Guest guest Posted May 21, 2001 Report Share Posted May 21, 2001 Rich Murray: i: Sunday Express (London): : aspartame ban in Europe? 5.20.1 rmforall Subject: [Aspartame Support] WILL EUROPE BAN ASPARTAME? SUNDAY EXPRESS, MAY 20, 2001 SWEETENER PROBED Date: Sun, 20 May 2001 20:14:34 -0400 To: " aspartame (AT) onelist (DOT) com " <aspartame > Comments by Betty i, Mission Possible International at end of article, and email address of Sunday Express Aspartame: UK national press article May 20, 2001 The Sunday Express, May 20, 2001 page 7 Sweetener probed By Lucy ston, Health Editor Action at last over additive Aspartame as fears grow of health risk in food and drink The Government has ordered a top-level investigation into the safety of Britain's best-selling sweetener amid fears that the low calorie chemical is a health risk. Aspartame, used in thousands of diet food and drinks has been linked to more than 90 adverse reactions including brain tumours and blindness. The Sunday Express has seen a leaked letter which reveals the Government's food watchdog - the Food Standards Agency - has sent more than 500 research papers on the chemical to the Brussels-based Scientific Committee on Food. If it finds it is a health risk, the sweetener widely used in fizzy drinks, squashes, yoghurts, spring water, chewing gum and pharmaceutical products, and often sold under the names NutraSweet and Canderel, could be banned. Last night, Liberal Democrat MP Norman Baker, who is campaigning for NutraSweet to be taken off the shelves added: " This is a very positive step. Doubts have been raised about this product and they need to be cleared. " [ normanbaker@... ] Last September, the Sunday Express led calls for an inquiry after our investigations discovered large numbers of people were claiming their health had been damaged by the sweetener. They included Lyn Hunter, 49, of Liverpool, who regularly drank diet drinks with Aspartame and had pain in her limbs, headaches, lack of concentration and insomnia. Her constant pain became so great she even considered suicide. Her doctor treated her for arthritis even though tests for this condition were negative. When she eliminated Aspartame her symptoms disappeared. The leaked letter from food scientist Dr Sandy Lawrie expresses concern that Aspartame has not been reviewed by the Scientific Committee on Food for 13 years. It states: " We have discovered more than 500 papers on Aspartame published between 1988 and 2000. There is clearly sufficient new data on Aspartame to justify a review. " Sources at the agency say that if scientists find strong evidence about dangers of a product, they will advise an EU-wide ban. A spokeswoman for European manufacturers of Aspartame, Ajinomoto, said: " All of the good scientific data shows it is safe. No data raises any concerns about Aspartame either new or old. " However, many studies which have not been sponsored by the food industry highlight potential dangers. Professor Ralph Walton of Northwestern Ohio Universities said: " I dispute the assertion that there are no health risks. " I believe Aspartame increases risk of cancer. Virtually all the studies attesting to its safety have been funded by the industry. " One independent study on animals shows how digestion breaks Aspartame down into formaldehyde, which accumulates in the animals' cells, damaging DNA and poisoning the liver, kidneys, eye and brain. However, the manufacturers argue that all the constituents of Aspartame are found in much greater quantities in natural drinks such as milk and tomato juice, and are not considered a health risk. In the US, there are now five Aspartame detox centres. Symptoms reported to America's Food and Drug Administration include headaches, skin problems, stomach disorders, poor vision, depression, carbohydrate cravings, panic attacks, irregular heart rhythms and seizures. For more information send an SAE to Geoff Brewer, Additives Survivors Network, 63 Downlands Road, Devizes, SN10 5EF or visit the online support group at END OF ARTICLE Comments from Betty i, Mission Possible International: As many know I lectured in the UK the end of August and Sept, 2001 and provided many records the UK had not seen. Aspartame was approved in the UK through a business deal between Searle and Professor . When Parliament found out there was a big blowout but the order was not rescinded. ( Article in Guardian) Therefore, the UK did not know that in the beginning the FDA had asked for the indictment of Searle but two U.S. Prosecutors hired on with the defense team and the statute of limitations expired. For 16 years the FDA refused to approve aspartame because of the brain tumors but Searle hired Don Rumsfeld (now Secretary of Defense) who said he would call in his markers and get it approved anyway. See UPI 8 month investigation of aspartame by UPI reporter Gordon: 96K 3-part expose Oct 1987: The day after Reagan took office he appointed Dr. Arthur Hull . A Board of Inquiry was set up, and told Dr. it had not been proven safe, and because of the brain tumor issue he could not approve it. (See Board of Inquiry summation on Dr. over-ruled the Board of Inquiry and approved aspartame anyway, and then went to work for the PR agency of the manufacturer, and refused to talk to the press ever since. Over a year ago Fox News in Washington, D.C. went to Dr. ' house and asked , " Was the public ever at risk? " Again, Dr. refused to answer and shut the door. With audio, hear the Fox News newsclip on DORway. We thank , Attorney, Washington, D.C. for those records and Jon Baum, Mission Possible National Capital Area for sending them to us. Aspartame which was never proven safe, and in original studies triggered brain, mammary, uterine, ovarian, testicular, thyroid and pancreatic tumors, as well as grand mal seizures, should never have been approved. Three congressional hearings were held because of the outrage of consumers being poisoned, but never banned aspartame, because senators like Orrin Hatch were paid by Monsanto, who bought Searle in l985, and sold it last year. On June 20, l999, The Independent in the UK exposed " World's top sweetener is made with GM bacteria. " As more and more evidence is brought forward we hope that aspartame will now be banned, having created one of the greatest plagues in world history. H. J. , M.D. is about to release a 1000 page medical text on this global plague titled ASPARTAME DISEASE; THE IGNORED EPIDEMIC. Consumers and physicians will be able to get it by accessing or in the US by calling 1 800 814 - 9800. We wish to thank all those in the UK working to expose this deadly chemical poison: Felicity Mawson, Geoff Brewer, Carl Sims, Marjorie Schofield, Joanna e, , and many others. The Sunday Express is not on the web, and for those reading it on the Internet who would like to send their case history on aspartame poisoning, you may write expressletters@... Betty i, Founder, Mission Possible International Aspartame Toxicity Center Aspartame Support Groups may be accessed from Jon Baum, Mission Possible National Capital Area to subscribe to this list: aspartame-subscribe@... Check out our Aspartame Group's Website!! Take aspartame products back and demand a refund! Take our latest survey! " Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you mad. " Aldous Huxley ********************************************************** Officials of the Food Advisory Committee Secretariat Secretary: Sandy Lawrie BSc PhD Food Standards Helpline Room 245 Aviation House 125 Kingsway London WC2B 6NH The Food Standards Agency commenced its move to new headquarters on 16 March. All divisions will have been relocated by 14 May. The new switchboard is already operational: 020 7276 8000. Or you can send an e-mail to us at helpline@... Any comments or views should be sent to: Caseley Chemical Safety and Toxicology Division Food Standards Agency P O Box 31037 LONDON SW1P 3WG Or by e-mail to foodadditives@... Enquiries related to the contents of this letter can be sent or e-mailed to the addresses above or can be made by telephoning as follows: 020 7276 8591 ************************************************** Scientific Committee on Food Europa The European Commission Health and Consumer Protection Directorat-General This mail-box, which is managed by DG 'Health and Consumer Protection', is there to answer your questions. All you have to do is send a message to: sanco-helpline@... Jan Dr, Chief Medical Officer Deputy Director, Folkehelsa, Oslo (Norge) M. Barlow Dr, Consultant to the Medical Research Council Institute for Environment and Health, (United Kingdom) - 1. Vice-Chair of the Committee Angelo Carere Professor, Director Laboratorio di Tossicologia Comparata ed Ecotossicologia Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma (Italia) Karl-Heinz Engel Professor Allgemeine Lebensmitteltechnologie, Technische Universität München Freising-Weihenstephan (Deutschland) Albert Flynn Associate Professor Division of Nutritional Sciences, Department of Food Science and Technology, University College Cork (Ireland) Werner Grunow Dr, Berlin (Deutschland) Timo Hirvi Professor, Head of Department, Kemian Osasto, Eläinlääkintä- Ja Elintarvikelaitos (EELA) Helsinki (Suomi) Ada G.A.C. Knaap Dr., Senior Researcher, Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, Bilthoven (Nederland) - Chair of the Committee Berthold Koletzko Professor of Paediatrics, Kinderklinik und Kinderpoliklinik, Dr. von Haunersches Kinderspital, Universität München, München (Deutschland) Christian Larsen Dr, Head of Department Institut for Fødevaresikkerhed og Toksikologi, Søborg (Danmark) Sven E. Lindgren Professor (Mikrobiologi med inriktning pa livsmedel och hygien, Bioteknik) Statens Livsmedelverk, Uppsala (Sverige) Bevan Moseley Professor, Reading (United Kingdom) Andreu Palou Professor, Director Departament de Biologia Fonamental i Ciències de la Salut, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma de Majorca (España) - 2. Vice-Chair of the Committee Wim H.M. Saris Professor, Scientific Director Onderzoeksinstituut NUTRIM, Vakgroep Humane Biologie, Universiteit van Maastricht, Maastricht (Nederland) f Schlatter Dr., Head of Department Abteilung für Toxikologie, Bundesamt für Gesundheitswesen Zürich (Schweiz) P. Tobback Prof. Em. Dr. ir. Departement Levensmiddelen en Microbiële Technologie Faculteit Landbouwkundige en Toegepaste Biologische Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Heverlee (België) Philippe Verger Dr., Direction Scientifique " Nutrition Humaine et Sécurité Alimentaire " , Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Paris, (France) Jean-Michel Wal Dr, Director, Laboratoire d'Immuno-Allergie Alimentaire, Service de Pharmacologie et Immunologie (SPI), Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique Centre d'etudes de Saclay, Gif sur Yvette (France) Professor, Food Safety Group School of Biological Sciences, University of Surrey Guildford (United Kingdom) Contacts: Dietmar Pettauer European Commission Health & Consumer Protection DG Directorate C Unit C3 - Management of scientific committees II Rue de la Loi 200, Office B232 6/21 B-1049 Brussels Tél : +32-2-296.59.48 Fax : +32-2-299.48.91 and Angel Granero Rosell Tél : +32-2-295.81.10 Fax : +32-2-299.48.91 E-mail : Sanco-Sc1-Secretariat@... Scientific Committee on Toxicity, Ecotoxicity and the Environment Preliminary report on : Exposure data in risk assessments of organic chemicals - Report version endorsed by the CSTEE at its 22nd plenary meeting on 07.03.2001(317KB) The report is open for public comments until 8 June 2001. Comments can be sent to : .costa-david@... or patricia.decamps@... ************************************************* Rich Murray, MA Room For All 1943 Otowi Road, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505 cell rmforall@... M.I.T. (physics and history, BA, 1964), Boston U. Graduate School (psychology, MA, 1967): As a concerned layman, I want to clarify the aspartame toxicity debate. long 25K summary Excellent 5-page review by H.J. in " Townsend Letter " , Jan 2000, " Aspartame (NutraSweet) Addiction " H.J. , M.D. HRmd@... sunsentpress@... Sunshine Sentinel Press 6708 Pamela Lane West Palm Beach, FL 33405 fax 1000 page text Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic available after May 30 2001 Almost all are typical of chronic methanol-formaldehyde toxicity: for detailed review Journal Of The Diabetic Association Of India 1995 Vol. 35, No. 4. Emerging Facts About Aspartame Dr. J. Barua (ophthalmic surgeon), Dr. Arun Bal (surgeon) (79 references) barua@... " ...the total amount of methanol absorbed will be approximately 10% of aspartame ingested. An EPA assessment of methanol states that methanol " is considered a cumulative poison due to the low rate of excretion once it is absorbed. " The absorbed methanol is then slowly converted to formaldehyde... " " Reaction of formaldehyde with DNA has been observed, by spectrophotometry and electron microscopy, to result in irreversible denaturation. " " DKP has been implicated in the occurance of brain tumors. " .. Two teams find hot aspartame releases DKP: Food Addit Contam 2000 Oct; 17(10): 821-7 Simultaneous formation and detection of the reaction product of solid-state aspartame sweetener by FT-IR/DSC microscopic system. Lin SY, Cheng YD Biopharmaceutics Laboratory, Department of Medical Research & Education Veterans General Hospital-Taipei, Shih-Pai, Taiwan, Republic of China. sylin@... and J Pharm Sci 1998 Apr; 87(4): 508-13 Hydration and dehydration behavior of aspartame hemihydrate. Leung SS, Padden BE, Munson EJ, Grant DJ Department of Pharmaceutics, College of Pharmacy, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis 55455-0343, USA. Sophie S. Leung, PhD Dolores J. Grant, PhD grant1@... A radioactive tracer study proves that the methanol from a low dose of of aspartame binds formaldehyde, a deadly cumulative poison, into tissues: Life Sci June 26 1998; 63(5): 337-49 From PubMed Formaldehyde derived from dietary aspartame binds to tissue components in vivo. [ " Trok-ho " ] Trocho C, Pardo R, Rafecas I, Virgili J, Remesar X, Fernandez- JA, Alemany M, Departament de Bioquimica i Biologia Molecular, Facultat de Biologia Universitat de Barcelona, Spain. Sra. Carme Trocho, Sra. rio Pardo, Dra. Immaculada Rafecas, Sr. Jordi Virgili, X. Remesar, Dr. Fernandez-, Dr. Alemany Fac. Biologia Tel.: (93)4021521, Fax: (93)4021559 alemany@... bioq@... rafecas@... remesar@... Sra. Carme Trocho Tel.: (93)4021544, Fax: (93)4021559 Dr. Woodrow C. Monte, " Aspartame: Methanol, and the Public Health, " Journal of Applied Nutrition, Volume 36, No. 1, pages 42-54, 1984. (62 references) Professsor of Food Science Director of the Food Science and Nutrition Laboratory Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85287 6411 South River Drive #61 Tempe, Arizona 85283-3337 woody.monte@... The methanol from 2 L of diet soda, 5.6 12-oz cans, 20 mg/can, is 112 mg, 10% of the aspartame. The EPA limit for water is 7.8 mg daily for methanol (wood alcohol), a deadly cumulative poison. Many users drink 1-2 L daily. The reported symptoms are entirely consistent with chronic methanol toxicity. (Fresh orange juice has 34 mg/L, but, like all juices, has 16 times more ethanol, which strongly protects against methanol.) Ralph G. Walton, MD, Prof. of Clinical Psychology, Northeastern Ohio Universities, College of Medicine, Dept. of Psychiatry, Youngstown, OH 44501, Chairman, The Center for Behavioral Medicine, Northside Medical Center, 500 Gypsy Lane, P.O. Box 240 Youngstown, OH 44501 rwalton193@... " Seizure and mania after high intake of aspartame, " 1986, Psychosomatics, 27: 218-20: An age 54 woman with 20 years of depression had been stable for 11 years with medication. She had a grand mal seizure, followed by mania, insomnia, flight of ideas, and irritability. A brief hospitalization and CT scan found no apparent cause. After three weeks, this led to psychiatric hospitalization. Two days later, it was found that during the several weeks before the seizure and onset of mania, she had started using aspartame in place of sugar in her iced tea, a gallon daily. Four days later, the mania subsided, and 13 months later she continued to function well, and enjoying her large amounts of iced tea, with sugar, not aspartame. Three careful double-blind experimental studies prove aspartame causes headaches: Koehler SM et al, 1988, Headache, 28(1), 10-14. Shirley M. Koehler, PhD skoehler@... Walton RG et al, 1993, Biological Psychiatry, 34(1), 13-17. Prof. Ralph G. Walton rwalton193@... Van Den Eeden SK et al, 1994, Neurology, 44, 1787-93. K. Van Den Eeden, PhD skv@... Aspartame Toxicity Information Center Mark D. Gold " Scientific Abuse in Aspartame Research " mgold@... 12 East Side Drive #2-18 Concord, NH 03301 Mission-Possible-USA Betty i over 770 page site Bettym19@... many links Jeff , Attorney Aspartame Consumer Safety Network marystod@... Nash Stoddard, " The Deadly Deception " Geoff.Brewer@... United Kingdom Mission Possible International 63 Downlands Road DEVIZES SN10 5EF Tel: 01380 728059 Canada Spain Brazil Norway Germany Italy Greece **************************************************************** Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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