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Question about celiac/for

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First Post:

> > I have a celic question:

> >

> > she finally told me that all my tests were

> > negative. I assumed that this means normal. What

> > does a negative IgA mean?

> >

Second Post:

> I would think it means you DO NOT have IgA antibodies to gluten --you are

> not celiac :)

Third Post:

Regarding blood tests for celiac disease: a positive test is accurate, but

you can get a negative and still have celiac disease (kind of like pregnancy

tests.) There's other ways to test at www.finerhealth.com.

My reply:

This Celiac thing is very serious and very confusing! Being a Celiac and

being undiagnosed is a very bad thing. Worse for some and can be fatal to

yet others(like my son who almost died last year! I am happy to say he is

better! No organ damage that we know of, and no broken bones! Thank you

GOD!) Anyway. The blood test for WHEAT(Ig A) is a really good indication

" IF " you are a Celiac and your levels are high. My son's were off the chart,

they did do the Scope/Biopsy to see how damaged he was! Now they check the

IgA to make sure that no gluten is getting into his system by mistake, he is

that serious! Not all people are!

So if you get a positive IgA, does that mean you are a true Celiac?? Not

always, It is best to run the 5 major blood test together and compare them,

+<+<+<+<+ means Celiac, But so might +<-<+<+<-, it is very confusing. The

only true GOLD standard is the Biopsy! However, if you get a + IgA for

wheat, you may be Just Wheat intolerant, and shouldn't eat it anyway,

headache(mirgraines and CFS, and other things) can be related to this issue

with Wheat. If you have a - IgA, but you have symptoms of Celiac, then you

should run all five tests again, after Gluten loading and see what comes

out, you still might have to have the scope done to be sure. Don't ignore

the symptoms that go with Celiac, just because you got a -IgA result. The

only other way is to go Gluten Free and see how you feel. BUT< YOU CAN " T

HAVE the scope to diagnose Celiac when you are Gluten Free! If I have

confused some of you, I am sorry. Please ask me questions to make it

clearer. I have one true Celiac and one on the Autism Spectrum that is GF/CF

and I think is probably a Celiac. I hope this helped someone. THe latest

report was 1 in 120 Americans have Celiac's disease. This is a silent

killer, but people die from the other things it can cause! Scary, don't

ignore symptoms!

Laurie Renke

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