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Pancreatitis & Depression

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You wrote, " I remember playing folk music at festivals for large audiences

and now I can't keep up the stamina to even get to the stage. I let so many

people down as I have only been out of the house 4-5 times each year for a few

hours, for which I pay dearly.. "

I am so sorry to hear that you have succumbed to the depths of this disease.

I am happy to hear that you are a folk musician, though. I, personally, have

never known anyone was truly able to disconnect themselves from the music

that gave their heart soul. I quit going to music festivals, too ... for a

while. Then, I realized that the joy and happiness I had were the exact

ingredients I needed for healing. I was going to have pain and exhaustion

whether I

stayed at home or not. Now, I just haul the things I need, find a place to

perch, and pace myself. More times than not, I am perched. My spirit is renewed

simply surrounding myself with the beautiful sounds of acoustic wood and

strings, and voices singing songs of hope, love, and peace. And, don't forget

about the hours of laughter. They say, love can heal anything. I think laughter

can, too.

Research has documented that simply witnessing random acts of kindness will

increase serum dopamine levels. Being the recipient of a random act of

kindness has a greater affect. And, performing a random act of kindness will

increase your own serum dopamine levels the most. Aside from the slight


before performing, the weekend is relatively one random act of kindness

after another.

So, while I may return home, in pain and exhausted, I must say, that I am

not depressed! More people die from depression than they do pain.

I am hoping to go to LA this year to see my sister. Maybe, the CA PAI

Chapter can arrange a get together and we can play some music!

Karyn E. , RN,

Exec. Director PAI / 1-

_http://www.pancassociation.org_ (http://www.pancassociation.org/)



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