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Auto-immune pancreatitis?

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Hi everyone,

Well, I attended my clinic to-day and received what may turn out to

be a bombshell!

The Prof (not my usual one) said there may well be a definite link

between my CP and my coeliac disease. They believe they have

relatively recently identified a condition called " auto-immune

pancreatitis " although there are still questions around. (I have

seen it referred to on a number of occasions.) Coeliac disease is

also an auto-immune disease. It is possible I may have burnt-out

auto-immune pancreatitis rather than classic hereditary


He asked if there were any other auto-immune diseases in the family.

I told him that my mother, who died of pancreatitis in 1965, had

been wheelchair-bound for a few years before her death because of

dreadful pains in her joints and limbs; this was diagnosed at the

time as rheumatoid arthritis although the diagnosis was questioned

at a later stage. She was also incredibly thin and emaciated

because of her inability to eat (CP).

He said that all auto-immune diseases are hereditary to a greater or

lesser extent so I could still have inherited the overall condition

from my mother but it would not be classic HP as such.

It is also, apparently, possible that the cancer tendency would be

weaker than with HP.

In the end, very little is known about auto-immune pancreatitis but

I'm about to start my research! I'm going to have blood tests to

check for antibodies.

Prof Sutton also said that I will probably not need an ERCP for

another two and a half years as the results of my last one were

quite encouraging. (I didn't have the cell mutations which commonly

occur prior to cancer developing.)

Well, that's my news folks! It may be that a number of mysteries in

my life are about to be explained. My mother's illness for one. The

docs never really fully understood her condition. My own illness for

another. I have definitely experienced my condition as ONE disease,

not two separate ones. It may well be that the two things, coeliac

and CP, turn out to be two different manifestations of one syndrome.

I do hope my friends are well. I'm about to update myself on that

hernia and the associated problems, Chrissy.

Take care!

With love to all,

Fliss (UK)

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You have celiac disease? I am being tested for it right now. The

doctor sent me to the dietician Monday and I started the Gluten free

diet yesterday. I had autoimmune pancreatitis before my TP/ICT.

Since that time I have not had pain. What sent me to the doctor was

that I keep getting stress-fractures so they did a bone density test,

and I have osteoporosis at the age of 23. The doctor said that when

she looks at the big picture of my medical history it sounds like

Celiac disease. She also said that Chronic pancreatitis, especially

autoimmune pancreatitis are associated with the disease.

Could you share any hints or recipes that you might have for the

gluten-free diet? I am struggling to eat anything.

Crystal Galloway

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What a bombshell! Very interesting news from your doctor. I have

Celiac Disease too...(remember we were going to ring in the New Year

with lemonade??) I always wondered if there is a connection with CP

and Celiac disease. Please let me know what info you find on this, and

I will search also and let you know.

Since I went Gluten Free I have managed to stay out of the hospital,

but not out of pain, but I am always happy when I can stay out of the



Suzi B.


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Dear sweet Fliss; I know it must be a tremendous relief for you to

finally be getting some answers to the life long questions that have

plagued you. So are you saying that your mother did not have

pancreatic cancer after all? I just want to make sure I understand

fully. If so, that is very good news indeed. It is one of the, if

not the, most difficult cancer to treat. To know that you wont have

to face that must be a God send.

Medical science has so much to discover at to exactly why ones own

body would attack itself. Auto immune diseases are such a mystery.

I was recently sent an information packet about a class regarding the

body's inflammatory responses. What triggers the body to form an

auto immune disease and its link to many common diseases from

alzheimers to cardiac disease and even diabetes, they suggest, is

linked to the inflammatory responses. I am seriously considering


Its unfortunate that your mother was able to benefit from such new

found knowledge; but hopefully you, your children and grandchildren

will. My best to Jim.


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I am so sorry that you are still having problem, even if they aren't the

usuall pancreatitis ones. Stress fractures are nasty business and I'm

sorry to hear you have osteoporosis at such a young age. Are they giving

you any calcium supplements such as Fosamax to help you gain more bone

density? Sorry about the celiac disease too. Keep us updated on how you do.




Vallejo, CA


Note: All advice given is personal opinion, not equal to that of a licensed

physician or health care professional.

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