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To Jodi R

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Hi Jodi,

I am sorry you and have to go through this. It is indeed a

difficult decision to make when you have to choose one medical

procedure over another for the same issue.

As you may remember, Jillie has a GT and fundo (placed at different

times). She aspirated extensively and has an element of chronic lung

damage from the aspirations all caused by reflux. She is on oxygen

almost 50% of the time. The tests she had done never picked up her

reflux yet she had the worst clinical reflux I had ever witnessed

(and I'm a NICU nurse). I was told she may die several times.

There are 3 things I want to point out that may or may not help you

come to a decision. A GJT does NOT stop reflux. It bypasses the

stomach so there is minimal to no food in the stomach BUT the stomach

secretes gastric juices in varying quantities - which can be

aspirated. Jillie still refluxed with a GJT AND when all types of

feedings were stopped and she could only have IV fluids. One can also

aspirate from above - if swallowing is abnormal and some food or

fluid trickles into the lungs instead of going into the stomach. The

second thing is - more fundos work than fail. And the third thing is,

you gotta prevent further lung damage at all costs.

Please feel free to call me to talk at any time (# in handout of

attendees at convention). Jillie has been through a lot of what

is going through. I know how heart wrenching this all is.

I'm thinking of you.

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