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just needing to vent!

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Hey everyone, I just need to vent right now. Yesterday, Datreon suddenly

became lifeless and his fever shot up to 101.3. So, I checked his blood sugar,

and it was 271, so a little later I checked it again and it was 378! He had

only eaten about 8 oz all day, so I expected it to be low, and I thought that

his glucometer must be broken, but I called his doctor and he went straight to

the ER. They did all the tests from x-rays to a spinal tap, and could not

find anything wrong, They checked his blood sugar, and it was 491!!! So, they

transferred him to another hospital. When he arrived at the hospital, his BS

was only 41! Luckily he drank 5 oz of juice and it went up to 125. 4hours

later, they took it again, and it was 229 then went down to 70. Since then it


remained normal, and they sent him home. The doctors said that they have

never seen this before, so they want me to stay home wiht Datreon for a week


monitor his blood sugar, if anything else happens they want him put back into

the hospital. (They do not think it is diabetes, because he doesn't have the

signds) My employer is saying that they will not let me take this leave. I'm

not going to leave Datreon with a chance of something happening, but I don't

know what to do about my job has this happened to anyone else? Thanks for


le mom to Datreon 1yr 14lb 7oz, periactin

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