Guest guest Posted April 26, 2005 Report Share Posted April 26, 2005 Hi Just curious if anyone has had a nerve block where they donot know what is being injected This procedure was horrendous, They started with an IV which again they put in my foot as they cant get as vein anywhere else. I had this block last Friday and it was done via an Xray machone while they guided in 2 needles one either side of my lower spine, I heard T12 and think that may be it isnear there. They then after inserting the needle on each side poked and proded so that I screamed on the table on the left side, this didnt stop them, the nurse was clutching my arm he then got the needle at the base of my spine on the right and poked it so that I screamed in pain, I was off the table even though I was lying face down, he proceeded and I just lay there and cried he continued with no offer to stop or help with pain relief. I have had this procedure done before and I was sedated by a pain specialist enaetshtist,. This guy was also a specialist pain team anesthtist. he carried on for another 15 minutes, and then asked if my pain which was the normal pancreas pain for which I had to reduce meds to get it to be high for this test, was better. I replied it made no difference and I have no idea as it is a blinded test what it was. They then put me in the other side of the recovery room, and I lay there crying in pain for 30 minutes to which they did nothing. I got up got dressed and said I was going back to the ward so at least I could get my own meds and try and get the pain down myself. He then came over and said that, he had learnt alot about my pain, I asked him to tell me, he said not here, I didnt feel good about this, he said that he would see me in 2 weeks in his room. This saga of unrelenting pain has been going on since they removed my gallbladder 6 years ago. The pain has never relented, I have even had my splanchnic nerves cut to try to ease this with no let up. I have had feeding tubes, long stays in hospital multiple scans tests etc you name it. My pain is worse at night, bad if I eat or even drink water,worse if I lay down. It fluctuates from a 4 to a 8 on average even with morphine. I now get the feeling because of these tests and the fact that he may or may not be able to find / prove the location of my pain via scientific test, that I am going to get a response that says that my pain is not there or is not real etc blah blah Now I have examined this logn an dhard , and you begin to wonder if they are right etc.. But then the pain bores through me again and I know that its there. I would want nothing more in my life then to to know, experience no pain for a day or more in my life, but it hasnt happened. I am unsure as to what to do now, whether to request all my full copy of medical records and look through them so I can begin to try an dwork this out myself, and find a cure for this pain. I dotn know how I will handle goign to see this pain guy again by myself especially if he gives me a baloney line re my pain. I said to him at the start, I wont to be rid of the pain, the constipation, and the depression from this pain that has been going on for 6 years. I told him that pain, etc or constipation can put me in hospital at any time. Constipation put me in for 43 days last time, they gave me a drink pico prep and I ended up on fentanyl, and epidural and feeding tube, he only gave me this choice eg blinded pain tests, I said well I have no choice do I . I dont feel that there is any compassion with this guy and me whcih was identified with him continuuing last Friday when I was crying in pain. I have tried to work out what may be best, a pain pump? duragesic patches?, neurontin, I dont know. I am just tired of this, and here in New Zealand they do not have EUS, PET scans, a scretin test or many speclialists who know anything about pancreatitis and especially in my case where there are no califications, and I have also had the first Thorascopic Splanchnicectomy which should have worked for 70 percent of people to cut the pain down but it did not for me. I have run out of avenues to ask Debs Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 26, 2005 Report Share Posted April 26, 2005 Dear Debs, Since I haven't ever had a nerve block I can't answer your questions regarding yours. I do know that the doctor's that I've spoken with about having one done did say that they were more effective if they were done while the patient was in pain from an attack, so they could isolate the nerves and see what worked to bring the pain down to a comfortable level. What you've been experiencing with this pain doctor sounds, to me, like pure torture. It would bother me that they haven't told you afterward what they are giving you when they've been conducting all these blind tests. You've been so strong, and compliant, to have gone through all of this blind testing. I don't think a person who had contrived their pain would have endured everything that you have, just to get the answers. I'm sure you must be most anxious to hear what the doctor has to say in two weeks. Having to wait another two weeks to find out the analysis of all these tests will be torture in itself....don't you hate it that they do all this to you, and then make you wait even more? IMHO, I find it hard to believe that this is just something that's all in your mind over these past years. I just don't believe that, and will be vexed if that's what the doctor ends up trying to tell you. How would you explain your relief from the pancreas antioxidants? You haven't been taking them recently, have you? If you said yes, I'd be surprised, since I can usually tell by your attitude and level of coping when you've not had any for a while, and I would say that this is one of those times. I'm convinced that they help not only with the pain, but somehow with our levels of depression, too. I wish there was more I could offer that could help you with this quest. I do feel that you should ask for copies of all your medical records, not so much that you could try to figure out what's going on, but just to have copies for your own reference. Especially copies of the tests from the pain doctor, and his analysis of each test. Here in the states, we are entitled to copies of all our records, they are considered ours, but I don't know if the same applies in New Zealand. Keep up hope, perhaps the news from the doctor will be definitive and something that CAN help you from now on. I'll certainly be praying for that, and for you to get the help you need whenever a problem occurs. With love, hope and prayers, Heidi Heidi H. Griffeth South Carolina Rep South Eastern Reg. Rep., PAI Note: Any advice or comments are based on personal experience only, and should not be substituted for consultation with a medical professional. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 26, 2005 Report Share Posted April 26, 2005 Hiya Heidi Yes I have been struggling for the last year to try and make heaway with any specialist here, they are not in my town or dont exist. My old pain manager moved on I wouldnt have been subjected to this one. Rob was so compassionate and was always there for me he could fix or relive the pain and his way was amazing. I have lot him and inherited this guy anders now. I have been on the antioxidants but its a lower dose as I cant afford the extra money as they come in from the Uk and cost 250 a month for them alone, when I have run out approx 4 times each time I have endd back in hospital admitted to severe pain. I hav tried to get Neurotin as I was on a trial ans it helped and I figure dif I could get it then I could reduce my morphine but as I am not an epileptic and they do not recognis eas being a treatment for pain they wond fund me so I cant afford the drug it will only go to epileptics not those in pain. That is teh way our govt medicine funding is I take pills to wake up, pills to sleep which I am not, pills to eat pilsl for pain, at any point I can end up in hospital due to constipation, I have to on average take 9 Fleet phosphate enemas these are the ones that they use to clean people out before operations. but I have to take none for them to work. What I did with these tests took one hell of alot of courage I never knew I had I was scared to bear the full foce of the pain, I was given no options othe rthen this so I said well I have no options. I asked to have my pain go away be treated, my contipation and my depression as a result of this. and this was his answer. i actually feel worse off then before, i used t feel at least I could trust the pain clinic but now I dont. I am requesting copies of all my notes and have prepared the letter and they must give them to my by law. I went to this pain doc as I had run out of steam, I have managed my cpndition with no help from and pain team, or even a Gi in 4 years all I asked was for help maybe a implanted pain pump something I now have cleared my messages and he has left one to say can I meet him next Tuesday at 1 30 , I am almost too scared to go, I dont feel that I am strong enough to fight him back if he says the pain a isnt there or b sorry cant find it, or nothing we can do. i have toyed with the idea that maybe I have to be the squeaky wheel and well if they want to see what I am like with no meds then so be it and they can have it and deal with it and fix it as I will be there till they do. i just feel now thinking back on Friday and having had tiem to reflect eg tellign him his last drug test meant I was in so much pain I almost ended back in hospital, or for him to watch crying my body lifted off th ebed as he was causing me so much pain with a nurse cluctching me and a woman radiographer just wtaching me while he just continued, I felt like I was being puncished, then they lefty me there crying in pain as i had ha dno meds in 18 hours until I said I am going now I am walking back to the ward to get my meds. Now as a result of this latest never block I have shingles down mt left sie right where he injected me, now that makes me think that it was a result of the stress / pain of what he did. thanks Heidi you are awesome Debs > > With love, hope and prayers, > Heidi > > Heidi H. Griffeth > South Carolina Rep > South Eastern Reg. Rep., PAI > > Note: Any advice or comments are based on personal experience only, > and should not be substituted for consultation with a medical > professional. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 26, 2005 Report Share Posted April 26, 2005 As I've posted on this and other pancreaitis-related boards, I've had great success with EUS (endoscopic ultra sound guided) celiac plexus nerve blocks. 1. They are not done through an epidural in the back. They are done internally. That's right, in the gut 2. They are not performed by pain management specialists. Only about a dozen GI doctors in the country do them. I'm happy to report that more doctors are learning how to perform them. The procedure, which is done uner sedation, is performed through an upper endoscope that goes through the esophagus and into the stomach. The ultrasound guides the endoscopist to the area of the stomach wall where they identify the nerve bundle(plexus) that carries the pain message from the pancreas to the brain. Once located, an injection of Bupivicaine (like Novacaine) is done through the stomach wall right into that plexus. It's a very quick procedure that can deliver some really great pain reduction and/or relief for varies periods of time. I was the very first person to undergo it in NY. That was back in 1996. Earlier this year, I had my 15th. The very first one didn't work. But each successive one delivered any where from a month to two years of lower pain, so much lower that I've not needed any narcotic analgesics. And I have enjoyed many pain-free days. There are published studies in which the pain management external through-the back approach have been compared to the EUS method. EUS had better results. I want everyone to understand that, as with all blocks, there are no guarantees with the EUS method. Sometimes they help. Other times they might not. It can differ from person to person and from block to block. And no one knows what level of pain reduction will be derived or for how long. I've been very fortunate to live near one of those few sites where it's done, Winthrop-University Hospital in Mineola, NY. But I'd travel to the ends of the earth if needed. -Ellen Grove Long Island, NY Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 26, 2005 Report Share Posted April 26, 2005 HI Deb, What a horrendous thing to go through. I just wanted to repeat something that my own doc said to me. " Just because you throw a loony in the lake and can't find it, doesn't mean it's not there " In translation a loony is our dollar coin and we live in a lake resort area. So in other words. You can throw a coin in the water. You might not find it but you know it's there. Pain is real! There is a cause for it, but because that cause is not as yet found, does not mean that it's not there or is not real!! Maybe that doesn't make sense, I'm not doing well today but when I read your post, those words that he's told me just came to mind. {{hug}} to you, Tum > > Hi > > > > > I now get the feeling because of these tests and the fact that he may > or may not be able to find / prove the location of my pain via > scientific test, that I am going to get a response that says that my > pain is not there or is not real etc blah blah > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 26, 2005 Report Share Posted April 26, 2005 deb, If you live in NZ, I would be getting on the first plane to Sydney to be treated by one of the doctors there...this is just too ridiculous. I would also be reporting these doctors to the hospital board about the pain you were subjected to without any local or anaesthetic or any slight sedation to at least help. I can't understand how they can try this blind testing on a human being. It just doesn't sound right. They sound like butchers to me, and I'd be getting my butt away from them pronto. Regards, Ward...TN/ex Adelaide, & Sydney, Australia Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 26, 2005 Report Share Posted April 26, 2005 I have had two EUS celiac blocks done at University of Colorado.(and 2 done thru the back) Of the two choices (placed thru the back or endoscopicaly), I would prefer the EUS. Felt better back pain. If the blocks work, they are wonderful. Just my two cents worth. Hugs, Suzi Colorado Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 27, 2005 Report Share Posted April 27, 2005 Ellen Thanks a lot for sharing the information on the pain block done by EUS, I didn tknow that it was even and option and I am pleased to hear that it is a successful technique. Unfortunately we do not have any EUS equipment here in NZ, I have asked before for procedures on them and no trained staff. Debs Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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