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The Listening Program/NACD Question

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My son is on cd 8 of the Classic Version. He has done well on it. We

started out 15 minutes a day, 5 days on and 2 off. By cd 5 we were

doing 30 min per day 5 days on 2 off. Per my OT those are the only

options. We used her TLP kit and now must buy our own. We have decided

to buy it and hubby and I are going to use it as well. We are planning

on going to NACD but I am concerned about something: I thought I have

read people here doing it more per day. If so was that an NACD

instruction? A TLP instruction? The reason I ask is it seems strange

that NACD, whose founder is the cocreator of TLP, would instruct

clients differently that TLP itself instructs therapists? I am asking

if this is happening and not saying it is. It may be things have

changed since our OT was certified or something.I just don't want to go

there and have them instruct us to do it longer. As it is we have seen

enough fast changes for me to think this pace, if any, is all I am

comfortab;le with. I will still go to NACD regardless of the respomse

because they evaluate for other things and give homescooling help so

whoever answers please don't fell like you are deciding something for

me. Thanks!

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We do TLP through NACD. We do the base program of 15 mins twice a day, 5 on and

2 off. My evaluator likes at least a 30 minute break between sessions, so we do

it before breakfast and after dinner (I do it, and my 3 year old NT does it

also). This is in line with the book that came with TLP - from TLP themselves.

The 15 mins a day, 5 on and 2 off, is called the extended program. There is

nothing in the book that suggests you do more than this per day

I have never had an evaluator push me on anything I felt uncomfortable with.

Even if they asked you to up the pace, you can always say no. I wish I was

homeschooling (not an option right now for us) - NACD would be fantastic in that


[ ] The Listening Program/NACD Question

My son is on cd 8 of the Classic Version. He has done well on it. We

started out 15 minutes a day, 5 days on and 2 off. By cd 5 we were

doing 30 min per day 5 days on 2 off. Per my OT those are the only

options. We used her TLP kit and now must buy our own. We have decided

to buy it and hubby and I are going to use it as well. We are planning

on going to NACD but I am concerned about something: I thought I have

read people here doing it more per day. If so was that an NACD

instruction? A TLP instruction? The reason I ask is it seems strange

that NACD, whose founder is the cocreator of TLP, would instruct

clients differently that TLP itself instructs therapists? I am asking

if this is happening and not saying it is. It may be things have

changed since our OT was certified or something.I just don't want to go

there and have them instruct us to do it longer. As it is we have seen

enough fast changes for me to think this pace, if any, is all I am

comfortab;le with. I will still go to NACD regardless of the respomse

because they evaluate for other things and give homescooling help so

whoever answers please don't fell like you are deciding something for

me. Thanks!

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When we spoke to Lori Riggs, the NACD SLP, she said those were the

two options, and she recommended the 1x/day for us. She did not

imply or recommend more than 2x/day. That seems like a lot!

in NJ


> My son is on cd 8 of the Classic Version. He has done well on it.


> started out 15 minutes a day, 5 days on and 2 off. By cd 5 we were

> doing 30 min per day 5 days on 2 off. Per my OT those are the only

> options. We used her TLP kit and now must buy our own. We have


> to buy it and hubby and I are going to use it as well. We are


> on going to NACD but I am concerned about something: I thought I


> read people here doing it more per day. If so was that an NACD

> instruction? A TLP instruction? The reason I ask is it seems


> that NACD, whose founder is the cocreator of TLP, would instruct

> clients differently that TLP itself instructs therapists? I am


> if this is happening and not saying it is. It may be things have

> changed since our OT was certified or something.I just don't want

to go

> there and have them instruct us to do it longer. As it is we have


> enough fast changes for me to think this pace, if any, is all I am

> comfortab;le with. I will still go to NACD regardless of the


> because they evaluate for other things and give homescooling help


> whoever answers please don't fell like you are deciding something


> me. Thanks!


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