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I didn't have the greatest success at pumping...

mostly due to stress of baby in NICU.. being 260lbs.... way past MO...


I DID get more milk using the Avent manual breast pump then the hospital

breast pump.

The Avent was more 'natural' feeling?

The first week all I got was an ounce a breast a pumping.. and I was

religiously pumping every 3 hours... 2nd week I got 2 ounces... 3rd week... 1/2

ounce... at that point we switched to formula.

If Adia isn't latching on correctly... just keep trying. The baby sucking

helps stimulate the milk production as well.

I know for many moms... myself included.. the feeding issue can be so

emotionally charged and it can get depressing.

La Leche league is supposed to be great...

Wishing you all the best!!


K in Ft Lauderdale

Noah - 10/14/02 - 31 weeker

Jonah - edd 11/18/04 ( currently High Risk Pg.. not WLS related)

Open RNY - 12/02/03

262/200/someday maybe in the 120's??

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e is having the exact same trouble...she pumps like 1 oz maybe for the

feeding...and Adia HATES the formula...she spits up everytime she has to eat

it...but man she puts down some breastmilk and eats it fast....she will take one

oz in a matter of about 30-45 seconds...and the formula takes about 5 or 10

minutes for the 1 1/2 oz we give her...

Adam & e Gaspard

RNY 04.07.03

e 370/245

Adam 394/258

EDD #1 08.31.04

Kay Independent Beauty Consultant


" That which does not kill us,

makes us stronger "

Pictures of Emma and ? about milk production

I posted 2 pictures of Emma (1 with me). They are under " Emma "

and " Emma and Mommy. "

I also have a question. Have any of you had problems producing

enough milk since having WLS? I had to supplement with formula

because Emma wasn't gaining enough weight. Just curious.

Debbie Andries

RNY - 11/21/04

Mommy to Arianne (18), (11) and Chase (6)

Married to Billy for 14 yrs.


Children are a blessing, and a gift from the Lord. -Psalm 127:3

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How much you can pump has nothing to do with how much milk the baby

can get... is she not able to physically nurse Adia for some reason?

You should ask about breatmilk banks; it's possible to get screened,

safe breastmilk that way.

I wouldn't force a baby that was doing poorly on formula to consume

it; I would pursue other nursing angles.

My breastmilk supply went UP after my WLS. Fat cells store estrogen

and estrogen inhibits breastmilk production. When we lose weight, we

flush that estrogen out of our systems and then making milk gets


If you MUST pump for some reason, I highly recommend this group

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pumpmoms I pumped for 18 months for my

daughter (after going back to work) with the help of the LCs and other

experienced women on the list. There's also

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ossg-breastfeeding which is a smaller

and quieter group but one for women who have had WLS.

What sort of pump are you using? That can make a HUGE difference.

Debbie, who said Emma wasn't gaining enough weight? It's common for

breastfed babies to grow slightly slower, and many researchers now

think that slower growth is associated with breastmilk's

obesity-protective properties (Breastfed babies are statistically MUCH

less likely to be obese teens and adults). I stuck out several

difficult patches with Joanne for that reason. She's got the genes, so

I wanted to protect her any way I could.


Alan 02/11/84

Joanne Natasha born at home 01/13/00, nursed for 25 months

Open RNY 09/17/01

Pictures of Emma and ? about milk production

I posted 2 pictures of Emma (1 with me). They are under " Emma "

and " Emma and Mommy. "

I also have a question. Have any of you had problems producing

enough milk since having WLS? I had to supplement with formula

because Emma wasn't gaining enough weight. Just curious.

Debbie Andries

RNY - 11/21/04

Mommy to Arianne (18), (11) and Chase (6)

Married to Billy for 14 yrs.


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Tell e to keep up the breastfeeding and I urge you guys to make use of the

lactation consultants as often as possible, at every feeding if you need to

while they are in the hospital. Breastfeeding is a supply and demand kind of

thing, the more Aidia demands the more e will make. Every time she takes

a bottle thats less demand she makes on the breast so e's body thinks its

making enough for her. Hang in there!!!


Pictures of Emma and ? about milk production

I posted 2 pictures of Emma (1 with me). They are under " Emma "

and " Emma and Mommy. "

I also have a question. Have any of you had problems producing

enough milk since having WLS? I had to supplement with formula

because Emma wasn't gaining enough weight. Just curious.

Debbie Andries

RNY - 11/21/04

Mommy to Arianne (18), (11) and Chase (6)

Married to Billy for 14 yrs.


Children are a blessing, and a gift from the Lord. -Psalm 127:3

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I tried and tried to breastfeed in my last preg (1st after WLS) but it

wasn't " nutrient-rich " enough to sustain an infant according to the

perinatologist and pediatrician not to mention the BF consultant. I

tried every trick (as a former BF'ing Mom, RN and huge BF advocate)

but it was not to be this time around. After MANY formula changes due

to upset tummy etc, we had to use Nutramingen for a year. It's about

one of the most expensive 3 there is I think, but not having his

scream and draw his legs up to his belly after each feeding was worth

it to us. Bless his little heart and tummy!!


Good luck to you Adam, I hope that e isn't having my same issues

(CJ didn't gain any weight at all from my breastmilk and since he was

a preemie, they didn't pussyfoot around with letting me try much

longer than 2 weeks).

Hopefully something will turn around for you guys, but if not, look

into some of the tummy trouble-less formula's if the others dont seem

to work well.



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