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Mutant catfish huh, sounds intriguing to say the least. We have a

few mutant species running around here as well but most of them hang

out with my own 15 year old mutant son...lol.

I dont doubt for one second that you could write a dignified and

informative letter in reagrd to the unprofessional actions of that

bad surgeon. I know there is a statute of limitation on legal

actions but there is none in regard to reporting misconduct to the

board of medical examiners. It would probably make you feel much

better about the whole thing if you knew she may be getting some

comupance for her actions. I called our states board and they sent a

form that had to be filled out with the this and the thats in regard

to the behavior of a doc taking care of my father.

His negligence resulted in my dads death and I spoke with an attorney

and was planning on taking legal action but my mother did not want

to. It was too upsetting for her. So I instead reported him to the

board. He got a fine and like I said it is on his record and anytime

anybody wants to look him up in the states medical board listings it

will show that he has had complaints against him and that will stay

there forever. It amde me feel alot better to know that he at least

has some actions taken against him for his negligence and hopefully

he will never do such things again to any other family.

I still would have preferred to have taken him to court; but it

wasn't right at the time and would have been very difficutl on my

mother who was already in poor health at the time and he was her

physician as well. Needless to say she never went to see him again

after that.

Well I tell you what, when and if I get to the beach I will find some

shells and beach sand and slip it into a baggy and will send it to

you. Dont think I will have much luck with the dolphins in the mail

but I do love to see them swimming about when I am in the ocean. For

some reason they make me feel safe. I also love the sea birds as

they hunt and splash into the sea looking for fish, its really

impressive to see sometimes.

Well I need to go outside and water my gardens, its almost 5 and its

cooling down just a bit. Hope the mosquitos dont eat me alive tho.

Take care Laurie and we'll talk soon,

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