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Incisional hernia

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Has any body here ever had an icnsional hernia. I do believe that is

what I have. Anyway, it started out not too bad but has progressively

gotten larger and more painful. Tonight it hurts like the devil and

even my lower back, where it arches, it aching too. I never had pain

there when I had a pancreas and I know its not my IBS, that pain is

totally different. I have taken all the vicodan I can for it and I am

still having a lot of pain. My heating pad has gone kaput and I sure

do miss it, would really come in handy. If anybody has had any

experiences with one, please share your expereinces with it. I tend

to be a bit (understatement) of a worry wart.

Thanks ya'll

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Me me me...I have one..well one doctor thinks it is...I can now feel

something that I couldn't feel a few weeks ago, and the pain is

getting worse..not going away anymore...tonight is exceptionally bad,

and I can't take anything for it because I have to leave early to see

my oncologist about this problem and then pick up the family going

away with us for the weekend, and my pain medicine usually keeps me up

all night...

so I have to grin and bare it...I am not cancelling this hotel for a

4th time...

I can't help you with what to do because I am in the same position as

you ...it is just on the right side of my last surgical scar.

Your friend

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Hi Chrissie,

As you know, i have had an incisional hernia. It did get gradually larger

and more painful. I had it repaired by the traditional method - of suturing bit

by bit, in layers. Never had any trouble since i had it repaired.

If you want any more info, please contact me.


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I am in a gastric bypass support group and there are many on there who have

had incisional hernias. I know they would love to offer advice. If you would

like the link just email me privately and I will give it to you. Most of them

have had surgery for theirs. And they are all in SC. It is a sc bypass support

group. Most of them had their surgery in Columbia with Dr. Strickland. He is

the same one who did my gastric bypass and is an excellent surgeon.

Hope you are feeling better. I wished I lived closer I would be glad to run

out and get you a heating pad.

Take care,

Angie in SC

" The happiest of people don't necessarily have the

best of everything; they just make the best of everything that comes along

their way. "

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Dear ,

I just had an incisional hernia less then a year ago (pancreas surgery

site). I had mine for a couple years until one day while getting up out of the

bathtub, it popped pretty big. It burned and hurt. I had mine repaired and the

surgery was a piece of cake. A no big deal one. In and out same day. You have

had alot of BIG surgeries so this one will pale in comparison. They will just

have to fix it the traditional way, without mesh. I've had 3 hernia surgeries

in my life and the original one, done at 6 months, is still perfect and no mesh.

When mine got big I felt the same way as you. " Oh for goodness sakes, what next?

When will it stop? " All my Mds were laughing again about my worst medical luck.

" If it can happen, it happens to you. " Call your Md and get in. Just get it

over with. Why wait for it to become a problem that could cause serious side

effects and egads, maybe even lay you up. Just roll with the punches and hang in

there. Talk to you soon.





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