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Gastroscopy....large amount of bile and new docs - Heidi et al

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Hiya Heidi

Well I asked for sedation they did my throat and gave me hipnavil, I

saw the anesthetist and he said no way he would do the gastropscope

without anesthtic so I asked for it, I still remember gagging but I

wasnt going in to have nothing

They found a huge amount of bile???? what does that mean? could it

cause pain? I take motilium whih helps with this apparently

I go back after another test in 2 weekss so will ask then as well,

but not keen on seeing him too much as he wants to remove my bowel

large blowel to stop constipation hmmmmmm.....

I also learnt that my doc who did my original lap[ choly has had

afew outcomes like me eg problems with pain ongoing, I learnt that

from a medical guy yesterday.

I also got a name for anotehr GI instead of him, seems I am ssacking

my whole medical team lol,

I sacked my doctor the other week as he hasnt been of much help for

years and well he blew it when I went to see him 5 times for sever

head pain and he just sat there..... then was astounded I ended up

in hospital....

I now have a women yay and a new pain doc who I also understand was

top in his class for anesthtists in australasia fo rhis year , hes

lovely so that doesnt surprise me, I needed some nice ones

I also see my pain psych on monday I read my notes last night and

they were interesting to say the least.

I have a question what happens to blodd pressure and pulse etc when

you ar ein pain ??? does it go up or down etc? i have always


I have a question

no way


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The Gallbladder is what processes the bile, so when that is removed,

the bile needs to go through another part of the body and it is the

stomach that takes over that part.

After my surgery (modified whipple), I was very sick for a while and

most of what was coming up and then draining when I had tubes put in

was bile. It took me a while to adjust to it all. Now it's not so bad,

but when I need to vomit..ewwwww it's the pits *LOL* reminds me of

dead fish..and probably tastes like that also..ughhhhhhh

Glad you had the sedation...and you are happy so far with your new


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Nausea definitely for me, not sure about the pain though. I have

thousands of polyps in my stomach that shouldn't be there, but too

many to remove, so I am on antacids as they produce (well doctors say

it is unstudied to say if the polyps cause reflux, but others with FAP

and multiple of polyps all have bad reflux also..so that is my gist of

the situation) severe reflux. I have noticed some increase in the GERD

I suffer from, but that has just been in the past few months and I had

that surgery in 2001.

I can wake up during the night with my throat burning right up to my

tonsils and in my lungs....seems the acid is coming all the way up to

my throat and down into my lungs..and I sleep on 2 elevated pillows to


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  • 2 weeks later...
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so sorry I've been offline for so long or I would have emailed you

sooner on this. DO NOT allow this man to remove your large bowel just to

releave constipation. I'm sure that there are other things that can be

done to avoid this. please find another doctor to alleviate this problem.




Vallejo, CA


Note: All advice given is personal opinion, not equal to that of a licensed

physician or health care professional.

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you don not need to apologise for being gone, I wa sbeginnin gto

worry about you as i hadnt hear dfrom you or seen you post for awhile

I stopped the paxil, immovane and halved the nortryptiline and since

then , my bowels have started to work again miraculously.]

The guy i went to see is cut happy, I was mortified when he said

well we can take your bowel out,...hmmm I went er you really think I

would let you do that epsecially as he starte dall my pain problems

six years ago

He booked me in for some xray of a barium enema and well I am goign

to cancel that I cant face it... I have also searched out a

gastroenterologist and I am now goign to se eon I have even seen on

esince then problems starte donly surgeons, an dwell this one is cut

happy lol.

Thanks for you concern


> Debs,

> so sorry I've been offline for so long or I would have emailed you

> sooner on this. DO NOT allow this man to remove your large bowel

just to

> releave constipation. I'm sure that there are other things that

can be

> done to avoid this. please find another doctor to alleviate this


> Kimber


> --

> Kimber

> Vallejo, CA

> hominid2@c...

> Note: All advice given is personal opinion, not equal to that of a

licensed physician or health care professional.

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My cyctic fibrosis doctor said that this is not good to do with my

disease because of the potential for dehydration with the illeostomy.

So, I am suffering and not doing the surgery. I agree with you. Deb

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I'm glad that your bowels have started to work again. I've had some

pretty bad constipation a few times and it's very uncomfortable, though

none have been anywhere near as bad as yours. I don't blame you for not

haveing the enema. I wouldn't either. I hope things continue to get better,




Vallejo, CA


Note: All advice given is personal opinion, not equal to that of a licensed

physician or health care professional.

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