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question about adenoids ?

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Hi everyone,

In april of 2007 had his tonsils and adenoids removed. Now my son seems to be

having the same types of illnesses that called for the removal of them in the

first place. So far pediatrician has not found a cause for these illnesses to be

occuring again. A lot of upper espiratory stuff going on again. Everything has

been ruled out by tons of tests 9all results normal). Now pediatrician seems to

think that his adenoids might of grew back.

We were warned they could grow back by the ENT ( who was awesome and came

highly recommended) who removed them due to the fact that they use a new

surgical technique to remove them. If my memory serves me right it was that they

no longer cauterize them. (don't quote me on this as i honestly can not remember

the reason why they might grow back, my mind was on the surgery and not on

everything i was being told at the time.) Now that this particular ENT has had

patients who have had them grow back and have to back and remove them again. The

day my son had his out there was agirl who was having here removed again for

this reason. Her surgery was done at another hospital by a different doctor i

was told.) Even my pediatrician told me that he has had patients who have had

them grow back and had to have them removed again.

My question is this :

Is it really possible that his adenoids grew back? Has anyone else had an

experience of them growing back after removal?

We have an appointment on Feb 20 with the ENT to see if they grew back.

I am seriously worried and thinking about this a lot. I am thinking about

maybe not having them removed again if they have grown back. After all my son

who is 9 now went through the ringer during the recovery process. His dyspraxia

really was a bad struggle for us due not only was my son in pain but he could

not communicate it very well. I had a very hard time to understand his needs and

wants due to his speech not being very clear plus his going around whispering

everything he said cause his throat was hurting.

What are the cons to not having them removed again? If they grew back once,

could just keep growing back over and over ( the reason i am thinking about not

removing them again).

Thank you to everyone who chooses to respond in advance.

Jeanne mom to 9 (verbal and oral dyspraxia,hypotonia and sid)


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