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SV: rotation diets-and idea-Jorgan tell me what you think

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-----Opprinnelig melding-----

Fra: lisacna@...

Til: GFCFKids <GFCFKids >

Dato: 29. juni 2001 16:53

Emne: rotation diets-and idea-Jorgan tell me what you think

>How many of all of you are doing a strict rotation diet? I was just

>wondering if those rotating foods are having more succes on the gfcf

>diet than those who do not.............................

a) We find the idea of a rotation diet attractive, but have never tried it


B) This is one of the questions that we don't (yet) ask on the survey, so we

don't know whether this factor is important.

>............................................ remove other foods because of


>allergy-or because the body has adapted and now can manufacture

>these peptides form another food source ....

We've speculated about this. For the time being, it's considered unlikely that

the body can " synthesise " the specific peptides called gliadorphin or

casomorphin from other foods than gluten or milk. However, the body can

certainly produce related opoid peptides called endorphins from just about any

food source, or from the patient's own blood. This is just one of the factors

that can help mess up the results of a good diet experiment.

A well planned rotation diet will help you prevent the development of

unnecessary allergic reactions. It could also, with some luck, help you

identify (from cyclic variations in the patient's symptoms) whether or not some

specific kinds of food are causing negative reactions. Beware the

interpretation problems: The time delay between ingestion and apparent reaction

can be long. This has - repeatedly - caused a lot of confusion.


n Klaveness

PS: I search every day's mail for GFCFkids messages containing my name. If I

don't find it, and if I'm in a hurry, I most often delete the entire mass of

mail unread. So please: If you want to catch my attention, please put my name

(spelled n, not Jorgan) in the TEXT of the message, not in the headline.

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