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Update on my Pancreatic problems...

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Thought I should probably update the title of my thread.

Well, Im not sure what this means. But the agonizing anxiety attacks

have reduced and now I am experiencing classic Pancreas symptoms Ive

been reading about. Now I am feeling a constant feeling of something

being under my left ribcage, and the pain is extending to my back,

which has reduced in the past couple of days. It

is a dull pain which I feel depending on how I move around, and is

worse when I am lying down. Also, bending over slightly makes my lower

flanks hurt a bit, possibly my kidneys? I also noticed my stools have


alot in the past few days, pretty much since I started taking the

Prilosec the ER doc prescribed me a couple of weeks ago. Once again I

am worrying about the possibility of the worst, but hoping that this

could be something I can at least live with. The pain is not bad, but

the fear of what it is IS bad. I guess I would fall under the category

of Chronic now because I assume Acute would have ended already.

Anyhow, Im going to see a Gastro as soon as my insurance from my new

job kicks in in a couple of weeks if I can make it. My only hope now

is that since my CT scan with contrast in August came up fine, that im

not in as big of trouble as I think. And that what im ultimately

worried about can not develop that fast. (I dont even like to say the

word). I have also noticed my urine is a little darker, though

switching to lighter beverages and non dark soft drinks helped with

this a bit, but my stools,

while bulky, are still brownish colored.

So hopefully now that I corrected the title to this people with more

insight might be able to help me out.



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If your urine is a little dark it may be from some medication or

more then likely it is because you are dehydrated. Soft drinks dont

do much for dehydration and any with caffience can make it worse.

You really need to drink a lot more water at least 8 cups a day.

You will find that it will help with both urine and your stools. Do

you take any vitamins? Those can often make the urine look a vivid

bright yellow depending on the type. Most narcotc pain meds can

affect you stools, usually makes people more constipated. Water can

help with that as well.

Have you already made an appt with a GI? If your insurance is

supposed to kick in in a couple of weeks you may want to go ahead

and make an appt. If you wait till then your appt might just be

another month after that. Most good GI's are booked long in advance

and your appt could be a month after you intially call. You can

make an appt and if the ins. has not come available you can always

call and postpone it a few more weeks.

I'm glad that you are able to relax a little more. Stress which can

trigger an anxiety attack is not a very good environment for

healing. It increases blood pressure, respirations, heart rate and

can put you into that fight or flight reponse. I know its eiasier

said then done, trust me on that one, but try to take a deep breath

when you feel the anxiety coming on and tell your body to relax.

Breathing in slowly and exhaling slowly until you can feel yourself

slowing down. I know it sounds a little crazy but it does help to

calm oneself down.

Do you have a heating pad? Works wonders for soothing the aching

pancreas. I think just about everybody on here has one. I still

used mine even tho my panc has been removed. My intestines dont

like the idea of having to go back to work now and give me a fit

sometimes. A good heating pad can be very soothing.

Good luck and please feel free to ask anyting we are all here to

help each other and support one and other. I hope you feel better.


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Thanks for the helping words .

I am curious? I noticed you mentioned you had your panc removed. That

is interesting to me, Perhaps I am not understanding but did they

completely remove it, kind of like a splenectomy? Or is just part of

it removed?

My other concern now is for my kidneys as well, I hear that

pancreatic problems can lead to kidney failure and since I just

generally feel ill sometimes, or clammy I have no way of knowing for

sure where its coming from. The Panc pain has subsided a bit, but I

still feel discomfort if I take a deep breath in my back, like im

pushing against it or something.

Anyway, take care and thanks for the reply.


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