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Children and Pancreatitis

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You wrote, " I have my granddaughter every weekend and she is 4 yrs. old. For

about the last four weekends she has told me her belly hurt and at first I

thought it was just a stomachache. Last night she mentioned it again and I

asked her where it hurt and she pointed to the same area I get my pain and

without saying anything to her, she said my back hurts to. "

There are two important things to remember in responding to her complaints.

One is that it is important to take children's complaints seriously,

especially when we have several members who have in fact had attacks when they


three or four years old. IT is also important to realize the developmental

aspects of a four year old. I know that my four year old grand daughter began


complain of her " tummy hurting and would put her hand to her back " when I

was around her. When my daughter told me this often did not happen after I

left, I made a point to never verbalize my pain or even show signs like putting

my hand to my back. The complaints of pain soon quit occurring. Children

often want to be just like the people they love. I did not realize the impact

that I had on her before I changed my own behavior. If the actions of the child

does not change in the absence of any complaints or behavior on the adult's

part, then that would be more reason to pursue further evaluation.

Karyn E. , RN

Executive Director, PAI

_www.pancassociation.org_ (http://www.pancassociation.org/)

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