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Rich Murray: Carton: Masters & Coplan: silicofluoride & lead toxicity in water 6.18.1 rmforall

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Rich Murray: Carton: Masters & Coplan:

silicofluoride & lead toxicity in water 6.18.1 rmforall

Subject: Resend of earlier message

Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2001 13:24:54 -0400

From: " Carton, J Dr USAMRMC "

To: " Rich Murray (E-mail) "


I edited my earlier comment, if you want to send it around.


Subject: Rich Murray: Haley: brilliant testimony to Congress

Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 09:26:09 -0400

From: " Carton, J Dr USAMRMC "

To: " Rich Murray (E-mail) "

CC: " Roger Masters (E-mail) " <roger.d.masters@... >,

" Mike Coplan (E-mail) "


Thanks for sending around Haley's testimony to Congress.

One thing that struck me was that the testimony failed

to introduce the idea that the dental profession is now

being proved wrong on the fluoride front as well.

It isn't just mercury. People pointing out ADA incompetence

and malfeasance need to put the two together.

All these chemical insults to the body are acting together.

The recent research by Masters and Coplan

needs to be read by the anti-mercury amalgam

folks. (see: http://www.dartmouth.edu/~rmasters/ahabs.htm).

These researchers are taking the focus off of fluoride and

putting it on the major chemical mixtures used to fluoridate

water supplies: hydrofluorosilicic acid and sodium fluorosilicate.

Masters and Coplan, besides showing that silicofluorides

are probably increasing lead in children, have

discovered a 1975 Ph.D. thesis in German showing

that silicofluorides are far from completely dissociate in water,

and these partially dissociated

residues are potent acetyl cholinesterase inhibitors.

As a result of their work, EPA was forced to admit to

Congressman Calvert that they have absolutely " no information

on the effects of silicofluorides on health and behavior. "

Further, EPA officials now admit that they are not sure

that hydrofluosilicic acid completely dissociates when

added to water supplies and are planning on studies

to determine what does happen. Silicofluorides have

been added to drinking water supplies for 50 years

without any idea of the possible consequences.

Put these two issues (mercury and fluoride) together

and the credibility of the ADA disappears.

J. Carton, Ph.D.

Chief, Environmental Protection

Office of Regulatory Compliance & Quality

U.S. Army Medical Research & Materiel Command


Fort Detrick, MD 21702-5012

fax- 619-6694



Neurotoxicology 2000 Dec;21(6):1091-100

Association of silicofluoride treated water with elevated blood lead.

Masters RD, Coplan MJ, Hone BT, Dykes JE.

Foundation for Neuroscience and Society,

Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755-3547, USA.


Previous epidemiological studies have associated

silicofluoride-treated community water with

enhanced child blood lead parameters.

Chronic, low-level dosage of silicofluoride (SiF) has never

been adequately tested for health effects in humans.

We report here on a statistical study of

151,225 venous blood lead (VBL) tests taken from

children ages 0-6 inclusive, living in 105

communities of populations from 15,000 to 75,000.

The tests are part of a sample collected by

the New York State Department of Children's Health,

mostly from 1994-1998. Community

fluoridation status was determined from the

CDC 1992 Fluoridation Census. Covariates were

assigned to each community using the 1990 U.S. Census.

Blood lead measures were divided into

groups based on race and age. Logistic regressions

were carried out for each race/age group, as

well as above and below the median of 7 covariates

to test the relationship between known risk

factors for lead uptake, exposure to SiF-treated water,

and VBL >10 microg/dL. RESULTS:

For every age/race group, there was a consistently

significant association of SiF treated

community water and elevated blood lead.

Logistic regressions above and below the median

value of seven covariates show an effect of silicofluoride

on blood lead independent of those

covariates. The highest likelihood of children having

VBL> 10 microg/dL occurs when they are

both exposed to SiF treated water and likely to be

subject to another risk factor known to be

associated with high blood lead (e.g., old housing).

Results are consistent with prior analyses of

surveys of children's blood lead in Massachusetts

and NHANES III. These data contradict the

null hypothesis that there is no difference between

the toxic effects of SiF and sodium fluoride,

pointing to the need for chemical studies and

comprehensive animal testing of water treated with

commercial grade silicofluorides. PMID: 11233755


Rich Murray: Haley: brilliant testimony to Congress on health fraud re

dental amalgam mercury and Alzheimers Part 1/2 6.12.1 rmforall


Rich Murray: Haley: brilliant testimony to Congress on health fraud re

dental amalgam mercury and Alzheimers Part 2/2 6.12.1 rmforall


Rich Murray, MA Room For All rmforall@...

1943 Otowi Road, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505

M.I.T. (physics and history, BA, 1964), Boston U. Graduate School

(psychology, MA, 1967): As a concerned layman, I want to clarify the

aspartame toxicity debate.


long 40K summary

Excellent 5-page review by H.J. in " Townsend Letter " ,

Jan 2000, " Aspartame (NutraSweet) Addiction "

http://www.dorway.com/tldaddic.html http://www.sunsentpress.com/

H.J. , M.D. HJmd@... sunsentpress@...

Sunshine Sentinel Press 6708 Pamela Lane West Palm Beach, FL 33405


1038 page text " Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic "

published May 30 2001 $ 85.00 postpaid data from 1200 cases

http://www.aspartameispoison.com/contents.html 34 chapters


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