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Re: >>Debs to jean

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Hi Jean

The more you decsribe what was liek bfore eg with her grooming

the mor eit sounds like deep depression, the thing is withthis, even

if soemone wanted to they cant snap out of it. The only way up is to

get help via docotr, it sounds liek has given up thrown in the

towel and doesnt have the energy or will to fight, and feels that

she has nothing to look forward to

Its nothing personal nor vindictive and is not planned its a

chemical reaction in the brain

It sounds liek you have trie dmost things, the only other thing that

I may suggest and I am no expert is that her hubby takes her to the

doctor, and says honey I want you to be happy again, let me help

you , it may even work with someone else fromt he family. See if

that works as even with antidepressants it takes 3 weeks for you to

notice any difference eg feelign like the dark cloud has gone.

The other option is to get a doctor out to the home on a house call

and see if that may break the ice, it may be worth a shot.

I have had experience with psychology through my trainign and family

The other thing that you may want to consider and I am not a doctor

is Bipolar a possibility?, have a read up on it andsee what you

think? I dont know all your details etc.

I know from personal experience with someone who was vegetatively

depressed that you need to watch them closely as they cant think

clearly on a lot of stuff they cant make decisons etc.

Also I have had experience where a family memeber was Bipolar eg

they woudl nto take meds, didnt want help and were very anti

anyoutside help or admisison, deeply paranoid etc, We had to help

plan with my uncle to get the emergenct Pych team out to committ her

with the police, we did consider taking her to the hospital 3 family

memebers but it was too dangerous.People are ashamed to admit that

anyone close to them has a mental illness and its very hard in this

closed group to help people.

My aunty was admiited to hospital against her will an dput on meds,

this was very traumatic for everyone. She continued to have highs

and lows and stopped taking meds. She had a teenage son and he bacme

very depressed with his life and this environment, he committed

suicide last year. This was a terrible tragedy for all of us

I dont say this to scare you, but wanted to share that its hard for

all and unfortunately we lost part of our family

take care


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