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rotation diets-and idea- for LISACNA

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, Hi its ,

LJ is doing fantastic with this diet. He is on it 14 months and in that

time has improved eye contacy, is now reading very very well, easy math

and easy spelling and printing. He is on no meds, does take a daily

multi vite. He does ABA, but will be transitioning out in late Sept. to

a non ABA class., as he now does dittos, work books, etc. LJ is 6 1/2

years old.

YOUR ORIGINAL QUESTION WAS TO SEE IF THOSE doing well were on a strict

rotation diet. LJ is not on any rotation. He is 100% GFCF, also no

pork, peanuts, & cashews. Rice and banana he only gets 2x a month, soy

and chocolate 1x a month, with confusion in between!!!!!!!!

As to your question as to why some succeed and some do not, I truly know

that all kids are different, but I do believe that you also can't allow

for these slip ups and just pop an exzyme and hope for the best (I know I

am heading for people replys now), but I have gone as afr as I have no

reg, bread in my house, only GFCF bread as to not cross contam. wityh my

toaster. Only gfcf snacks and cookies and cakes to avoid all this too.

I call up manufac. and ask about cross contam. of their product. I don't

eat out with LJ at all, only 2x in these 14 months, and I bought his

ENTIRE MEAL AND BEV. with me. Now we go on picnics together.

I also eliminated ALL artificial colors, artificial flavors and

preservatives form his diet. I have such a variety of foods, meals

planned, desserts baked, etc. that he doesn't miss any of these things

that is eliminated.

Sorry, if I rambled, just giving my opionion.

on Long Island New York




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One of the best things about your post are that you speak from the

heart, openly and honestly even if criticism is around the corner.

The rotation diet is not for everyone, each child acts and reacts to

things differently and we must do what is best for our kids since we know

them the best.

I have eliminated all of the possible cross contamination issues with

our family by introducing the zero tolerance order. Everyone eats the same

food, if you don't like it go out and get your own food. I am not a short

order cook and the GFCF food is good once you have been cooking for a while

and it won't kill you.

Some of my friends are doing the rotation diet and go crazy trying to

remember the third thursday of the month is this food and the second tuesday

of the month is this. That is not for me.

For the people that are doing the rotation diet, I have this question

for you. How many foods do your children have?

It seems that our kids only like a small percentage of foods, chicken,

fries, etc. So how do you do it?

Thanks for taking the time to respond.


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