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ercp and other tests tomorrow help?

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I am off tomorrow for another ERCP and secretin test. I have had one

ERCP and cutting on my bile duct with little relief.

Tomorrow they are also planning ot do the secretin test which I have

not had done before. Have any of you had this and can you explain


Is it more likely to give me an acute attack of PC?

They are also possibly putting stents in. I know there are temporary

and some need taken out and some come out on their own. Any

suggestions on what is better?

Also they are putting in a feeding tube. I think that has me the most

worried. I will be leaving to go to the hospital around 11am Monday

4/25. After the last one causing an acute attack and being inthe

hospital a week I am planning for that same ammount of time. Is that



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Hi , I hope things go well with your ERCP. I think a few days in

the hospital is quite realistic after having all that you had said. I

have had all that too. What kind of feeding tube are they going to

insert. If you are going to be under for ther scope I would thinnk

they would use the same scope to guide the feeding tube. I had a g-

jtube placed and I will be completely honest, that thing hurt more

then just about anything else. It lasted about a week. They will

probably not dischage you until a nurse or dietician has taught you

how to care for the peg and to use the feeding pump. Also to insure

that you can tolerate the fedings.

Secretin is a natural hormone in your body that communicates with your

pancreas telling it to start working. By giving you this hormone they

hope to stimulate your ducts and sphincters into functioning to try

and see exactly where the damage may lay. I had a mild reaction to it.

Are they planning on doing a manometry reading? That is where they

mesure the tightness, so to speak, of the sphincters. Generally the

monmetry measurement is a quide for how far the sphincterotomy should


Ihope things go well and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers

today. Please let us know as soon as you, or somebody else is able

to, how you are doing.


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