounds of cheese.

The USDA publishes yearly food consumption data.

In 1999, the average American consumed a combined

5 ounces per day of meat and chicken, and 29.2

ounces of milk and dairy products. That's 666

pounds per year per American of dairy products,

making this group the largest component of America's

diet. Concentrated milk in the form of increased

cheese consumption means that concentrated

hormones are being consumed.

Every sip of cow's milk contains 59 different

bioactive hormones, according to endocrinologist

Grosvenor in the Journal of Endocrine

Reviews in 1992. Milk has always been a

hormonal delivery system, providing nursing

infants with nature's perfect food for the young

of each species. Thousands of studies published

in respected peer-reviewed scientific journals

report that lactoferrins, immunoglobulins, and

hormones in human breast milk provide enormous

benefit for nursing humans. In other words,

hormones in milk work to exert powerful effects.

Each species of mammal has a different formula.

Cow's milk contains hormones, and nursing on

cow's milk will deliver these hormones to the human body.

As a little girl becomes a big girl, then a mature

woman, she will naturally produce in her lifetime

the equivalent of only one tablespoon of estrogen.

Hormones work on a nanomolecular lever, which

means that it takes only a billionth of a gram to

produce a powerful biological effect.

Should little girls be encouraged to pop estrogen,

progesterone, and prolactin pills each day? If they

drink cow's milk, that is just what they are doing.

If they eat cheese and ice cream, they ingest

concentrated forms of these hormones.

Is it possible to do a controlled scientific study

testing this theory? Such a study was actually

performed on an entire nation. There is one

country where milk consumption was unknown

before 1946. In Japan, in every year since 1946,

20,000 persons from 6,100 households have

been interviewed and their diets carefully analyzed

along with their weights and heights and other

factors such as cancer rates and age of puberty

(the last measured by the onset of menstruation

in young girls). The results of the study were

published in Preventive Medicine by Kagawa in 1978.

Japan had been devastated by losing a war and

was occupied by American troops. Americanization

included dietary changes. Milk and dairy products

were becoming a significant part of the Japanese

diet. According to this study, the per-capita yearly

dietary intake of dairy products in 1950 was only

5.5 pounds. Twenty- five years later, the average

Japanese ate 117.4 pounds of milk and dairy products.

In 1950, the average twelve-year old Japanese

girl was 4'6 " tall and weighed 71 pounds.

By 1975, the average Japanese girl, after changing

her diet to include milk and dairy products

containing 59 different bioactive hormones, had

grown an average of 4 1/2 inches and gained 19 pounds.

In 1950, the average Japanese girl

had her first menstrual cycle at the age of 15.2 years.

Twenty five years later, after a daily intake of

estrogen and progesterone from milk, the average

Japanese girl was ovulating at the age of 12.2 years,

three years younger. Never before had

such a dramatic dietary change been seen in

such a unique population study.

Little girls do not take birth control pills (those

hormones are produced from horse urine).

Little girls do not inject steroids, and do not

require estrogen replacement therapy. Little

girls are born with bodies that are genetically

pre-programmed to transform them into

women. By drinking cow's milk, little girls

become big girls long before Mother Nature intended.

I’ve discussed all of the above with Jane Snow.

She is a well-respected writer, and hopefully

will one day explore the milk/cancer connection.

Here’s a great place for her to start:


If you would like for Jane to do such a story, please

let her know.



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Murray: Cohen: Albrecht: milk & cancer research 1.28.01


Bedding: UN rejected milk growth hormones 6.30.99 3.21.1


Rich Murray: Cohen: diary & meat cause osteoporosis (methionine)

& heart disease (homocysteine) 3.28.1 rmforall


Rich Murray, MA Room For All rmforall@...

1943 Otowi Road, Santa Fe NM USA 87505

M.I.T. (physics and history, BA, 1964), Boston U. Graduate School

(psychology, MA, 1967): As a concerned layman, I want to clarify the

aspartame toxicity debate.


long 40K summary

Excellent 5-page review by H.J. in " Townsend Letter " ,

Jan 2000, " Aspartame (NutraSweet) Addiction "

http://www.dorway.com/tldaddic.html http://www.sunsentpress.com/

H.J. , M.D. HJmd@... sunsentpress@...

Sunshine Sentinel Press 6708 Pamela Lane West Palm Beach, FL 33405


1038 page text " Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic "

published May 30 2001 $ 85.00 postpaid data from 1200 cases

http://www.aspartameispoison.com/contents.html 34 chapters


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