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Some good news...

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I just wanted to say hello and let everyone know how I and my mom and

dad are doing. Well mostly about my dad. As some of you know he has

macular degeneration of both eyes along with cateract's of both

eye's(used to). He had the cateracts removed. Now he can see the TV

and things at a distance " without glasses. " This is so awsome. He

still has problems with up close stuff. But, we will take every little

good and positive thing.

For me I still am taking the meds to see if I can disolve the stone in

my billary tree of my liver. Man this pain with the pancreatitis pain

is something sometimes. The ERCP that they did to try to remove it

failed. The tried to dialate it three times. I go in on the 5th of

April, if I can hold out with the pain, for another ERCP. Hopefully

this ERCP I will not wake up towards the end of it like I did the last


Another thing I have come down with the shakes so bad. I don't know if

it because of the pain? or what? I freaked during the MRCP. They had

to give me a break and try a second time feet first. So I don't know.

It is just the news about my dad that is so positive. I was really

praying for this outcome. I am becoming really close to my parents.


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That's really good to hear about the progress your father has made.

It is amazing how a little bit of good can turn out to be a lot of

good when things have been so down and out for long periods of time.

I hope they are successful this time with your ERCP, and you should

ask if they can have an anaesthesiologist use diproven sp? or

perpocel sp? (not sure if the second one is correct, but it is an

egg based anaesthetic which is a mild general) for you. They use

those on me and I don't wake up...they also are excellent in the

fact that you wake up and are not left drowsy for hours

afterwards..10 minutes after waking up and I'm wide awake..


PAI Administration Support Staff


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