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Re: [SPAM] Heavy Metal, Failure to Thrive, Update, Long..

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This is a small splinter group (but slowly growing) from this group for those of

us who are interested in or currently doing chelation. There are a couple of

women there who have done IV EDTA and are extremely happy with the results.

They are also very candid and easy to talk to.

We are just finishing off of Round 1 of DMSA oral chelation for Mark. We will

do oral DMSA 3 days on and 11 days off for the next 4-5 months and then test

levels again to see if they have come down.

I have not done IV chelation but have heard many who have quite successfully.

But, I too would be tenative. How high were her lead levels? The problem with

lead is that it lowers IQ. Is this permanent? If so, then you would want to

reduce the lead from her system as fast as possible. If not, then you can go

low and slow...

I am praying that once the lead is removed that the IQ will go back to where it

should be. Since Mark is 13, he has lost a few of those good years! My doctor

believes that there is a lot of upside for Mark and that he is not irreversabley

damaged. I pray that he is correct.

How do you feel about your doctor? What is his reputation? Does he work with

adults as well as children? I know that the only danger for children with

regards to IV/EDTA is making sure that the child receives calcuim EDTA and not

sodium EDTA. I know that after that horrible accident where the child receive

sodium and not calcium, a few DANS don't even carry sodium EDTA on their

premises. Before any EDTA IV, I would definately check the bottle to make sure

that it was calcium! (mom hysteria!). But EDTA is the standard US FDA approved

method for lead poisening.

So, it is an FDA approved method.

I find the gang at Quackwatch to be Quacks themselves! That site is useless as

far as I am concerned.

If our children have lead poisening, then the worst thing we can do is to ignore

it and do nothing. What ever your decision, I am confident that it will be to

do 'something' rather than nothing....

So.... as I finish Round 1 today, I am not frightened or scared. I think it is

because this has been a long time coming and that I realize it must be done for

my son.

Note that Mark is also low glutathione and responds extremely well to the

sulfery products like DMSA.


Mother of Mark, 13

[sPAM][ ] Heavy Metal, Failure to Thrive, Update,


Hi -

I posted a while back about out 7y daughter not improving, and out

decision to homeschool (going great byt the way, not so easy for us,

but worth it in the long run). I wanted to update/get advice on the

health stuff now.

We are seeing a DAN! dr. She has the MTHFR mutation, so we are doing

supps to boost methylation. She was also vitamin A and seleiumn def,

and low in gutathione, but high in homocysteine. We started on 19

supps, including Fish oil and vitamin E. Gluten antibodies were

slightly elevated. We were already dairy free, so we are also now

gluten free. We then did the provoked urine metals test and she was

low in all on pretest, but off the charts high in Cadmium, Aluminum

and Lead. The dr said this is because there are only so may sites to

bind to. he recommended IV caEDTA alternating with rounds of DMSA.

The IV part really scares me. Has anyone else done chelation? I am

on a couple of chelation boards, but it is really a religion there,

and I do not necessarily feel like I am getting the truth. I

understand it is not medically proven, and have been to QuackWatch

and the Mayo Clinic sites about it. I understand the political

issues, I just want REAL info, not rhetoric.

Also -

We saw the geneticist for a follow up, and the big concern was that

Aedin had grown 3 inches in 4 months, but

lost a half a pound in the same time frame. She is now 75 pctile in

height, and below the 20th in weight. She was labeled as failure to

thrive for the first time. (a little scary, but I know it just means

not gaining weight). They are concerned that it will begin to effect

her height, then her

other organs. She was sick the 4 days before the visit, and had not

eaten much, so I am sure that is part of it, but she still should

have gained something in the lst 4 months. They want her on

basically a ketogenic diet, because they think she has issue

metabolizng carbs, because her pyruvates are usually high and very

high when she was sick. They are sending us a powder to add to food

to add calories without adding substance, too. She eats a TON, and

we are GFCF as well. I hope it is the right diet for her. We started

adding back cheese with enzymes, so she can get the fat content.

They are fine with the gluten free, since they would prefer no

carbs at all. We are also going to see an endocrinologist, because

her skin is EXTREMELY dry, and noting helps it.

On the plus side, she is making progress in articulation, and is

getting easier to understand, to us any way. Her body awareness and

coordination is also improving, but not really her strength.

Anyone else with issues gaining weight? Anyone with some REAL info

on chelation?

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