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1st timer worries

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I can totally relate to what you are feeling! I felt the same way with my

second child. I knew in my heart there was going to be problems and it was

very hard because I did not know the extent of the problems. I tried warning

everyone and they all thought I was nuts and my religious grandma said it was

the devil talking and to be quiet or he will make bad stuff happen! I can tell

you we had a hard road to go down, but my daughter is thriving and you would not

know her struggles just by looking at her. Babies are so strong, we don't give

them enough credit. Of course, I am not saying there is something wrong with

your baby, it could be your baby is going to be just fine!!! Please take

comfort in knowing if there is something wrong, as far as medical advanced have

come, there is not much they can not fix! I believe you will progress with

emotion as your pregnancy progresses. If you are still concerned, I would bring

it up with your doctor and see what they recommend.

Good Luck and Congratulations on your pregnancy!


Subject: 1st timer worries

Hi all. I am having some serious issues and I don't know where else

to turn, so you all are my chosen " ears " ....Here's the deal. I am 12

weeks pregnant with my first. I've not yet started to feel excited--

not one bit. I felt nothing but a detached interest at the 8 week

ultrasound, and the appointment yesterday to hear the heartbeat was

just kind of bizarre. My friends told me they cried, it was amazing,

they felt a bond.....all I could think was, " that sounds nothing like

I thought it would. It sounds like the beat you'd always hear the

Indians playing in those old Westerns...BOOM, boom, boom, boom

BOOM. " I know, wierd. No awed amazment, no " oh my gosh, I have a

baby in there " moment, just " that's not what it's supposed to sound

like. " Is this wierd?

Also, I'm sure the baby is not going to be ok. I was hesitant to

tell anyone about the pregnancy because I was certain that if I told

people that I would lose the baby. My DH is getting annoyed with my

lack of excitement and my " nervous nellie " attitude. He wants me to

enjoy my pregnancy.

Help me! do I need therapy?

EDD 2/3/05

RNY 4/21/01


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