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Re : This is for anyone who knows (& thanks to Laurie)

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Hi Laurie,

What a brilliant description and erudite explanation you have given

on the differences between AP and CP!

Of course, the CP flare-ups can be very like AP atacks, as you say.

So far this has been the pattern in my life from childhood onwards.

I had no overt signs of CP when I had my first ERCP and CT scan in

1988 although the gastroenterologist suspected it in the light of my

symptoms and the fact that my mother suffered from the disease with

no other explanatory factors such as alcohol consumption, gall

bladder problems etc. Unfortunately, he virtually abandoned the

diagnosis when the tests proved negative, especially when he found

positive signs of coeliac disease. (It now looks as though I have

both conditions.)

By the time I had another CT scan in 2003, I had developed extensive

calcifications, atrophy etc. I have no idea at what point between

1988 and 2003 these obvious CP signs would have become visible but,

in any case, it took virtually a lifetime for them to develop as I

was only five when I had my first severe attack. (I'm 59 to-day!)

I mention this not to scare anyone but simply to point out again, as

you have done so much more eloquently, that the absence of obvious

signs of CP in tests such as ERCP, CT scans and EUS, does not

absolutely mean that there is no CP. It takes an experienced

pancreatologist or gastroenterologist to make a tentative diagnosis

based on symptoms alone.

With warm wishes to all,

Fliss (UK)

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