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New Web site - really worth it!!

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Hi I'm Juli Mendenhall.

We have been on the GFCF diet for over a year and done tons of other bio

treatments. I run a support group here that is over a year old and has about 30

people in it. My son is doing extremely well. I am in the N.W.. We are

starting a clinic here for Autism. We have doctors that have enlisted to help

us. They hang out on a web site called Phoenix kids. It is on Yahoo groups. I

believe you need an invite to get on but I asked them to post one on this list.

Don't ignore this post when it comes. You can always unsubscribe but It is so

nice to have D.A.N. doctors hanging out on a medical website just for us. This

website was started by and Tory Mead. They have been on the news alot

about the vaccine damage their boy went through. I know them personally and

they are awesome parents and wonderful helpful people. Anyway, I always see

medical questions on this list and want to refer you to that site, but people

always worry about a scam and quack doctors. One of these doctors spoke at the

D.A.N. in Atlanta. They know their stuff believe me!! I hope this helps. This

GFCF website has helped me and helped me help others.


Re: Some Advice Please

Your child may not be ALLERGIC to milk, but he may have a casein

intolerance. I would do the peptide testing at Great Plains before

reintroducing milk. That will tell you if you need to stay away from


> Hi list members!


> I don't usually post but I have been a member for a few months now

and I don't know what I would do without all of you! We have had our

son on the diet for 5 months now and have seen huge improvements. We

are only gfcf as of right now but we just got our sons test results

back today and he tested alergic to wheat, nuts and soy. We have

always known he was allergic to nuts because he gets a rash from it

but we haven't seen any reactions from the soy. The doctor said he

was mildy alergic to it and as long as we are not seeing reactions to

it then it would be ok to continue using soy. He was not alergic to

milk though. So my question is do we just go wheat/gluten/soy free or



> Thanks,

> Elliott




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