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Being your Best award to Debs

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You are making me blush....which is pretty difficult to see on such a

tanned face...(smile).

We go back a long way, girl, I've known you since nearly the beginning

when I first found this board, and you did, too, and we've shared many

a story. You, Kaye, Mark, Poncho, Kimber and Karyn are all still

hanging on and always pillars of strength for me...we cannot see it in

ourselves, but it's so easy for others to see.

Thank you for your flattering words....seeing them was a wonderful way

to start another day. I do care about everyone here, they are all just

trying to find the best ways to cope with the damage that CP brought

to their lives, and so many are so generous to share their experience

when they, too, are in pain and suffering.

I found the board and it was a soothing tonic for a woman who was

scared to death about this disease that had suddenly brought such

havoc to what had been an active, highly athletic and productive

earlier life. I crossed the barrier and didn't like what I saw on the

other side, yet was determined not to cave in, but to fight tooth and

nail to regain some degree of function again. It is not enough, but I

try not to dwell too much on the many things that I've had to give up

that I loved, because then no amount of Lexapro can bring a smile.

When you have to give up so much there is a void that needs to be

filled, and helping other people like me is a way I can fill that


Someone told me a long time ago that I was too idealistic and that way

of thinking would bring me endless disappointment in my life. I

thought they were wrong then, and I still do, and nearly 40 years have

passed. While there have been disappointments along the way, there's

always been something gained, or learned, to temper the low and bring

a new awareness of fulfillment. On my table, the glasses are all half

full, not half empty. That's the way I choose to see my life, and

it's that vision that allows me to share myself with others.

I don't know why I've suddenly written all of this, Debs, you struck a

nerve, I suppose, and I just needed to express myself. I don't think

I've done anything more significant than so many of the other generous

people here that have shared their knowledge, or experiences, with

each other as a way to show their support. The daily words of

encouragement, advice, sympathy or empathy come rolling in from so

many different people, every day. There's always someone ready and

willing to help another. I've just been around longer, and talk more

than some of them, that's all....(wink)

Have a great day, Debs, you've already given me mine.

With love, hope and prayers,


Heidi H. Griffeth

South Carolina Rep

South Eastern Reg. Rep., PAI

Note: Any advice or comments are based on personal experience only,

and should not be substituted for consultation with a medical


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I meant every word I said, you are there is a word hmmmm which escapes

me ,which translated means that you think of others before yourself.

( think Mother Theresa:)))

We alldo go back a long way, Mark, kimber , Karyn, Poncho, Kay, and we

are all stil hanging in there.

This board as helped so many all of us when we all felt we were alone

with CP and pain.

You are one of a kind :) and I am glad it made u smile, u deserve it

dont be flattered, accept it as well earned thanks :0

Deb from downunder

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